Chereads / SimbiyoZ-The Tale of Immortality / Chapter 33 - Vol1 Earth-6-

Chapter 33 - Vol1 Earth-6-

Yun grabbed the key and carefully looked at a specific EX5. It was already something else from far. He just couldn't imagine what it would be like to drive it.

"This still counts as a car right?"

Mei's voice was really aloud and sounded happy. "What do you think? I paid so much for it. Pls don't ask how much it cost."

Mei was very happy inside. She thought she didn't show it to outside, but it was all over on her face.

Gong Yun stared at the switch in his hand, thinking it as a joke. But even the key was very flashy. When he saw the WM* symbol on the key, he looked at Mei Zhen.

"Is this a joke?"

Mei smiled for the first time in her life, just because of feeling proud of herself. Making a lot of money never meant anything in her life and frankly her parents were already very rich.

But being in an environment she could boast for a car which been paid with her own earned money. To pay so much to this car was worth after this experience. It warmed her chest for the first time after driving it for so long.

"When I was buying a cheap car, they said I was in a lucky campaign that day. Also I made a very good installment plan. They said I was really lucky."

"..." Gong Yun

Discount? Installment plan? Wtf is these? Does even our country have that kind of system girl! Don't bullshit without thinking over it please..

Also don't look at me with that weird happy face. You are not a good lier. I don't believe it. Even if they make a 99% discount + 50 months payment plan, I still can't buy this car!

Ah rich families ah ...

Yun shook his head and turned around the car and touched it all over. He examined every part with great interest. Even Mei Zhen was annoyed at Yun's attention to her car.

He should have found me beautiful, fallen in love and told me some love poems! But he goes and touch to a stupid car. Hımh!

When Mei Zhen was finally going to open the front seat, Yun threw the key back.

He stared with a shy smile while staring at the astonished girl. "I have never had a chance to get a driver's license."

I have been working very hard for the last five years. But I think I have to get a driver's license soon.

Yun recalled that he would need a motor or a car to handle more comfortable jobs in this city. Even if some cities and roads were not allowed to use the motorbikes, a small and inexpensive car would do any kind of work.

Mei Zhen sat in the driver's seat, and Yun stepped forward to look at Mei Zhen. The gleam in his eyes was very clear.

"Are you gonna look at me like this all the way to Airport?

"Yeah." Yun shamelessly answered and even more carefully focused on Mei Zhen's every move.


Mei just whispered to herself.


After a minute, they were on their way with a gps destined to the Changzhou Benniu Airport.

Mei was thinking about weird stuff and smiling when she thought about how Yun was too interested in simple things like driving or books. Perhaps fate brought them together. He was a sweet man to be friends with. But her imaginations was cut with a weird sentence.

"Ah..Vivaldi! Do you like it?"

When Mei Zhen remembered the classical music songs of her mother in the radio, she shook her head.

"I'm interested in new things. What about you?"

Yun embarrassedly showed two fingers.

"Classics and one more, but I do not prefer to say aloud the second one."

He was even ashamed when he noticed the curious girl's gaze. "Forget it. I'll show it later. Let's just focus on classical music alright!"


After 10 minutes, when they were just on the motorway, Mei Zhen was building thousands of ideas in her head. Since they didn't talk with Yun, there was a strange silence in the car. She even thought about strange things to produce topics for talking.

For exaple, sports. Maybe Yun was interested in some kind of sport.

At one point she even thought about the economy of the country or something alike. But she kept to himself. Before shamelessly expose who she really was, Mei finally found a good idea.

"Yun. Why do you listen to classical music. There are new and good songs. Do you ever listen to pop?"

The question was very simple. But Yun sighed a little before answering.

"HE! Did he sleep while I was searching for things to speak with a lot of excitement!!" Mei was even more angry and ashamed. But somehow she had a side in her heart that found this situation funny.

"I never really enjoy music in my free times. I never was a music-listener guy. Anyways.

Because of a weird matter, there are a lot of things I need to learn in the last few weeks. My memory is very bad. So when I'm memorizing, non-verbal classical music helps me with my work. I found about this while trying many different genres and sounds.

"Are you going to school? What's so important to learn in your case. How old are you to still going school?"

Yun sighed while staring at the cars passing by.

"I wish it was school. But it's not. I've got someone important to help. The only thing they can hope for is me, memorizing agriculture, technology, and all social development methods. I have to get everything from art to different cultures. The important thing is you can't memorize things when your memory is bad like mine. That's why I'm really interested in real learning. When your memory s bad, you can't just get information into your brain. You have to learn in properly then it never goes away."

