From day today
Never know what I'm gonna be
One moment Sane
The next
losing my shit
Somewhere in the membrane
Who am I today
A doctor
A lawyer
Maybe a rapper
Spitting out lyrics
Like my tongue's been oiled
Everything I say
Comes out pretentiously
Like a king
Speaking in that old tongue
Like son
What you going to be
A crook
A preacher
Something in between
Every time I talk
I'm like a robot
spitting out those lyrics
With no thoughts
But can you see through the words
To the real me.
You say the glass Is half Full
I say
Fuck that it's empty
I drank it
Needed it
Do you feel me
That's the real me
Today will I be
Happy or sad
Maybe angry
Possibly all three
I'm not a player
But I got layers
A depth
A darkness
Can you see me
Or am I just empty
Putting on the mask
Hiding my face
Because inside
Is just an empty space