Do you really think
That I am too attached
To let you go
Ha shows what you know
Because snap
Just like that
Cold as ice
You'll Be gone from my life
You Abandoned me once
But I came back
And gave you a second chance
But abandon me twice
And it won't happen thrice
Because in the end
I will look out for myself
And protect me
Even if it means
I have to cut you from my life
You know my story
And how I've been abandoned
Time and time again
And you know what it has done
To me mentally
And emotionally
And you will be
Just another drop
In that ocean
Of pain and disappointment
I've already cut off
One family from my Life
Because of toxicity
So don't believe even for a moment
That because I love you
You have immunity
You've already abandoned me one time
But abandoned me a second time
And we are done
Because I cannot survive
A third one