Soon I will be alone again
The darkness slowly creeping in
No longer tranquil
The voices screaming in my brain
The self loathing
The hatred
The voices spewing out vitriol
Like poison
The venom dripping from fangs
From the voices unchained
I can't stand to be alone
It's when the darkness enters
Slowly creeping
And the voices
Are there Screaming
Your going to die
Alone my mind is fading
Slowly in the dark
As the tears start
It's just another thing
on which the voices
are feeding
fading in and out
Of sanity
In the dark
Lost my humanity
Shall I listen to the voices
Screaming annoying
Shall I listen
Take the gun
Point it
Pull the trigger
And destroy me
Or just ignore it
Carry on
Push through
This hell
And continue living on