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Chapter 1 - School

Dark, that's all I see, it's nice, not having to worry about every one, judging or criticizing and it's peaceful. I want it to last forever, like all things it doesn't. Like life you have to wake up and face reality, it sucks. I wake up from my black vied, to the sound of beeping, the first thing i see is a white ceiling. I look to my right and see my clock, saying that it's 7:00, oh man I got to get up for school, it's Monday.

I get up dreading the morning and turns off the clock like I always do every school day. I get off my butt and get dressed and look in the mirror to see, a 50 pound over weight girl, short white heir, slightly red eyes, pale skin, plan black zip up hoodie, blue denims with black snickers. A routine look for an albino with no other siblings or friends.

When I'm done getting dressed I meet my mother downstairs in the kitchen. I do what I think most kids my age would do, eat, make lunch, brush my teeth stuff like that. I normally see my mother getting ready for work, and dad would be sleeping in bed for he gets up later in the day.

After I'm done and ready, I meet my mother out in the car, so she can drive me to school on her way to work. My mother drives me because, she thinks that the buses are not a guaranty safe ride to the school and back. Which I would have no problem with it but it's acquired driving any where with mother.

Mother stops the car, at the school by the front doors. I get out, I just get to walk in the school doors and, my mother puts down the car passenger window. Then yells, with all the poplar kids right there "have a nice day Roseanne sweetie" then leaves. I take a glance at the poplar kids and see them laughing, I'm guessing there laughing at me, I watched her as the car was leaving, thanks mother with a sarcasm look.

I tern and had inside, she's done that since the starting of the school year. I have told her not to do that anymore but she gets too excited and forgets, or she is secretly trying to make school a hard time for me, I doubt that though.

As soon as I get in the school, I head to my locker aways in the school. The school randomly selected the laker for me to use all year long, I don't speak with my locker nabbers nor they speak to me. When it's to crowded I wait for the crowd to clear some before I go to my locker and get my stuff. But today, i was the first one to my locker and no one was around, so I killed some time before it was time to get ready to go to class.

I looked at the time on my iPhone and it was 8:10, time to get ready for the first class. I have four classes English,math,science then lunch, and at the end of the day is phis-Ed. I had to my first class English which was not far from my laker so I was the first one there, I go and sit in my assigned seat.

Then the first thing I get to see when I look up is a tall grumpy, old teacher hovering over me. He asks looking at me with a stern expressions "do you have that homework done, that I assigned the class, ha," flipping his head back guessing that I don't "do you Roseanne" no of course not, I was busy, at that rock sale in town, I couldn't miss that. I say the politest that I can "sorry Mr.Brown, I had forgotten to bring it home with me, for me to do it for you."

Siting up strait with hands folded on my desc. Mr.Brown's broad shoulders strained and it looked like he was holding his breath because, his shiny bald head was turning into a red tomato. When it looked like he had calmed down Mr.Brown put one of his big hands on the corner of my desk. He looked at me straight in the face with a series look, and told me

"fine, but you have to get your homework done by the end of this class, ok Roseanne". I replied "yes, understood" Mr.Brown turned to the front of the class to sit at his desk. By then the bell had rang and all the kids were in the class.

I get my books out and start writing out my homework at the back of the class. I stop working, It felt like something was staring at me, so I look up at all the kids in the room. Then see all the poplar kids laughing, all the pretty girls sitting on there boyfriends desks. I can't tell if there laughing at me for getting in trouble with Mr.Brown at the start of the class. Or their just trying to draw attention to themselves. I ignored them and finished the homework by the end of the class like Mr.Brown instructed.

When the bell rang I got out of there as fast as I can, so Mr.Brown doesn't catch me and gives me a long lecture and make me late for second again. I head to my locker and get my lock undone and a group of boys come up and one yells, so everyone around can hear. "grandma got yelled at in first" the one talking turned in toward me then puts his elbow on the locker next to mine and lined in "you crushing on Mr.Brown" he grabs his cine with his other arm and straitens up so it looked like he was thinking, "thou,you are the same age" then he walks off laughing with his gang of boys. With my body still facing in toward my locker, I watch the boys walk away. I stare at them with anger in my face, what the heck, just because I have white hair distant mean I'm old, stupid.

