Chereads / Cells divide / Chapter 20 - spirit of nature

Chapter 20 - spirit of nature

After a few more minutes of arguing Qu couldn't take it anymore, so she shut her eyes and started to drift off to sleep. Hopefully she would be able to sleep off all of the stabilisation period without distraction and just have a fun filled relaxing day tomorrow.


Zeno continued to follow his brothers path, until it stopped... There was nothing left for him to follow, the footsteps ended and the footprints of the horned rabbits began. Zeno called for his brother, then he did it again and he continued and continued until his voice was too hoarse to continue. He felt abandoned, maybe his brother had left him, went out in the world to make a new name and leave his weak family behind. Zeno dropped to the floor and wept, that was until he heard a quiet and muffled voice. He could make out no words, all he could hear was the faint warble of speech. Zeno jumped from his spot on the ground, and sprinted through the forest to the source of the sound, he ran carelessly and got stuck on branches and tripped many times until his clothing had massive cuts running down it and his whole body was covered in dirt and filth. And when he was finally able to start making sense of some of the words being said, they abruptly stopped. All that he was left with was a general location of the person and segments of a conversation, he heard things about horns, predators and digging burrows. It all sounded very weird but frankly he didn't care, all he wanted was to find this person so that he may ask them if they have seen his brother and if so where did he go.

So he walked through the woods towards the general area he heard the conversation coming from, reading to ask anyone for help.


Qu was woken by the sounds of heavy footsteps and the ragged breath of what she presumed to be a person. So she hopped out of her tree and went to look for the being responsible for waking her up, lucky for her on the other hand she was woken with just 2 hours left on her stabilisation, so it wouldn't be long until she would be able to transform back into her humanoid form again.

Qu continued to search around until finally she found the source of all the noise, it was the young man she had seen before, but only now he had ripped up clothing and was covered in all sorts pf muck from the forest floor. She could only guess as to what he had been doing, but frankly she didn't care, all she wanted to do was give this young man a piece of her mind.


Zeno continued to look for the person he heard before, he had been searching so long in fact he had spent the entire night doing so. He felt absolutely exhausted, but then he saw the horned rabbit form before, it still had a warped sludge like foot and a small flame brandished on its horn. But then his worn mind must have finally kicked in as he could almost swear the rabbit started talking. He stood bewildered as the rabbit started to shout and rave at him for waking it up, and continued to talk about how disrespectful he was to be in its 'hunting grounds' as it were. He couldn't help but slowly laugh and laugh until he had tears in his eyes, he had gotten so sleep deprived and stressed that he was now having auditory hallucinations. Then suddenly the rabbit ordered him to follow it, and Zeno did just that laughing the whole way, until he arrived at the hollowed out tree from before. He was then told to lie down by the rabbit, and once he did so he almost instantly fell asleep. Little did he know that he had been hit with dream venom, so he would be sleeping a fare bit longer than he usually would.


Qu hit the poor boy with dream venom, it was clear he was delirious, and some rest was in order. What she chose to do afterwards she did not know, she may kill him depending on his actions and her mood, she could leave him alone, or she could give the boy a hand. Near all of them were boring in Qu's eyes but the system insisted that she was to not eat everyone and everything she meets. So Qu chose to take her systems advice this one time, but only this once.

So while she waited for the boy to awake, she counted down the rest of her stabilisation period and once it was done she transformed back into her flame elemental human body one again. Then she checked through her system for any possible combinations she could make.


combo: human, horned rabbit

name: lesser horned human

description: a human with a small deer like horn protruding off of the side of their head, the purpose of this horn is unknown (and is NOT up for discussion). Apart for the horn on this humans head everything else is normal.


combo: horned rabbit

name: rabbit

description: through a bit of editing i can remove the horn, and better yet i'm 25% sure that this will work...


combo: human, deer, horned rabbit

name: horned human

description: by adding a deer's horns and the horned rabbits together i was able to complete the horned human form to an acceptable level.

This version of the horned human has two long deer like horns protruding off of each side of the head... still has no benefits or abilities (perhaps a greater horned human will... maybe, possibly, generally don't know)


Qu had her eyes on the horned human, but it wasn't quite there yet. So she made a proposition to the system, just a simple tiny request was all. she wanted the horned human, to be an elemental horned human and after a lot of begging and a lot of warnings Qu got what she wanted. She selected it and went straight to the white space, but this time it was different, she could see the smallest amount of ash, it would drift by every now and then and was very easy to miss if you didn't pay attention, but nonetheless it was there. And then before she knew it she was out and she asked the system to display what she looked like.

She had dark red hair that dropped down to her back, but what was surprising was that she had vines making up small amounts of her hair, but it still looked good, the occasional dark green clashing with the red. Her eyes were still red with minor sparks flashing in her eyes and her skin was a pale white, her fingers still had red tips where her fire would be able to be summoned with ease. But then the main attraction, on either side of her head, just slightly above her ears were her horns, they were large and sturdy and looked identical to the antlers of a deer.

And surely it would perfectly for Qu when she has to talk to the boy when he wakes, afterall what would be a bigger bargaining chip than looking like a spirit of nature