Luckily due to the shower, Yoona felt extra clean as she made her way back to the lower levels. She was in the best of moods. Good sex. Wonderful job. And her body felt amazing.
When she exited the room, Minhyun was already gone. He had meetings to attend.
It was a bit of a bummer separating from Minhyun but she knew that she'd be able to see him later tonight. She couldn't keep him away from work forever. He had his priorities.
While humming a tune, she walked down the stairs, and went back to her desk.
Already sitting at the round table was Eunha and Lucas, who were working on the computer together. They were still contacting others in hopes of getting more connections. To Yoona's surprise, they looked a lot closer than she expected. There seemed to be no bad blood between the two of them.
Friendly. That was the word.
And for those two, it was a surprising feat.