Chapter 32 - A Gift for Alice

[2 weeks later]

Solo, Alice and Luka were walking in a mysterious leafy green place of the Noah Region.

Solo was walking normally, while Luka was getting hungry and Alice was reading a book that came from nothing and was talking about the Grand Noah.

Alice: Hmm, it seems there are quite a few unique specialities to be found there. The Colosseum in the Castle is quite famous, too.

Solo: Colosseum? Heh, I want to participate, I wonder what people will fight…

Alice ignored him and was still reading the book.

Alice: Hmmhmm… In the far off east from here, there's a village called Yamatai with a unique food culture. Sushi, Tempura, Sukiyaki, Soba...

Solo: Wait what?

Alice: You heard of them?

Solo: Yeah, but I didn't expected that people here to make them, too… They are basically raw fish with seasonings, but I heard from the humans there that they are really delicious.

Alice was happy from hearing it and her tail waved around like a dog's tail.

Alice: I'm so excited… I want it to be a surprise, don't tell me more…

Solo: Alright… Mh?

Luka: What happened?

Solo: I just sensed an acquaintance that I made while we were separated… Is that Torea?

Alice already vanished while Luka and Solo looked to a certain direction and found a Centaur Girl coming towards them and stopped.

Torea: S-Solo? Is that you?

Solo: Yeah, what happened?

Torea: I...It's Mating Season… Please mate with me…

Solo: Sorry Torea, but I don't give my dick to everyone… So…

Solo hit Torea's back of the neck and she fell to the ground, unconscious.

Luka: D-Did you kill her?

Solo: No, she's still someone I know, she's unconscious, don't worry.

Luka sighed in relief and nodded.


Solo and Luka were waiting for Alice, Alice offered herself to cook, and wanted to make Solo eat too, he just sighed because he knew she will not accept a no from him.

Luka: So… How did you met Torea?

Solo: Well, I wa-


Solo was interrupted from an explosion coming from kitchen, and the door opened to reveal a satisfied Alice.

Solo: Alice… Do you even know how to cook?

Alice lost her smile and sighed.

Alice: ...It was unavoidable, I was never taught cooking skills. All I studied was how to be a good Monster Lord, not how to be a homemaker. Why don't you try to cook?

Solo: I didn't even knew what was a dish before coming in Illias Continent, and even I know that you shouldn't blast away the pot with magic.

Alice: Tsk… Ok… Luka, go cook…

Luka: *Sigh* Alright…

Then Luka cooked and Alice eaten dinner while Solo found a lake to clean himself.

Later Luka's training started.

Alice: As usual, you're terrible at using Sylph's power. All you have to do is infuse yourself with the wind and move as if you were a gale.

Luka: Ev… Even if you say it that easily…

Solo: Jeez, I'll teach you about movement techniques…

Luka: ...Eh?

Solo got up and walked towards Luka.

Solo: Now, summon Sylph.

Luka raised an eyebrow and nodded, then Sylph appeared near Luka.

Sylph: Hey Big Brother!

Solo: Hello Sylph, I need your help, can you use your usual Wind Guard?

Sylph got a curious look and nodded, then she used Wind Guard on Luka.

Solo: Alright, now, concentrate the wind just over Luka's skin.

Sylph nodded and with some difficulty, she used Wind Guard to cover Luka, his clothes were floating a bit.

Solo: Nn, now concentrate even more, and fuse the wind with Luka, Luka, don't resist, and let the wind flow in your body.

Sylph and Luka nodded, and Sylph forced the wind to enter Luka while he relaxed himself, he felt the power trying to enter him, but Sylph couldn't concentrate enough and the wind dispersed itself.

Sylph: Haaah… Haaaah… Sorry Big Brother… I couldn't do it…

Solo patter Sylph, and smiled.

Solo: It's ok, you just need to get used to use your wind often.

Sylph smiled, flew to Solo's cheek and hugged him.

Sylph: Thank you! You are the best!!

Then Sylph vanished in Luka's mind.

Solo: Well, it's time to rest now…

Alice and Luka agreed and got to their places to sleep.


They finally arrived at Grand Noah, things happened before, but the most strange thing was a lamia kid that was disguised as a human, and revealed afterwards that she was a follower of Illias.

After hearing her suggestion, Alice was glad that she can even walk around without her disguise, it seemed that Grand Noah was a town where Monsters and Humans could live together.

Alice: ...To think they're this familiar with each other. I had heard the stories, but I had no idea it went this far.

Luka: It's amazing. The sight of humans and monsters living together…

Solo: Yeah, yeah, now what?

Luka: I think it would be good looking around.

Solo: Ok, Alice?

Alice: Nn, I agree, I will follow Solo for now.

Luka: Alright, I'll ask informations.

Then Luka left for a random direction while Solo and Alice walked together.

Solo: So…

Alice: To the food stands.

Solo: Heh…

Then Solo and Alice walked in the market to look for food and other things that may be interesting, before leaving, Solo took some (Millions) Gold coins from Sabasa, so he didn't have any problem to pay for some things.

Some food stands later, Alice had her arms full of delicious food, that she was eating right away with a happy smile, Solo looked around, enjoying the view of the city, until he turned around and found a clothing shop, which had something that catched his eyes.

Solo: 'I think I should change clothes now… I am not anymore part of Aizen's army…'

Indeed, Solo was still wearing his Arrancar's outfit, he removed it only when he needed to clean himself, sleep or doing sex with Alice.

Solo then walked towards it while Alice followed curiously while eating her food.


Alice already finished her food long time ago and was waiting for Solo to get out from the changing room, then he left from it.

Solo was wearing a custom white long leather coat which had black mane attached to the coat, and reached his knees, behind his coat, there was a big 0 made with a gothic font, and under that number there was written 'Espada' with the same font used for the number.

Under his coat, he had a grey shirt that was matching with his coat, he was wearing black pants and white zori(Similar to flip-flops) with black tabi(Japanese socks of 15th cent.).

When he got out, Alice was looking at him with eyes filled with lust, and was salivating a bit, before she noticed what she was doing and recovered from her state while blushing a bit.

Alice: Y-you look good in those clothes…

Solo: Thanks.

Solo smiled at the compliment and something else caught his eyes, he noticed a black ribbon that should be attached to the tail.

So Solo walked towards it and bought it while Alice was inside her thoughts, before silently walking behind her and hastily put the black ribbon to her tail, she got out from her thoughts and noticed the ribbon on her tail, while Solo was grinning.

Alice then concentrated on the ribbon and it looked really good with her, she smiled and slithered to Solo, and hugged him.

Alice: Thanks for the ribbon.

Solo returned the hug and with a smile, he said.

Solo: It's nothing, since I entered this world, I didn't knew what to do, and when you appeared, and helped me and Luka a bit, I was happy.

Alice: Helping you? When?

Solo: Every time you were at my side, at Hueco Mundo I had only some pairs of friends, there were Grimmjow, Stark, Gin, and Nnoitra, while the others were either indifferent or assholes.

So knowing that there are people like you and Luka that want to be my friends even after knowing my flaws makes me a bit happy.

Alice was glad that she was important to someone, since her mother died, she had to take her place as Monster Lord and rule over all the monsters, it put a bit of pressure to her, Luka and Solo helped removing that pressure over her shoulders, and enjoyed the journey with them.

Alice: If that's so, then I'll make something special for you in the inn.

Solo: Eh?

Solo thought about what would Alice do and the only things he could think was either another attempt at cooking, or sex, even if he doesn't feel much pleasure from it, he hoped it would be that because he was sincerely afraid to know what would happen if she cooked again.