*30 minutes later*
*mwah* "o-ok lory I need to go now, I'm gonna be late for my interview, I love you baby, I will see you later tonight?" Jake says in a rush, "oh yeah sorry babe, and yeah I'll swing by around maybe...9:00 tonight?" Lory says flirtatiously while watching Jake put his tie on. "Sounds good hun, and please be gone by 12:00 babe, mom will be home for lunch and I don't want her to know about you yet, ok??" Jake says softly, "ok babe, I will, love you bye, good luck with the interviews!!" Lory says as she watches Jake go out the door.
*15 minutes later at the, St.Amand industry's building*
"Ok umm...Jake Smith?" The girl at the front desk asks, "oh uh yeah that's me"Jake says in a nervous, shaky voice, "ok the boss will see you now, good luck, and don't try and impress him with some dumb story, he is straight business and doesn't like the bull-shit story's" the small woman at the desk says in a tired and annoyed tone. As Jake walks in the door, he see a huge desk, with a very muscular, bald man, sitting facing out a clear large window, "welcome to St.Amand industry's, you have five minutes to tell me why I should hire you, starting....now!" The boss says as he spins around to face Jake with an uneasy look on his face, "ok my name is Jake Dominic Smith, I am currently 25 years old, I graduated college, I have some work experience, and I'm ready to have a good career and work for St.Amand industry's" Jake says as a bead of sweat runs down his forehead. The two of them sat and stared at each other for the last 2 minutes until the timer for Jakes interview to end went off, and when it did the boss never flinched, just let the timer beep. Jake sat looked at the timer and the boss took one more good look and then said "your hired, you start tomorrow morning at 9:00Am on the dot, and later and we're gonna have a problem", "thank you sir, you will not regret this, omg I can't believe I got the job!!!" Jake yells as he runs out the door, rushing to go tell his mom....