Chereads / The Last Summoner / Chapter 6 - Nothing?

Chapter 6 - Nothing?

Chapter 5: Nothing?

"Hey! Hey, wake up!" A voice is filling into Shane's ears.

Her brows furrowed but didn't woke up.

In her dreams:


Nom. Nom. Nom! Hey pancakes! Don't leave me! I am going to eat you all! *evil laugh* Hey! Where are you going?!




Oh yes! You're all mine! Nom nom nom! Don't you ever leave me, okay? You all look so delicious! I am going to take a bite!




This is it! Closer…. closer…closeeeeerrrr! *Biiiiiiiiiii-


"Trisha! Why did you do this to me?" Shane yelled at Trisha as she tried to make her arms shake off of Trisha's mouth. She cursed under her breath but didn't try to make it evident without opening her eyes.

"Well, if it isn't your first day in class! Congratulations! You're late!" Trisha enthusiastically said. After a while, Shane heard a soft giggle near her bedside table. With a prolonged sigh, Shane opened her eyes and found her roommate—Trisha, staring at her like a specimen ready to be subjected in the laboratory.

"Quit staring, will you?" Shane said and then yawned for a bit. It was later on replaced with a glare and said, "You have a sin to repent later on."

"Well, sissy, time to get up! Wakey, wakey!!" A month of staying here with Trisha, Shane is now used to her talking. Shane started to think that later on, Trisha will be more comfortable and more open to her to discuss anything private about her life.

"What now?" Shane lazily get up out of her bed. Sheez. Her mind's not in the best condition after what happened yesterday. Was it yesterday? She can't remember it at all. Plus, she's kind of sleepy, so, what now?

"It is your first day in class, remember?" Trisha flashed a smile at her. "What's super exciting about the first day? There's nothing. Plainly NOTHING." Shane stretched a little bit and begun walking towards the sink.

"Bunch of people who are, in the first place, close with each other. Gossipers in every corner of your dear school, even in the room where classes are held. Some girls flirting with the jocks, you'd encounter them quite a lot (they see themselves like a thing on the top of the pyramid).

Nerdy people on the dark part (well, not literally dark, I mean, you know? The most unnoticeable corner of the room, or the school, where their presence won't be a hindrance to anybody or anybody won't even have time to associate themselves with these type people), isolating themselves out of being the public toy(s)." Shane brushed up her teeth…. or tooth, whatever, pausing her momentum for a while.

"Well, aside from that, I hate introducing myself. Imagine that you are going to introduce yourself in front of the class, saying things that are half-true just to show off in front of them (so-called classmates). Others will try to trip you off when it is your turn to say something cool. Attempts like this can be a considered as a success (you'll say 'Yes!') or a failure (this is the time when you'll going to say, "Awww!" having that 'sad' face on you) if you don't properly observe your surroundings." Shane explained further.

"This must be your lucky day!" Trisha said, happily. "What do you mean?" Shane asked, feeling confused.

"It is a secret I can never tell!" Great. Trisha winked at Shane and then acted like there's nothing wrong with what she have said. Trisha got up and cheerfully went to the walk-in closet both of them shared.

"You'll find about that later!" she added. "Come on now. Faster!!" she yelled at Shane inside the walk-in closet.

"Yes, miss!" treating her like a royal highness, that is what Shane replied.


As they walked side by side, some of the students started to gossip around them. Others were just staring rudely and the rest didn't want to bother with the likes of them.

"Here she comes."

"She finally found her suitable companion. Poor girl." That one makes a sad face. Shane concluded that the "poor girl" she was referring to is her. No other people but her.

"A pair of nerd." They're just disguising themselves as a nerd. Just kidding! Where in the world is the "nerd" here?!

"Lame." Lame your face. Just wait and see!

"Weak." Tss. So much for the first day. Shane is beginning to be full at whatever they called her/them.

//Patience, Shane. Don't mind them. Just smile, okay? //

Those weren't true, anyway. Someday, somehow, they'll eat their words! As long as it doesn't concern their ego, they won't care. Wise people knows when to ignore, though.

At the far end of the corner is Shane's room. Trisha pointed it to her. Shane doesn't know how Trisha got that info but well, at least it helps, right? Probably one of the perks of being mysterious (?), or brainy…. or maybe strategical (?) student. Surprisingly (not), there is this long line of people who Shane labeled as her "classmates".

"What are they doing?" She asked Trisha. The latter turned her head to Shane and gave a you-didn't-even-try-to-read-the-student's-guide look. "Err." She awkwardly (that was supposed to be "not to be heard by her" voice) said.

"Is there something I must do? Like, you know, get to know each other stage or make a conversation for a fresh start, like that? Or am I supposed to be informed with something that concerns this Academy?" Shane asked confusingly.

"You didn't read the student's guide, am I right?"

"Should I read it?" Well, for starters, Shane didn't even get a chance to go to school since she was young (as far as she remembers). So this student's guide that she was supposed to read, is essential for her survival here in this campus?! Shocks. A revelation, indeed!

"Tss. Are you even a student?! You should, dumdum!" Trisha rolled her eyes in a 360 degrees' manner.

"All right! Your teacher should give you a brief information about it before the class would start. Or your classmates, if ever they'd be good to you. Oh. By the way, my room's beside yours. Good luck on your first day!" she waved her hand as if she's bidding a goodbye.

// 'Okay. Where would I line up to?' // Shane mentally asked herself.

Class 2048

There are so many students here and right now, Shane is standing on the middle of the crowd. She is searching for this class number. Usually, as what Trisha says, there will be a student who'll hold a placard stating whatever is their class number is. Okay, time to search again.

She finally found it! Yay! Way to go! She, then, started walking to the boy who is holding the placard.

