When Gu Yuanan came over, Yun An was not around. He had brought Tong Hua out to play. Little Tong Hua was pitiful, outgoing, and active. He was not someone who could keep still. After having dinner, he pestered Yun An and went out to play.
Only Shen Qianshu was around. Ye Ling was having a meeting with Xie Jinghuan, Su Nancheng, and the others while Shen Qianshu was looking at the court data. She was surprised when she saw Gu Yuanan, and she poured a cup of water for Gu Yuanan.
"Yun An went out to play with Tong Hua." Shen Qianshu explained. "If you are looking for him, give him a call. He shouldn't have gone far."
"He brought Tong Hua out by himself?"