Step up to my throne
I dare ya
You can't take me I'm a Monster
I'll fuck you up and slash ya
Like Freddy Krueger
I'm a bastard
You think you can fill
This throne
Then step up
Try and take it
I dare you
I'll flay off your skin
And like Bundy
Where you
You think you can handle me
Then step into my throne room
I'll enjoy seeing you
Get on your knees
Stop your crying
There's no heroes here
Just a demon king
And a wanna be sniveling
Come now
Lift your head
I'm not that bad
Now let me take it
So I can put it in my
Trophy room
With the other heroes dead
Step up to my throne
I dare you
See my eyes glazing red
You will never take my throne
So give up
And join with the others