Scribbling the last words on the paper, I nod to myself before casting dry on the wet ink. Folding it up, I put the ink bottle above it as a wedge before lifting Flo from my lap.
"Sorry for the wait Flo, I got everything prepared now." I said before placing the little dog on top of my head and get up from the seat.
After taking one last look around the room, I turn to the full body mirror beside my wardrobe and nod in appreciation at my current look.
It is a huge makeover from my previous look, the ebony black hair I'm familiar with are now cut short with a wild pattern to it and dyed in forest green while the contact in my eyes turn my black eyes into shimmering gold irises.
My previously mixed breed face doesn't really have a particular tell about where my origin would be but in a place where everyone look western it stick out like a sore thumb even if it's plain looking, but now I doesn't have to worry about it. My face now look like a young Caucasian teenager with the help of human skin mask (not actual human skin) coupled with a few illusion inscriptions. My only concern would be someone recognizing me from my voice but i really don't want to spend points for it so I guess I'll just talk only when necessary.
As for my clothing, I wear a plain looking white button up shirt and long black jeans topped with a short black single button jacket. Although it does look like much the materials they are made of are actually pretty decent. All three articles are made from luminite spider silk and offer quite a lot of defense as well as slight magical resistance. more gifts from Mr. Leo after his return.
Some might wonder what's the occasion for, well you see what happened a few hours before bother me to no end. According to the logs, I received a "signal broadcast" and fell into trance as I process it.
So if it was not a dream then for them to know about the system are something very concerning, not to mention they seem to know my current condition and possibly his current body's past. this might be the only lead I will ever get!
So after hours of mulling it over, I decided I should hurry with fixing my soul then learn how to trigger the quests. so far it is the only thing that might have a chance of giving him more fighting potential or another upgrade pass.
Fixing my collar and giving myself another nod, I pick up my normal backpack from the hook beside the door and slung it over my shoulder.
"Time to head out Flo, hopefully this will be interesting."
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
26th day, the month of Rocto, the year 1661.
Letting out a sigh of relief, Lucas sat down on the coach wooden flooring.
Looking at the kid laying down next to him, he couldn't help but smile seeing his breathing slowly relax and turn steady. signs that he is recovering well.
It has been 6 days since they depart from the city of Vermilion. the convoy now turn caravan managed to bought enough coaches and supplies to accommodate everyone, they even managed to bought enough medicine to tend all the sick children and some to spare in case of another outbreak.
It was honestly a miracle to him that one of the merchant at the gate took pity on them and sell his wares on discounted prices, which thankfully not a scam according to one of his aide that pays attention to the market, or they wouldn't had enough macca to pay the bulk of supplies they have now after purchasing the coaches.
The ride was also unexpectedly free of bandits and monsters which save them a lot of expenditures while letting the wounded to recover.
"Young master, I think it'll be best for you to rest as well. You may not reach a stage as bad as the others but you yourself are recovering from this sickness." Mark said from the front on the coach, concern evident in his voice.
"Relax Mark, the worst has come to pass. I can only see things to get better from here on out." He replied with a relaxed smile.
"That may be true, but we can never let our guard down too much." Mark reprimanded. Opening the cloth partition separation the driver seat to take a better look at the boy who's looking through reports.
"I know but look at them, they deserve at least this small break." Lucas said, indicating with his head towards the front. Families watching their children happily run around and play as the caravan stop to rest the horses, something they couldn't do with their sickness before.
Not finding fault in the thought, Mark just nod before returning to his task of sharpening his sword but his master next word almost made him slap him on impulse. He is just like his father in his younger days.
"Although it might also be a good idea to hunt some monster for cores and parts, we're completely broke now after all hahahaha."
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
30th day, the month of Rocto, the year 1661.
"Come on, don't be so cold~ tell me about yourself~" cooe the scandalously clothed witch sitting across of me which I'm trying my hardest to ignore and concentrate on the few bottles heating up in front of me.