Those boys are the popular kids in the whole school. They come at me in between classes sometimes, teasing me of all the wrong things about me. That I have white heir or that I look like I haven't slept in bays. There is also there girl friends that come sometimes instead of the boys. They tease me on being fat or I'm an elephant, mostly my weight, sometimes they call me a hag depending on how good or bad there mood is.

When I get myself together I grab my math books and head to my second period class. The class is not that big and some distance from my locker. so I go to my assigned seat like all my classes, in this class it's in the front corner by the door. When the bell rings the teacher walks in with her three inches heels, grey dress pants with a white lose office short and stands in front of the class, then tells the class that there is a math test tomorrow.

Miss, Miler with her log Carly blonde hair and a face and body that looks like she should be on the red carpet, hands out a big package and tells us to study for this test. After handing out the package to everyone in the class she stands at the front again then told us that we have three quarters of the class to finish the reviews, then she will take it up at the end of the class. I try to get as much of the package done as I could but I was not a bell to get it all done, so I take up the answers so I can pass this class, and hopefully I got them all.

Then the bell rings for third, I get out of the classroom and head to my locker, dodging people on my way. I once again get my science books, then turn to see if the coast is clear of the popular kids. Then go to science on the other side of the school, dodging people again. I get there and go sit in the assigned seat that Mr. Davids gave me.

Mr.Davids is one of the younger teachers in this school, he's tall, athletic and is fun to hag with, always smiling. He gives us some hand outs and textbooks then starts to explain the reasons of the class, for that day.

We had to read a article and find the answers then right it down on the hand out. This stuff I'm not good at, it is a good thing that Mr. David's will take up the answers tomorrow, for me to copy down. We worked on the hand out all through the whole class but the last five minutes. The kids all gather by the door and waited for the bell to ring for lunch. I get up and sit on top of another desk, and waited as well but waited without a crowd. Mr. David's is sitting in his chair, with his hands behind his head leaning back in his chair. Some times he talks to the class about all the crazy things he's done in the past, like when he went cliff diving and other stuff like that.

The bell rings for lunch, all the kids flood into the hallways, in this class I'm always the last person out of the classroom. It's ok with me because I like Mr. David's the most out of all my teachers that I have in this school. I head out to my locker for lunch, I get there and most of the kids go to stores to eat out for lunch. So the hallways are mostly empty at lunch. I like it like that, because I can eat my lunch at my locker with out anyone bothering me. I take out my lunch then shut my locker door then leaned up against my locker finally I slide down to the floor and eat my lunch.

I sit there eating my lunch also thinking of the school. Mr. Brown is a strict teacher and I don't think he knows that I have a learning disability. Miss, Miler my math teacher, she's nice but she's not social enough in class, she's like a closed door. The total opposite to Mr. David's how is a optimistic person, also open minded, sometimes we don't do anything all through out the class because, Mr. David's talk the hole class. Now my phis-Ed teacher is Mis. Kimick she is a ok teacher, she try's to get me to do things better, and try's to help sometimes.

The bell range interrupting my thoughts for lunch to be over. I get up get my phis-Ed beg and head to the gym. I get to the change room, I head to one of the bathroom stalls to change. I don't like changing in front of all the skinny athletic girls, so I change in the stalls. We all get out and sit on the gym floor Mis. Kimick comes in and said "ok to bay is a soccer week, well, we will start with a worm up". She puts her arm up and points two fingers up, "two lapse around the gym".

Mis. Kimick stands on the of the gym floor with her clipboard, she checks are atendinds well we're running laps. Mis. Kimick is a mitell aged woman but because she is so skinny she looks older. With her short dark brown carly heir and gym ware, mussel shirt and tights on, she is very serious about sports. It doesn't matter if you're into the sport or not she'll treat it as it was her own team.

After the laps we do soccer drills, weaving through pillions, and kicking at the net. At the end of the class we play some games of soccer, then Mis.Kimick blows a whistle and we go and get changed for the end of the day. All the girls watt at the door for the bell to ring for us to go home. Most kids go on the busses or drive themselves to and from school, like the popular kids do. But I get the privilege of walking home, my mother had the idea of bad driving me home sense she still is working right now. So dad and I made a agreement, that I was to walk home and he didn't tell mother, I get to some freedom in my life and dad doesn't have to worry about picking me up.

The bell range and I head to my locker, I put my stuff in my book bag, math book, phis-Ed bag, lunch box. I lock my locker and head to the school doors to go to the house.I start to woke down the street then, I grab my iPhone and listen to music the hole time, on-tell I get to the house.

