The darkness surrounds
As slowly I drowned
The voices in my head
Pulling me, Dragging me
Screaming down
Don't reach out your hand
I'd to push it away
I'd rather drowned
And let it all end
My friend
Sinking deep
As I lose my mind
Fading away
Don't worry
I'm great
I swear I'm not insane
I know this because
The voices in my head
Tell me I'm fine
I don't want your help
I'd just pull you down
And I don't want you to drowned
So just sit there and watch
As slowly I flounder
sinking ever deeper
Into insanity
Sinking in the dark
Screaming your name
I said no help
That did not mean walk away
Fine, Leave
Like everyone else
I don't need you
In fact I reject you too
I'll just stick with my friends
The voices in my head
Now alone in the dark
I've sunken to deep
Sanity Gone
My demons sing me to sleep
No longer in control
The demons are king