Chereads / Hunting for a Husband in a Vampire Apocalypse / Chapter 18 - An energy minefield

Chapter 18 - An energy minefield

"Hurts." Huang Qiuyan winces in pain when she tries to move. She opens her eyes and looks at the orange sky. She blinks several times when she notices two extra porcelain arms on her body. When did she grow two more arms?

However, she isn't surprised. The last few days have been hectic for her. The world has turned upside down and she is a vampire in this crazy world. If she grows two more heads, she won't be surprised. She tries to move them, but these arms don't budge. She can't move them at will.

Oh! Wait, these are not her arms.

There is someone beside her who is holding her with these arms. She can feel something hard pricking her from behind strangely. Her muddy head starts to clear up.


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