[Sword] - A Haiku by Alina
Red tranquil sunset
A wooden, homely sword soars
whilst watching the mind
[Ode to the Emperor] - A Sonet by Alex
My Emperor, you inspire me to write.
How I hate the way you Laugh and betray,
Invading my mind day and through the night,
Always dreaming about the old fillet.
Let me compare you to a moot cherry?
You are more cruel, selfish and cunning.
Snow chills the berries of January,
And wintertime has the acute skinning.
How do I hate you? Let me count the ways.
I hate your egregious Hands, Heart and heart.
Thinking of your scalding Heart fills my days.
My hate for you is the dual a la carte.
Now I must away with an astute heart,
Remember my fool words whilst we're apart.
[Honey] - A Freeform by Asteria