Chereads / Fruit Bat / Chapter 5 - Rouge, Tough training Day One

Chapter 5 - Rouge, Tough training Day One

Pine woke the next morning first feeling contentment then started feeling annoyed. Buggy was slumped on him, Moon was slightly snoring and few other random dragons were peacefully kicking and flinching in there sleep. But Pine still smiled slightly, at least everyone else was content in there sleep he doubted anything good could come of this first day. Yawning Pine stretched his shoulders and tucked his nose in his wing. A few day ago he had felt the slight but distinct pain of his horns growing in his head. When ever he felt these pains he felt pride rush his body like venom from a snake. Suddenly a loud bang interrupted his prideful thoughts.

" GET UP AND GET READY FOR TRAINING EVERYONE MUST REPORT TO THE CLIMBING OAK TREE IN FIVE MINUTES!!!" A loud roar shook the cave. Pine quickly shook his friends awake and rubbing the sleepiness from there eyes and went to the Climbing Oak Tree.

" TODAY WE WILL BE CLIMBING THE OAK TREE! ANYONE WHO FAILS THIS ACT WILL NOT GET LUNCH, NEXT AFTER CLIMBING THE OAK WE WILL BE DOING ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY LAPS AROUND THE WATER PIT! IF YOU COLLAPSE NO DINNER, THEN BEFORE MIDNIGHT WE WILL DO FIFTY FLYING LOOPS AROUND THE SMALL FOREST TO THE EAST! AND IF ANYONE TRIES TO LEAVE DEATH IS THE INSTANT CONSEQUENCE!!" The lead Night Watcher Dragon bellowed so loudly for a few seconds Pine was sure his ears were now useless. " PLEASE BEGIN CLIMBING THE TREE!" The bellow sounded demanding and dangerous. What was this about escaping? Really what baby dragon barley fend off a mountain goat. Pine laughed inwardly as he and the other sleepy baby's begin to put there claws in the soft bark of the oak tree. A little voice behind him startled him as he pushed him self up yet inches.

" Pine!" He turned his head and saw Moon his eyes where hazy and he looked like he hadn't had a wink of sleep.

" You nearly made my scales fall off. What do you want?!" Pine growled pushing himself up another inch.

" Okay so last night I went and saw the other dragons the new ones and guess what they told me all sorts of cool stuff like ancient dragons. There was this one about The Strangling Vine Dragon and it has camouflage scales. Like it can hide anywhere. Or just be normal. And and and there was this other one called the Heavens Glory Dragon. They are bright and made of light. Isn't that awesome?! You should come tonight with me, they where about to tell me about The Clouds Tears Dragon but a bunch of lame Night Watchers came and I had to make a speedy escape." Moon said looking at his talons as he heaved him self up four inches! Pine was startled by two things. One the ancient dragons and Moon sneaking out. Two holly crap Moon just went up four inches.

No shame to himself but he was pretty weak even if he was nearly a foot tall he was weak and could not go over two and a half inches at a time.

" Wow. That's awesome sure I'll come tonight if I'm not so worn out." Pine agreed the two youngsters don't talk for the rest of the climb. While Pines e slowly made his way up a Fuzzy Fox dragon called Fuzz, was the first to the top. She looked about ready to burst with pride. Pine was fifth to make it up, Moon was right in front of him so he made third. Star and Buggy made a tie.