2 hours since being out cold....
Derick: "mmmmhmmmm... (eyes slowly opening and seeing blur sight cleared) what happened?"
Unknown:"Good Afternoon young master are you feeling better now and please slowly try to keep calm if possible."
this is so ot my day why does this feel ike one of those fan-fic novel type beginning.
Author: its okay my dear mc you are just on time to be royally pissed on what is about to happen and no this is not a dream. (please and go ahead with the is this a dream with a hurtful pinch or slap wich ever.)
Derick: "What the actual f😵. Okay did that just happen to me why am i feeling like a cartoon type PG level persona."
Author: "No that'd just be me playing with ya cause this is my first work with you and all plus you get a cute looking bioroid gal by your side of course you know what they are and on an upside good news youre the new leader/owner of her.
Derick: (face lips and eyes twitching for some odd reason) "Run that by me again a bioroid?... really something out of that anime like paralell dual one where mc is transfered in a mecha war and gets a harem love story."(yeah that one nice mind you got there to get the mention of)
"But i thought that they have you know living human image type of not the whole metallic star wars type." (thats where you need to speak with her and know what you will be headache hell city in a about this whole cause one you need this work and two you like those novel/manga isekai skits righhhtttt.)
"so any name you can give her she does need one you know cause you gramp and gan only call her child and sweety not decent names the least."
"Hmmmm... could you wait for that till i think of one and you can decide which cause i don't want to be having those that bite you in the back later events"
unknown:("nods head and some how a smile was visible")
Derick: "So author whats you name care to share (Haruka3000 kiddo cause this is whats going down) okay..... so why me, why making this look like a cliche' skit for me.
H'3000: " You know your grandparents are like sweet yet odd for you right (derick: agreed) cause their the cliche' summoned and reincarnate sitcom types.
(aprox 15 min. till everything comes to place.)
(INSERT deadpools 4th wall skit scream and disbeleif.)
H'3000: "So you back with me here cause that broke a lot of laws of the multiverse there. And don't get me wrong i like what i'm watching here so breath in and out to calm yourself."
Derick: "Why are they the cliche' types that i read, watch and geek on those about and those two where right here as my family. Whats going on here if they where tranmigrated i understand but reincarnate thats too much material there."
H'3000: "The one who was reincarnate was your gandma while you gramps was the transmigrayed one but the heavy thing is that you gramps and gran came from the same place one live her life as a nagi e born in that world while you gramps was summoned as a hero but thier meeting wasn't filled with rose colored glasses your gramps and gran wherein a world you call a sespool of negative even if nuked its still unclean and unsanitised. That world will make anyone into a anti-hero and thensome"
Derick:" whoa thats some how scary which world was that (H'3000 aura of strong hatred and death seeping out) okay nevermind that might be a bad inquiring there but what the f is that way they meet kinda gotten screwed reality check there.
H'3000: ( This is gonna be a drop of water in the desert here but he is the mc for this.) "Look kid you know about cafe's, dinner and the rest of those right well youre gran grans happen to pinpoint youres early namely its a merchants cheat but instead of you using it its more like you are the guy chosen to sell and or buy what the people want namely other realms not here cause you know.
Derick: "So like that shop that sells otherworld items like that chainsaw namely as a sword by an adventurer right. ( you freaking got it on the head in one go there but you also get some small benefits namely protection and large one at that when going there.). Whoaa thats a little good but lack luster.
H'3000: Look if its any consolation you get paid for this gig and no ones the wiser namely hard to find a job bam sideline which is not elligal plus you get to use thier respective items there like say OP gears and this is the biggest one you can change thier system to useful or crappy your choice only if its not in the needed don't mess with so happy or you want that DP guys 4th wall routine in thier world.
Derick: "Okay this sound interesting but why a merchant store of all things there has to be a burden here like all those cliche themes out there."
H'3000: " You caught on that as well ima proud parent (youre not my parent) *ahem* Okay so i'll give you what you need to do here. 1. You and her are to help/fix the so called cliche' like those that re-int, tansmig, or the usual a higher being made a douche move like that one where he/she is turned twisted feom the get go namely a guy forced to be a woman and vice versa only a select few and youre partially allowed new realms the heavieast attention is the 70' to 2000 realms that are made so what do you think before you ask yes they might be classic movie, tv series, novel books, and some side shows that lasted a few seasons but be warned those are the heavy while the ones this year there are already those who are fixing or making those work issues you know those fan fic thats the one too much trafic in the head realm department.
Derick: " What but why that years (Look its not my fault some retro faction wanted to go to some places that not mudane like one Disney verse, Filmation verse, and the now least remembered Hanna-Barbera verse) *mouth opened wide eyed* ... there was that place as well wait then that means some who wanted to go there and some needed like what items to go by their time there ( and some fixing mind you those guys keep wrecking some areas needed to stay clear of the trouble) hmmm okay im in but what about her? (Give her a name already but choose wisely or she might hate you for that).