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Language Of Sinners

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Why is living a sin? My birthright isn't happiness but guilt. To ask for the bare minimum is greed. To crave to be human is anarchy. So, fine. Let it be.

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Death and Silver

One windy morning. I woke up to the sound of rain hitting the window of my small and broken room. I forced up my sore body, I still had my duties to carry out for today. I put on my ragged white shirt and rugged grey trousers. The clothes covered the bruises on my skin.


Ah...My roof is leaking again, yet another thing to add to things I have to do today.

I walked out the door and out of the alleyway in which my house, that my father had left me, was tucked away in.


As soon as I had left the alley I was greeted with the cheers from the crowd, Ah, It seems the Knights must have finally returned from their Reclamation mission. I am currently In the City of Lagos In the Country of Zeth. We are currently surrounded by the country Nixon, to the north, and Xen, to the south. We are in War with Nixon, while we face a constant threat with Xen who is in an alliance with Nixon. Why has a country declared war even though it is surrounded on both sides? Well, It is because Zeth was the biggest and richest, So it believed It could take over the country of Nixon, by sneaking their troops directly to their main city disguised as troops and then from there, take over Xen using brute strength. Their Plan didn't work.

The troops were lured into an already empty town, the doors closed while they were bombarded from atop the walls. A complete massacre. A majority of Zeth's military force was annihilated that day. However, Zeth's economy is strong and troops could be retrained but that would take time. Time Zeth didn't have. Nixon had launched a march of 30 000 troops and 20 000 cultivators from Xen (They had many transcendent cultivation soldiers joining them). In order to minimise losses and save their own lives, out of the 3 walls surrounding Zeth they decided to sacrifice the outer wall. The uncontrollable Cultivators of Xen acted on their own and massacred, pillaged and raped through the outer wall of Zeth. This, of course, was war, and anything was acceptable, the soldiers of Zeth probably would have done the same. Wars result in casualties, my parents and sister was just another addition to it.

[2 years ago]

"Vane, Help put out the plates, your father is coming home today"-Lamia (mother)

"Yes mother"-Vane

I placed the plates out on our table as my mother brought food to the table. It wasn't a lavish meal, however, it was fulfilling in more than one way so it was enough for me.

"Chicken smells good ma, you've really outdone yourself today." -Aisha.

"You're not getting any extra, big sis"-Vane

"Shut up vane, I'm saying it smells good because it does...I have no ulterior motive...right ma?"-Aisha

"He's right you know? Puppy dog eyes won't get you any extra either, everyone will have the same"-Lamia (mother)

"But maaaa, Okay, I understan..."-Aisha


"What was that!?"-Vane

I was about to run to the window to check what was outside but before I could a man kicked in the door with a visible hurry on his face. It was my father.

"Dad, Whats happen..."

"Not now vane, quick go upstairs and get your grandfather's charge blade and Lamia, Aisha pack some food quick we are leaving right now"-Zeik

I ran upstairs as fast as I could, almost tripping. I reached my father's room, where on the wall was my Grandfathers blade. I reached up grabbed it by the handle and tried pulling it down, I was faced with resistance 'Do I need to call my dad to help me' I wondered... 'No' I pulled, now with more force. CLINK! The blade came free and I ran back downstairs, I don't know what is happening but I have NEVER seen my father with that look on his face before. Fear, not for himself, but for us. I think. I'm not sure how other people can understand someone's reaction from facial expression alone.

I handed my father the blade.

"We are packed and ready"- Lamia

"Good, follow me, stay close behind"-Zeik

My father led us through the back door which led into another alleyway. I followed behind them.

We moved through different alleyways, I believe we were on route to the second wall, my father still hasn't told us what is happening.

"Over HERE"-???

a group of people wielding swords appeared in front of us blocking our path.

We quickly turned to head back but... BANG! through the walls of the alley behind us a man with floating fires around him, I read in books that floating fires is a sign of a Magus. Crap! both our exits are blocked. what now? what now? I looked towards my father. I saw him grip the blade and swing towards the wall. Electricity flowed through the blade as the wall basically evaporated.

"Go, through the house"-Zeik

I quickly rushed into the hole in the wall that fed directly into a house, following behind my sister and mother.

"Quick through the door"-Vane

"The door is locked"-Aisha

Crap there are no windows downstairs.

"Quick! Move upstairs"-Vane

I knew what would happen to them if they caught mother and Big Sis. I had to make sure at least they survive.

"Got you!"-???

A large fat man with a worn out tunic caught the leg of my sister causing her to trip. He brought his disgusting tongue and licked her leg. My sister held in her scream in fear of distracting our father.

Damn, Damn DAMN! Think what can I do? I quickly surveyed the room in hopes of finding something. That will have to do. I grabbed a wooden chair that was sitting barren in the room and used it as a weapon, smashing it into the head of the big ape-like man.

The chair broke into many small pieces, however, the man was unhurt. He turned to me and grabbed me by the neck. I looked towards my sister...good. He had released her leg, that was the least I could do.


He hardened his grip on my neck and lifted me up. I could feel my vision start to dim I am going to lose consciousness. I could see my sister hesitate on the stairs while still staring at me.

"Oh Don't worry, after I am done with you, you girls are next...HEHEHEHEHEH"-???

God damn it "DON'T YOU DARE"- Vane

My consciousness shot back up, I opened my eyes fully and shouted. Using the moment of surprise from my shout, that caused his hand to loosen, I used his arm to pull my self up and then spun my legs around placing them on either side of his arm. I then pushed my legs down while his arm forward in the form of an armbar. He came crashing down.