As I woke out of the village I her a loud "ssqquueeaak" like a big transport had slammed on the brakes. I look behind me and see a old van ready to tern the corner toward me. I followed the van with my eyes as it "zzzoooommmss" by me, it was a big van enough to hold eight people but I couldn't tell all the windows was black but the front one. The most weirdest thing about it was a sticker of a sun on the two front tiers, also the radio antenna it was unusually long. I shake the creepy feeling of the old van off and head toward home.

I get to the house an hour later, then walk through the front door. I yell at mother "mother I'm home, I'm going to be in my room, okay" my mother that is in the kitchen "okay." I go strait up stars to my room, I put my bag down on the floor and headed to my desk, with my new rocks that I had bot yesterday from the rock sale in town. When I get new rocks I do a theroe investigation of if there treated well and polished. I make shore that the rocks are nice and clean and ready for show, then I put them in my special cabinet aspectshily made by my dad for displaying my rocks.

When I put my last rock in place in my cabinet, I hard a nock on my door, it's mother "I mad mack and cheese for super, sweetie, would you like to come down and eat." I opened the door, mother was right there on the other side "ok" and I head down stairs behind mother, to the kitchen. Dad was already siting at the diner table, I go to the sink and wash my hands then I grab a boll and scoop my self some mack and cheese, then sit down beside dad. Ones everyone is seated we start to eat, mother brakes the silence " how was school today Roseanne" " fine, same as usual ".

I look at dad shovelling his food in like he was a starving animal "what did you do today, dad" I stare at him knowing what he'll say. Dad stops eating with his mouth full, like a squirrel with two acorns that are to big for his mouth, with his cheeks puffed out. I try not to laugh, dad eventually swallow his food. Also puffs his chest up like he was all mucho "good, did lots of hard working today" dad always finds the slits things to make me laugh. "shore you did dad " I laugh, mother looks at him with a un happy face "stop acting like a tow year old, your a man" she says then she starts to eat again. She gust killed the mod, no one talked the haul rest of the time and it was acquired. After we get up, dad puts the food away, mother cleans the tables and I do the dishes. There are only three of us so it's not that bad to do them and, we got a dishwasher so it's makes it that much easier to do them. Before I do the dishes I put my phis-Ed close in the washing machine for tomorrow, then go to the kitchen. Well I'm in the kitchen doing dishes dad and mother are in the living room watching T.V. I listen to my iPhone well I'm washing dishes, after I'm done I go upstairs to my room. I get there, look around and see my book bag on the floor "jesse, I have to get studying for that math test tomorrow, great." I sit on my bed head in the book and studded on tell I fell asleep. The rest of the night I was in a deep dork slumber. I had no dream, I had been like this for awhile now going to sleep but no dreams, all there is, is this black space. It's not cold and it's not lowly but more like a voided that needed to be filled in, a canvas that hasn't been panted on.

The alarm goes off and wakes me up, I get dressed haft sleep then put all my books in my bag. I go downstairs packed up my lunch bag and grabbed my dried gym close out of the drier. I stop and stare at my gym close, I don't think I put them in to dry last night. I look up and around and see mother getting ready for work. "thank's mother, I forgot to put them in to dry last night" I gees she's good sometimes. Mother looks my way and smiles, as if to say your welcome.

I sit at the table to eat my breakfast, then brush my teeth after I step out of the house. I get in the car with silence, nether I or mother talking, mother drives me to school. She drops me off in front of the school doorstep, I get out to had inside then like every day. She puts down the car passenger window. Then yells, with all the poplar kids right there "have a nice day sweetie" then leaves. I ignored her and the poplar kids and had in the school. As I walk in I can here kids out side chanting "mamas pet, mamas pet".

Of cores there not poking at me because of my white hair like they normally do, it's that they would do that to any one that had there mothers yell at them to have a good day. I walk to my lurker as soon as I get in the school. Why should I care of what they think, it's not my felt that I have white hair and my mom is a Mis perfect. I think as I grab my English books and head to Mr. Brown's class. We didn't get homework last night, which was good because I had to study for that math test. I get to the class room and take my set at the back of the class.

Mr.Brown is at the front desk reading a book waiting for the bell to ring for the start of class. All the kids get in class and Mr.Brown hands out a article called Snowflake Bentley. Mr.Brown sat back at his desk "I'm going to read this article and I want you guys to answer the questions after I'm done reading. You got to the end of the class to do this, and yes that's what we're going to be doing for the rest of the week".

