at the training camp jay ask sima about her room. she just shows her hand to the direction of her room. she is so beautiful i can't remove eye from her face. sima lover also see her with jay at night. sima reach to her room and say good bye in low voice. to him. in the morning sima and all wake-up and eat breakfast. ready for training at ground. training camp leader ask her parents and student choose your own opponent and show your strength. this fighting shows that how to fight as a team when you are in battle.

sima and jay point finger at each other as opponent. sima uncle said why you make this hard for me. they are royal family. sima said i know that the reason i want to fight and take revenge of last fight. sima uncle said to his team. who is going to fight with them every one stayed far away. sima uncle will has to fight with jay father.

Sima happy about the fight but she is so stubborn. she didn't hear the teacher announce completly. jay came and said lets fight together. are you mad teacher said we are opponent. look around you teacher said parents vs children. this is best for us to learned from parents. fight start jay happy and shows his mile. but his smile end when jay fall down by his parents. sima also lose by her uncle. her uncle knows her weakness. jay father ask her uncle, what is this. this is a weakness of sima. every children tried to compete with their parents. they don't show his ending.

jay and sima combine their power and attacked. jay dad use clone and sima uncle attacked at both. sima get on ground and attacked his uncle. he just vanish is air. sima didn't see to match his speed. sima uncle is so fast . jay father freeze sima. sima uncle fight with jay. sima started to cool, her mind. jay stared to irritate and make lots of clone and move to sima for help. jay uncle knows where is the real one. jay father remove sima from ice. sima attacked , jay dad makes clone . sima evilness shows in her eyes. sima find the real one move toward jay father.

sima actually never fight opponent like this she is just wait for his next move. but jay dad hold back his power because of this jay freeze her. jay power came from his father. sima get unconscious. jay father unfreeze her. she came to her sense and attacked. jay father stop her with one finger. and said you are trash against us and you dog snature. jay dad kick her and she just lost. her friends see her beaten. sima lover stop him but teacher stop him. jay father said, how dare you hurt my son. she said you are dog. jay trying to reach her. wolf snature didn't see sima. he just concentrate on fight. sima evil side take over. sima stand and jay dad attack her. every one see him attacked. jay mother scream and stop. teacher also trying to stop jay dad.

he didn't . sima said die and pass through the block and attacked his stomach. jay dad didn't expect that. she didn't stop she continuously attacked. wolf snaturei sense her presence. jau said let me go. wolf snaturei said lets go . jay said why. your dad are in danger

sima attack works on jay father. jay father little shocked to see this. jay father start attacked because of this attacked. sima started realizing. something wrong with her body. her body not in her control. jay and wolf snaturei also move toward fight. jay father take this fight seriously. they make two ice block and trying to crush. in the mean time jay and wolf snaturei reach the fight. everyone stand and wait for ending. jay knows of his father angry. wolf snaturei tried to intervene the fight. jay dad stop him.wolf snaturei said in mind. i stop her for your sake. sima are crushing under ice.

jay came to stop. before jay stop his day sima came from sky and hard strike his head . jay dad get unconscious before jay reach him. sima started beated his butt with the stick. jay started to worry about her . jay stayed and watch get beaten. jay mother came and stop her.

jay dad lose by sima. sima still beat her with stick. sima mother and other came for jay dad help. wolf snaturei help sima for her wound heal. sima is so strong willing for beat him. jay mother said to how you behave with the elder man. sima get depress. wolf snaturei said if i didn't came on time your husband could be more danger. jay mother said why don't you take care of your niece. from now okay from now on we do our training separate. you can do your own. teacher came to stop fight. wolf snaturei get angry and said i will take care of my niece. you can do alone.

training station may separated for snature and snaturei she is so damn sad. she and her uncle training in other part of jungle. she and uncle training hard. sima look excited with him. sima lover also came to train with him. wolf snaturei said more and more people are better. at the beautiful nigh

sima went out look at the sky. she was crying. wolf snaturei said why are you crying she gave answer why i am get scold. that man hurt me so wound is still under treatment. wolf snaturei said life is like this you can't expect from the people will help you. they happen selfish nature. why me stuck in trouble. my parents left me in that forest. never came back and then you forced me live with them.

if you feel sad then came to our department. she said why? there is lots of people who don't see you as burden. sima said that's true when i was no one see me as burden. uncle said i am your uncle after all. sima friends came to see her. they don't see her in his room. how are you ask by her friends. i am still fine. you have to take rest. sima friend rahul take him to her room for rest. but she refuse. sima said lets do party and see the beautiful sky. their is lots of stars.

ima appeal hear by uncle.she and her friends ask permission for teacher. sima uncle said if you thinking about permission done by bookworm. we break the rule said by uncle.we do party because today is sima birthday. sima ask to uncle i don't know my birthday is happen today. uncle said they need encouragement. okay sima friends start party by playing music. sima friends we didn't know today is your birthday

sima said uncle bring food and music for the party. sima has no idea about the firework. uncle show the sky of fireworks. sima look happy to see this and also signal for rebel. rebel group execute their plan as they plan. they put explosive in the building. sima and other members are unaware of this incident. guard happen to be under control of rebel group .

because of the party teacher came for inspection. she saw every one dance and play music. uncle drunk to much and jump over teacher. teacher kick him out. teacher stop the music and said go back to your room. sima answer today is my birthday. i will do what i want. uncle supported her. but her friends left him. sima also drink the wine. she is so drunk so take her to her room.

next day she wake up late and late for breakfast. rebel group action and big explosive used to blast in building. sima uncle was outside of the building. no one in the building except sima. rebel group disguise as staff. sima scream and voice silent. other side attack start . other parents and teacher also hear the building blast and move toward the building. rebel group attacked him.

sima still stuck in building. sima crying for help her leg stuck in the building. wolf snaturei hear the sound of screaming then wolf snaturei wake up. wolf snaturei of blast and attacked . they went toward building. but in his way one of the rebel group stop his way.he said stay away my way other wise you will die. she said i will died by your hand. what a joke? he said not by me. then who inside the building. there is more dangerous than you. i am more dangerous than any other . we here to killed the snature.