"Aerith please, just stop." the ranger beside her said, clearly embarrassed by his companion antics.
"Hush Jareth, mommy trying to make friends here. so come on handsome, don't be shy and talk to auntie." she lightly scold him then refocus on me. I can hear the party main tank audibly sight from beside me.
"Sorry about my wife boy, she's just a tad bit too friendly at times but she's a good woman at heart." the old man said, his eyes and face radiates a gentle air despite the scar running across his face.
Nodding to his words, I gave them a smile before storing my equipment just as the potions finish boiling. I handed them each one of the bottles and receiving my payment before retreating away from the campfire.
After a distance away, I sigh before shuddering over the situation. If any of you think it's weird then let me explain. I am a normal guy, if a beauty talk to me that way then I'll be more than happy to return it with my own lines. problem is, that Aerith lady is an old woman and she's married on top of that!
I move towards the distant silhouette of two people that left the camp earlier, these two could be seen standing by the side of the red blood pond. It was dark but I can tell they stand somewhat close to one another. only after gotten a few distance away from them I manage to make out what they are doing, these two are busy eating cherry pie and from how their arms moves I believe cream pie later.
Being considerate, I make a tactical retreat. now behind me are the couple, in front of me the campsite could be seen while on the side I could see the other two members of the party sparring with another watching from the side.
Making my way there, I stood next to the party healer as we watch the two fight.
Honestly it was not as interesting as I thought it will be, the swordsman basically just swinging his sword around while the thief doesn't know how to utilize his agility and just focus on defending. It's not long till the swordsman got the upper hand and beat the thief.
"Oh hello there, I didn't know you would come to watch. anything I can help you with?" the swordsman said as he approaches us but directing his words only to me.
Shaking my head, I gesture with my hands that I just have nothing better to do then passing a stamina potion his way.
"Thanks, so what about you Jessi?" he ask the priestess beside me who had been staring intently at him, she seem surprised at the question and started making incoherent flustered noise before running off to the camp.
I could only rub my forehead at this ragtag party formed for the reconnaissance team before gesturing to the ragged breathing thief laying on the gray grass.
"Don't worry, I'll take him back after we rest for a bit." he said with a reassuring smile, nodding to his words I hand him another bottle before returning to camp.
It's been 4 days since the huge group split off to cover more ground. There are a total of 50 teams each with 10 members heading towards different direction from the main camp the guild made at the outskirt of the mutated area.
There are three party group together for my team and honestly I question how high our survival chances are if we were to encounter hostile creature.
The swordsman, Roland, and his team are rather open and nice but they are a bit naive and quick to trust others. from their simple equipment and way of speaking I speculate that they are some village kids leaving on a journey for the first time.
The paladin, Buue, and his family are a bit eccentric but all in all they are good people. don't let it fool you tho, Aerith might act the way she did but she was basically digging information and determine your worth from your reaction. Her son might act all embarrassed and shy but the hidden blade in his sleeves are ready to strike if anyone got out of line with the act. As for Buue himself, well.. just him being there is intimidating enough I guess but really he's thereto stop any harm that might come from the act. I'd say they are reliable ally if ya look pass their.. quirks.
As for the last team.. well.. i don't know much about them really, they kept to themselves and always distant themselves from the party. but if I were to trust my instincts then they are bad news for the party but I can ignore them while we're in the danger zone.
Sitting back next to Buue, I gladly accept the bowl of stew Aerith offered me. Looking around, I tilt my head a bit.
Noticing my look, Aerith chuckle before answering.
"My look at you, already worrying over your soon-to-be brother. don't worry he's just going out to fetch the others for dinner."
Nodding to her answer, I start eating the stew. The broth taste sweet and thick while the vegetables in to have it a refreshing taste. A nice feeling when everything around you are depressingly gray.
I was about to ask for second when suddenly a piercing shout broke the peace.
"Monster attack, prepare for a fight guys!"