Mr. Brown sites back in his char and puts his glasses on, just before he starts reading he looks up at the class over his glasses

"make shore you fallow along with the reading".

He looks down and starts to read, of course I'm following the reading I don't want to be stuck reading it myself.

The bell rang and everyone hades out, I go strait to my locker to grade my math book then head to Miss. Milers class. I take my seat in the front by the door and whet for the bell to ring for the start of class to begin. I look done on my desk and see the math test on my desk. I look at the other desks are covered with the test too. All the kids get in class and the bell rings. Miss. Miler steps in "you have today and tomorrow to get this math test done so, don't rush through it take your time righting it." I sib of relief. That was good to hear, I get so stressed out when someone makes me rush.

Later in class, this math test is taking forever. I'm so happy I study the night before, because I would have know idea what the heck this paper is asking me to do. I get tired and take a small brake and look around the classroom. Miss. Miler is sitting at her desk reading, some kids are writing the test. There's a kid right beside me sleeping with his hud over his head, I don't blame him.

The bell rings and surprisingly I get my test done in one day. We all hand the tests in and put them on Miss.Milers desk on the way out. I get to my locker and grab my science books then close my locker to go to there'd. I start walking down the hall then suddenly my books get knocked down to the floor. I look up to see how it was that hit my books, and see the poplar boys with there arms rapped around there girlfriends. I bend down to pike up my books and nudist one of the boys looking back at me with a satisfied smirk on his face.

I walk in class and sit down at my desk, then the bell rang. Mr. Davids gets up from his charr and stands in front of the class. "get out the text book work that you did or should have done yesterday, we'll take it up today". He terns to the choke board grabs a stick of choke and writes number one on the board. Then Mr. Davids terns back to face the class, "ok, how knows the answer to the first question".

By the time we tack up the questions and write them down, the class was over. Then the lunch period had started. I managed to get out of class and head to my locker, I get there look to see that the halls have only a few kids still waking or, some kids sitting in front of there locker like I soon will be. I open my locker grab my lunch bag then sit down in front of my locker and eat my lunch.

As I eat I think of home, summer is almost at its end and mother will want to have all the summer toys and furniture put away before the cold wether starts. That's grate! That means that mother can't host pinkies anymore, do to the season and cold weather. I have more freedom and more time with bad, which is awesome! I can't wait, dad and I will go Christmas shopping together and find a Christmas tree too. Mom is more flexible daring the Christmas season.

The bell rings for fourth, I get up put my lunch bag in my book bag then in my locker. I grab my phis-ed bag close the locker door then had to the gym. I get to the change doom get dressed then went out to the gym, and sat down on the floor to get attend-ins with the other girls.

The Class was the same as yesterday,Mis. Kimick comes in and said "ok , well, we will start with a worm up. Two lapse around the gym". After the laps we do soccer drills, weaving through pillions, and kicking at the net. At the end of the class we play some games of soccer, then Mis. Kimick blows a whistle and we go and get changed for the end of the day. All the girls watt at the door for the bell to ring for us to go home.

The bell rings and we all head out to the hallways I get to my locker, put my phis-Ed bag in my book bag. Then I throw it on my shoulders, locked my locker then head to the front door. I get there, step out side and I take a big inhale of the are suddenly i couldn't breathe, my eyes burned I bent over with my hands covering my mouth coffin like I was dying. "Oh man you just inhaled my smoke haha, sorry " I look to the voice it was a boy my height waring a big black cote pall skin. He looks like a goth but without the makeup, I calm down look up at him still holding the high lit cigaret in his hand and still watching me.

"it's okay, I walked into it ,it's fine" I smile to look sincere for him. " oh, that's great, hey" he reached into his cote and brings out a small box. " want a cig" he palls one out of the box " think of it as a apology for earlier" I hesitate but take it only as a apology to make him feel better.

"Thanks" I slide it out of his hands "I'll save it for a special occasion" when i did he had the biggest smile on his face. I smile then wave goodbye, then head out to go home.

As I walk and have my iPhone playing music, I think "I hope I don't see that ogle old van on the way out of the village". As I think it "squeeaak" I look then "zzzooomm" it goes by me. That's the second time and the same spot too. When I get home I should tell dad not mom she'll over react.