"Uhm…." Shane poked him in his arm. He turned his direction and faced her. He then gave her the placard he's holding and just vanished from her sight. Shane was dumbfounded. Say what?! What did he just do? The last scene that retains in her memory was him, walking away from her and joined the line. And Shane, being left by him, holding this placard for whatever purposes it may serve us best, don't know why it is necessary to pass one's obligation to an innocent citizen. Oh well, guess she will do this just this time because she can't leave it unattended.

"Okay, Class 2048!" Shane's travelling train of thoughts just came back to its terminal as a teacher (Shane may presume as he is) called their class' attention. Her senses became alert because of this.

"Today is the first day of class and in every school there is a tradition of introducing yourself to your classmates in front of your class, am I right?" some students just nod their heads as approval while others, just like Shane, listened attentively and trying not to participate in this game called "Nodding game".

"Well, now, the tradition is finally broken! For today, in front of you is a scanner which scans your name and your ability. Information beyond that is not necessary won't show up unless the operator (which is the teacher) wants to or have my approval for it. The result will be flashed in your board and since the walls in your classroom is made up of glass, you can see through it." Shane absentmindedly nod her head in agreement.

Well, this might turn out good except for one thing: She doesn't know about the abilities she is possessing right now. Ability, with "s" or the plural of ability, whatever you like to call it. Call her a noob but she doesn't care. Anyway, abilities because she can feel that there is much power that is residing in her body. Much more power is needed to be unlocked, same with the abilities that Shane possess (she is just guessing, though), through training (another reason why she is here, of course) and seriousness with each day that she can, and will train. Shane decided that she must work hard and gain another step to being "strong" because right now, she felt so weak.

The line moves every 3 minutes as the names and abilities of her classmates appeared in the board.

Prius Orde


*Special attribute: xx unidentified xx

That boy if Shane would describe him has a messy brown hair, long eyelashes, thin and pinkish lips, pointed nose and a heart-shaped face with a well-built body. Overall, he is the type of guy that girls could swoon over to and make them go crazy.

Shin Dale

xx Unidentified xx

*Special attribute: xx unidentified xx

This girl's so…...weird (it's just an opinion, don't get upset). She usually-- let me rephrase that, she always holds her folding umbrella as if it was her most precious possession of all times. The truth is, it is just an ordinary umbrella for Shane, honestly. She has this aura of an authority (maybe a royalty or whatsoever) that could make you scream….in fright or in fear. She'd make your knees go wobble. And at the same time could be your inspiration. She's the epitome of beauty that could be in a pageant. She's too beautiful that the eyes of some of the boys here in the class, has been glued over to. And frankly, her name's too odd for a girl like her.

Rayvoin Dane

xx Unidentified xx

*Special attribute: xx unidentified xx

*Affiliation: sworn under Protectors United

That boy seems familiar for Shane. He's with Shin and Shane guessed that Rayv here is her personal assistant, or is he? Shane already gave out nicknames for her classsmate because Rayvoin's too long for her to pronounce and it took her two syllables, though. His family is famous for their wealth in the countryside, other than that, there is nothing to say. He's wearing a t-shirt with a print on it saying, "Burn, baby" and a pants with branded sneakers.

Hash Ley Syd

Earth Elemental

*Special attribute: Nature affinity, including Animal Language

Wearing the latest trend in the market, stunningly, she walks up next. Beaming with those gorgeous smile anyone could ever fall in to, confidently she's up. Shane is guessing that she befriended those two girls lining up after her because she saw them talking and giggling before the instructor called up her name. Or maybe, she's not friends with them and just purely making good conversation that would light up their mood because lining up is so boring.

Well, that sums up all of the people that catches Shane's attention. All of her other classmates were scanned and their information were flashed in the big screen (like in the cinema, or where the movie's premiere night would be held). There is one more person before her. Well, Shane just found out that mostly an eight of this class seems to be having a power that is called 'Unidentified' which the scanner found out.

After the last person, it's now Shane's turn and she is pretty terrified. Quite nervous too because, what will be the result?

Shane Chase


*Special Attribute/s: Body Restraining

After the scanner flashed her so-called ability, Shane is a bit disappointed because she didn't see that coming. She didn't walk away from the scanner after that. Well, she might have to bear with just nothing because, surely, after this, they'll start to bully her (which, likely would be the worst case scenario one could have ever been to, and maybe because this happens every time when you don't have any powers or any form of defense that they might have to pick you up because in their eyes you'll be a sore loser), and she can't help it. Shane thought that maybe she should just accept the reality, life has offered her.

Just a clarification. That thing Shane did in the forest is what you called an Energy Accumulation. Of course, anyone in the proper mindset could have done that! Just a simple concentration here, a simple peace of mind there. A surging energy could have saved you even in the tightest spot. And you're asking why she didn't do it when she faced the Gory? That's a different situation. Hmm. And, speaking of Gory, who in the world could've sent Shane into her dormitory that day after she has passed out? Maybe asking Trisha could help her answer that question.

Nothing? Shane couldn't just believe that she has this "nothing" as her ability. Is it an ability? Or not? That's what have been bugging her mind right now but then, in her peripheral vision, she saw her instructor doing some things on the scanner.

"Hey! You, the last one that have been scanned! Get out of there!" before Shane moved out, she saw a boy and a girl that move towards the instructor, maybe making a help. The scanner must have must worn out. Shane literally saw fumes of smoke in the leverage of the scanner and find it too troublesome to handle.

// "This scanner is a mess! I thought this could handle all of them!" //

O-kay? What was that?

After that, Shane saw her classmates heading towards the exit! She found herself blending in with them! After a while, she heard the fire alarm and the uproar of the students were heard on the hallway going to the inner circle of this Academy (where the plain grass field is located). Then the teachers and other school staffs were on the rescue.

What just happened?!!