Chapter 8 - Sabertooth

The three gods drank their wine for a long time, but were unable to get drunk. Finally, Long He cut the silence by saying, "I need another favor."

"What is it, Waterflame?" asked Bephine.

"I want information about a particular god. Apparently, he is one of Ilah's servants."

"And who might this lesser god be?" asked Uion, leaning forward.

"I don't know if he has a name, but I know him as sabertooth tiger."

Uion and Bephine looked at each other and a silent agreement passed between them.

"Sabertooth is the most ferocious beast on planet Earth. I advice you not to try to even talk to him," said Uion.

"Please, if it's not important, I wouldn't ask. But I need to know about this particular god."

"Alright then, I will tell you," said Uion, taking a deep breath, "Sabertooth is the seventh son of Ilah, born to be the most powerful one among his brothers and sisters.He was also the most powerful demigod on planet Earth. He was born as a god, which is considered very rare."

"Sabertooth committed himself to serve his father, Ilah," said Bephine, "His arrogance grew on other gods. As if he was the only one born as a god!" As she said the last sentence, her tone became gravely dangerous, as if she was going send thunderbolts all around the hall.

Long He tried to get back, frightened. Even though he knew that she couldn't harm him, since they were an alliance, his human instincts still worked.

When Bephine saw that, she laughed and said, her tone now softened, "Don't worry my dear. I won't hurt anyone on purpose. It is just my nature, after all, I am the goddess of vengeance."

"Anyway," Uion said, "Ilah hadn't shown any favor towards Sabertooth. But still, the god-beast loved his father and served him well. But his love started to lessen."

"Why is that?"

"Ilah started to give his children the heavenly beads. Now, all his sons and daughters are lesser gods, which made him furious. Nevertheless, his arrogance remained the same."

"And he still serve his father?"

"Yes. If Sabertooth is afraid of someone, then it is his father Ilah. He doesn't have the guts to dare his father to a fight, consequently becoming his enemy."

"Why wouldn't Ilah love him? Haven't Sabertooth served him well?"

"Ilah only loves himself. If anyone is a threat to him, he would send his servants to kill them."

"Isn't Sabertooth a threat to Ilah?"

"He is," said Bephine, "But Ilah doesn't have the heart to kill his son."

"I am lost. If Ilah hates Sabertooth, then why he can't kill the god-beast?"

"He simply can't," said Uion, "It is a father's nature. Once you become one, you will understand."

"That is if I even marry."

"One day, my dear boy, everyone finds the love of his life. If only my dear wife is still alive..." Tears dropped on Uion's cheeks. After a while, he adjusted himself and said, "There are other things about Sabertooth that you can't know at this moment."

Long He nodded and said, "Is there anything that I can know now?"

"No," asked Bephine, "But why are you so interested in Sabertooth?"

"He killed my father just before I was born."

Uion suddenly stood up and started to walk in circles at the center of the hall. Finally, he said, "This is a grave matter. If Sabertooth killed your father on the order of Ilah then the latter have predicted something, something that proves that you are a threat to him."

"If I am so, then why would Ilah make me a god?"

"No one knows. But I advice you to be extremely cautious. Tomorrow, I will send a servant of mine to help you protect the planet, if Ilah decides to attack."

"I will also," said Bephine, "Waterflame, I sense the anger in your heart rising. As the goddess of vengeance, I shouldn't probably say that, but for your sake I will. Don't even talk with Sabertooth, if he discovers you, then you are dead."

"I will take your advice," said Long He while lost in deep thought. Suddenly, the notification ring of the system resonated in his head.


[Warning: There is someone waiting outside planet Aquahelios.]

"Do you know his identity?" asked Long He mentally.

[No. But the system senses his powerful. The system recommends that the host returns immediately.]

"Alright. I am coming." Then he stood up and said, "My fellow gods, it was a pleasure to meet you. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to return back to my planet for an urgent. I bid you farewell!"

The two gods nodded and shook Long He's hand. He went back to Aquahelios at full speed, cutting through the void.

When he arrived, he saw a man with long blond hair, a blond beard, long eyebrows, and two fangs were out of his mouth.

The man's expression showed no friendliness. He eyed Long He from head to toe, but said nothing. The two stayed in silence, waiting for the other to speak.

Finally, the man said in a voice that resembles a growl, "It is remarkable that you have grown to this degree."

"Oh I know," Long He answered calmly. "You are a god, I guess?"

"Yes, but I prefer the name god-beast, a fusion of a god and a beast."

"I already know who you are."

"Of course you do, Long He. You would be stupid if you don't, after all, you were named after me."

"I would be indeed, Sabertooth."

Sabertooth smiled a vicious smile which covered a sneer under it, then said, "Good that you guessed right. Now let's get into business. I know that father had named you an enemy, but I want to give you a second chance."

"Why would you do that?"

"I believe that things would go well in the future between us."

"Really? Why? Because you tried to kill me when I was in my mother's womb?"

"That was on father's orders, I had no choice but to do so. Anyway, that was from the past, so it can be forgotten."

"That's true, but you haven't answered my question yet. Why would you give me such a chance? Answer truly."

"In reality, you're in no shape to go against my father and me."

"You are right, but that doesn't mean that you are true with your intentions, Sabertooth."

"I can swear on my name and life that I am sincerely trying to help you. But I must warn you, if you insist on going against us, you'll face the true wrath of Ilah."

"Don't start by threats, it would ruin all the business."

"I advise you to consider my offer. Otherwise...." Sabertooth didn't need to continue, it was crystal clear that he would kill Long He if the latter didn't agree to his offer.

After a long moment of silence, Long He's eyes became ice cold and he said, "I will tell you my answer right now, Sabertooth. Your father chose to make me an enemy nineteen years ago, and he repeated his actions yesterday. So why then should I accept the offer now? What proves to me that you won't kill me after some time passes?"

Sabertooth's eyes gleamed with impatience and said," What is your final decision?"

"My decision is No!"

Claws got out of Sabertooth's hands and he struck his hand on Long He. However, Long He didn't let his guard down for a single moment.

Even though Long He was a full god while Sabertooth was a lesser one, the former was far weaker than the god-beast. Long He was struck with the claw in his left hand, even though he tried to avoid it.

Sabertooth struck once more, but he was stopped by huge waves of water. There, on the top of the biggest wave, stood Uion. Now, he truly appeared as a sea god.

He held a long golden trident in his right hand, and a look of rage was drawn on his face. Behind him, Bephine flew quickly while holding a beehive in her hands. She had a frenzied expression. Now, Long He was sure that she was truly a goddess of vengeance.

But why a beehive?

The waves drowned Sabertooth, while the bees bit him in the face. He fled quickly in the direction of planet Earth. Sabertooth glanced back to make sure that none had followed him but all he heard was Uion's furious voice, "SABERTOOTH! PLANET AQUAHELIOS IS UNDER OUR PROTECTION! GO TELL ILAH THAT HE HAS NO CHANCE IN DESTROYING IT! DON'T EVER THINK OF COMING BACK!"

His voice echoed through the void, then the waves disappeared at his will.


[Host, you are currently losing a lot of blood. The system advices you to rest immediately.]

As if he was waiting for the system to say this, Long He fainted and fell in the void. Darkness took hold.

Uion and Bephine, who were still looking at Sabertooth's silhouette, caught the glimpse of Long He falling.

Uion hurried to catch him. When he did, he and Bephine strode for the volcanic island of creation and entered the palace. The two rested Long He on a comfortable bed, and waited for their ally to wake up.