"You little prick...I'm gonna take my time killing you...AHH" -???

I put more pressure on his arm that now threatened to snap off its joint.


I saw my mother shake for a second grab my sister, urging her to run.

Good. 'Live for both of us' I thought while I smiled at my crying sister. Now...

"How touching. You will all be together WHEN I SLOWLY...PAINFULLY KIL AHH"-???

"You really talk a lot don't you?"-Vane

I put as much force as possible onto his arm until...CRACK! I snapped his arm from his joints


I lost my balance after dislocating his arm and using that the man managed to get up. A bluish dim light enveloped his body which now seemed to have swelled up to a slightly larger size. His dislocated arm, however, seemed to become bloated with red and then bleed. I didn't notice his left hand. When I did, it had already sunk deep into my stomach. I uncontrollably spat out my saliva while gasping for air as his punched released everything I had left in my lungs. I couldn't stand. My legs shook. Step. He got closer. I need to move. Step. Step. I needed to buy more time for them to escape. Move. MOVE. I managed to stand up. Step. I looked up and there he stood in front of me. My head came up to his chest, I looked up and met his eyes and that smile he had on from cheek to cheek.

"I will paralyse you first, brat. Then have you watch as I have my way with your si..."-???

A sword pierced through his chest.

"My son was right, You talk a lot"-Zeik

My father pulled out his sword and a sudden release of blood flowed onto my face and the man slowly returned to his normal size. He turned to face my father in order to retaliate, however, his head was no longer on his body by the time he did.

"Good work, I knew you were my son"-Zeik

He looked at me and cracked his usual goofy smile.

"Now let's get your mum and sister get out of here"-Zeik

My father lent me a shoulder as I struggled to get up and we walked towards the stairs.

"Fires born from hate, ravage"-???(Magus)

I heard his voice and the next thing I could remember is my father cover my body as a golden light covered us. I opened my eyes and saw my father above me, the right side of my face was burning but I didn't have time to pay attention to that right now.

"Father! Father! What happened? You're okay right, Right!?"-Zeik

"Shut up boy"-Zeik

He got up off of me and sat up with his back to the wall. I managed to now look around, the people my dad was fighting are laying unmoving. Dead. The magus still alive, with a large gash through his right shoulder. The locked door now had wooden beams on fire in front of it. Wait. Fire??? I looked at my father "DAD! We have to go come on, the house is on fire!"-Vane

I moved my already weak body in an attempt to help my father, He pushed me away.

"No boy, I'm really sleepy so take these and let me rest a minute."-Zeik

he handed me the charge blade and keys.

"Go to the second wall, passed the Night-wicker inn, the house with a red top. It's my childhood home, a place I kept in case situations like this happened, Now take your mother, sister and go"-Zeik

"No Dad, you're going to show me the house yourself now come on"-Vane

"I told you not to worry, go ahead boy, No, Vane. I'll catch up I Promise..."-Zeik

My dad suddenly went quiet...

"DAD! DAD! GET!"-Vane

"Hahaha" "Looks like he's finally dead, Do you know how much mana you cost me?"-??? (Magus)

"Retur...."-??? (Magus)

I slashed his throat before he could utter another word.

I turned to face my dad...He had his silly smile on his face again.

"Idiot, did you really think I wouldn't know you sat on the wall to hide the scorch marks on your back?" I whispered to myself while struggling to control the tears streaming down my face and blocking my sight. I ran upstairs to find my mother and sister. I saw 3 doors. I needed to find them quick, I looked back at the fire climbing up the stairs. I needed to hurry.


No answer.

I quickly searched through every door.



I opened the door to the last room. My heart sank.

2 men stood in front of my mother. one with a sword piercing her and a hand on her mouth. I don't see my sister anywhere.

I clicked the switch on the handle of my blade. Lightning not only coursed through the blade but me as well.


I don't know what happened after when my mind returned I had my mother in my arms. The men all lay dead with every part of them separated from their body. I returned to look at my mum, Her hand caressed my face, until she lost the energy to keep her hand up. It gently fell to her side. She too had a silly smile on her face, I closed her eyelids and got up. The fire had spread much more now. The door I used to come into the room was now also blockaded. I looked around the room, Scorch marks were covering the room. I felt my chest pocket, I still had the key. I looked down and saw the blade, not a speck of blood or fat layered it. My body felt heavy. I had to move.


I barely managed to shout, I had checked everyone room before coming to this one. Where is she???

I checked the room I was in once again. Every nook and cranny had been searched, nowhere. Where could she have gone? The window in the room wasn't broken and was locked so she couldn't have left. But where? The fire now spread reaching my feet. The ceiling was also on fire. I quickly reacted and jumped through the window, leaving scratches on my clothes but not any vital parts. I fell to the ground and rolled. I look at the house now roaring with flames, Was my sister also dead?

"Search for any Zeth scum"-???

I don't have time to think about that now, maybe she could have survived? Maybe when I was distracted she found a way out from the bottom floor, maybe she never went upstairs. It's okay there is a chance she is still alive. I know of a secret passage to bypass the wall security I will take that route. I thought to myself as I arrived at the small sewage gap covered by moss. I opened the hatch and got in, remembering to close it behind me. After trudging through the sewers and receiving dirty looks from people I managed to find the red-topped building. I slotted in the key and was met with a satisfying click. I dragged my body in. I closed the door.

As soon as I did, every ounce of my energy left me. 'Sorry I will avenge you all..."

I collapsed with tear filled eyes.