(((Author's Note: Just like what the title says, this chapter is about Asteria when she was still studying to become a Guide.)))
Asteria: Hey Celeste, we need to steal more stuff from the Spire!
Celeste: Asteria, are you serious? Do you know how dangerous your plan is? You know what happens to those that gets caught!
Asteria: Hmph, as if I care about that. Only hoomans guard that place. As long as we time our entrance right, we can get the stuff that we want!
Celeste: But… stealing is bad, right?
Asteria: Bad my ass! Celeste, do you remember what we are studying for?
Celeste: Um… we are studying to become Guides.
Asteria: Exactly! We are studying to become Guides!
Celeste: But how can that justify what you are trying to do now?
Asteria: Celeste… can you explain the Mission of a Guide to me?