Chereads / ReWrite System / Chapter 37 - Tournament (preliminary)

Chapter 37 - Tournament (preliminary)

Half past midday the group fights preliminary finally reaches it's end, now the individual fights starts.

I am the first to come up to the arena and my opponent is someone calling himself eagle, don't get it wrong that's not his name, everyone can either use their name or use a nickname and that is what he use.

Walking up the arena I couldn't help but check my limiter one more time, the limiter works as both status concealer and to make an upper limit on my strength. Confident it is set at 30% I walked into the battle area under the cheer of the crowd.

Standing 50 meters away from my opponent, the referee remind us on the rules once again from his podium.

"I am Eagle, I have heard about you Lucas. You got guts standing up to that milk drinker." Spoke Eagle over the referee.

"It's nothing really, I just don't like that spoiled brat. More importantly I'm quite surprised you're my opponent, Eugene the best spearman in our academy."

"I'm flattered but please, don't call me by that name. It's not manly enough to me." Eagle said scratching his cheek slightly embarrassed.

"I know you would like to fight him, but I won't give up out of courtesy." He continued, eyes filled with determination as he enter his battle stance.

"That would be best, it won't be fun if you don't go all out right?" I rhetorically ask, drawing the broad sword strap to my back and hold it in front of me.

At that time the referee finished his speech and ask the participants if they are ready, receiving their nod he loudly give the signal.


Then both fighter charge towards the other.

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

On the arena, Lucas and his opponent move as if they're dancing. each strike they make is calculated, precise, and have an air of elegance to it.

Everytime Lucas make a strong approach his opponent would kite away or redirect his strikes before handing his own that Lucas would nimbly evade.

Lucas then move and feinted a wide swing and lunges his sword, staggering his opponent back from the hit to the chest followed by a round kick.

"Go get him Lucas!" Cheered a red haired girl on the east side, third front row.

"Yeah! Don't bring shame to our team!" Added a fox kin girl beside the red hair.

Hearing the cheer of his friends among the crowd, Lucas let out a wide grin as he increase the ferocity of his strikes.

Quietly watching from the north side, Elea huffed at his friends before he return to sneaking around the crowd, making sure no one would sneak an attack on Lucas.

Among the people in the north side he chose to crept closer to a robed man, the man have an air about him that scream danger so as he get into position Elea waited and pray nothing would go wrong.

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

12 minutes since the start of the match, Lucas started getting the upper hand.

His opponent is good, he managed to land more hits than he did but a drag out battle is never the forte of warriors.

Eagle movement started to become sluggish, his strikes less painful, and gapes started forming here and there.

Eagle move in and launch a triple thrust and swing down his spear for a heavy hit, in respond Lucas evade the thrusts and take on the swing with his left arm guard and hitting his opponent side with the sword on his right.

Eagle move his spear and tried to block with it's shaft when he saw the sword strike but the sword trajectory change mid-flight and hit his left elbow guard with enough force to make it numb.

Eagle did not waste time and spun his spear, using the butt end to hit Lucas chin and chest making him stagger a couple step back before both stare at each other with their left arms hung low.

"Hey aren't you calling yourself Eagle, why haven't you do any leaping strike?" Joked Lucas as they start to circle each other.

"Just because I am called Eagle doesn't mean I can suddenly fly." He answered with a chuckle. "Well, let's end this shall we?"

Grinning at the question, Lucas charge to Eagle's left side. The moment Eagle thrust his spear Lucas change his direction to the right but Eagle followed by turning the thrust into a horizontal swing.

Seeing that Lucas drop into a slide and swipe Eagle's feet, making him lose balance and fall. Before he reaches the ground Lucas already jump up to his feet and lunge towards the falling Eagle.

As he fall Eagle tried to use his spear as pole to support himself but a sudden strike from the back tosses the spear out of his grip, before he could turn around he felt something weighting him down to the ground and cold iron against the back of his neck.

Smiling, Eagle felt satisfied with his fight and accepted his defeat by tapping his hand twice on the sand covered arena.

Seeing the signal, the referee announce loudly, "WINNER OF THE PRELIMINARY FIRST ROUND, LUCAS THE MILK SMASHER!!!"