Not again! This doesn't look like the 21st century at all. It looks like I am in a garden. Young girls are walking around in robes with boxes in their hands. The buildings look like historical sites. I have a bad feeling about this.
"You, slave! What are you doing here?" A plump woman in plain robes scowls at me. "The kitchen needs help."
Slave. I open my mouth to say that I am not a slave. But, she pulls me by my hair and drags me to the kitchen before I can utter a word.
"You are new. So, I would let you go this time." She gives me a threatening look. "If I see you dilly-dally again, I will ask madam to sell you away."
She strides away from me in anger, leaving me shocked by this whole exchange. Am I still in the primitive era? Is my aunt here?
"You must be new." A young girl around 14 comes to my side. "What is your name?"
I don't know whether I should use my real name. "Bao Mi?"