It all happened so fast, that the men died with their eyes still open. Eyes not even showing even a tiny emotion.
The men were killed by someone who can do it so fast and silent that even if the girls are prepared, they are only able to realize the death until it happened.
For Mo Lihua and Fei Yan, this only means one thing. Professional!
In the alert, Mo Lihua and Fei Yan immediately looked around, all senses heightened as they try to spot the enemy.
Their backs suddenly stiffen when a cold object touched the back of their necks!
Both of them are standing next to the car. Back facing the car door for immediate cover. They also initially intended to keep the gap enough to not give anyone any chance to sneak behind them, as well so the focus on at the front and the sides.
But now the sharp object is currently very near their neck without them noticing any signs that the man got near close. Not even a sound!