Yun remembered something he had just read recently. He still remembered a comment on one of the pages he had entered to listen classical music. As he sigh more, his eyes turned to Mei Zhen.

"Classical music artists always compose music for people who would like to listen to their music in the future, so their non-verbal compositions contain not words but feelings with lots of books and stories in those..

Imagine Vivaldi's live performance. In this first public performance. The little room for a single person, for a single artist and for a single show!

Even if you were there, Vivaldi would not think of you and me and write his compositions beyond the time of his world. He just wants to be remembered by future generations. By this non verbal music, he will always be remembered by secret feelings and stories inside his music.

In my case, I also listen to classical music while memorizing things I don't know. It's like old artists help me with all their power. They help to make me overcome difficulties. Help to develop more and more every day. If I knew about it, I would listen these songs in my childhood or teenage years."

Yun was smiling while his voice was decreasing. After ten seconds he started to follow the road and cars again.

"It was a bit of an empty and bad speech, but I've been watching dozens of famous speakers lately. Sorry for the bullshit"

Yun did not understand what Mei felt as he laughed earnestly to his humiliating words. It was embarrassing to say all those weird things.


Mei Zhen remembered the conversation with her mother from months ago and started to smile. Perhaps she was really destined to meet Yun. Maybe reporters and paparazzi armies had helped them.

But Yun was almost fell asleep again. Mei had to use this opportunity.

"Who will we take at the airport then. Is this the person you're supposed to help?"

Minutes later, when halfway through the road, Mei Zhen excitedly asked. But she didn't expect an answer like this.

"I convinced my dead friend's mother to come here and live with me. She is a middle-aged woman from Turkey."

"..." Mei Zhen

He wasn't trying to be cool. But when he never talked about his friend or what the hell happened to him, Mei still found that cool. In her eyes, Yun was more mysterious now.

Yun stretched and closed his eyes lightly. He leaned against the glass and started to sleep.

He seemed to be a small boy who immediately fell asleep on the journeys in the family car.

Mei started to smile nonstoply from now on. That evening she had gone to the library just to get air and had to hide because of the paparazzi. It was strange to be close this way with someone she met a few hours ago. But she couldn't stop smiling.

What she didn't know was, Yun was a young magician. The energy coming from his body was so sweet and reliable that normal people couldn't resist. When we add that Yun was also good looking. Now even though Yun didn't want to, he was seen as more handsome, reliable and impressive.

But when he started snoring on the rest of the way, he destroyed some of his impressive side.


They had to deal with some trouble in the airport for half an hour. Also finding a parking place and take the walk from the parking lot was really messy. They changed the parking place twice because they had an inconvenience with an officer.

After all of this, they also learned that incoming plane from Beijing got delayed for hours.

Yun felt guilty and dragged Mei Zhen with him. He didn't know how exciting the girl was when he touched her arm and link it to his arm. But Yun just did this because they have done the same at the library.

When he come here in the past, Yun used to come a little place here. Again he approached a small buffet and bought a few junk food and go to his favourite place to sit and relax.

"What do you want to drink?"

Yun asked directly. He wasn't acting like a gentleman, just acting as himself. Mei get already used to him and just asked everything she like. They added a couple of other junkies that Mei loved and went out with a small bag.

"Do you smoke?"

Mei Zhen was a little surprised when Yun took a pack of cigarettes. She shook her head and watched Yun as opening it and burning lighter. His lighting way for the cigarette was direct and messy. But in Mei's eyes, Yun's movements were cool and unpretentious, although she knew how much smoking was harmful to health.

Yun pushed a small juice out for Mei, and took a deep breath from his cigarette.

"Do you want a secret?"

Curious girl approached immediately. "Huh."

"I know."

"You know..what?"

"I know that, you were close to me just to use me couple hours ago! I think you needed me to get rid of that crowd. You are most probably a criminal or a celebrity.

When Yun saw the regretful eyes of the harmless girl, he cut the girl's imagination before going wild.

"I don't blame you. Or I didn't feel sad. For the first time in my life, a beautiful girl said such things to me. So it's not a problem to me. I am used to being used my others.."

Mei Zhen looked guiltily at Yun while he was taking breaths from his cigarette.

Even though it was nighttime, the duo was sitting in a place where the air was still warm.

Just as Mei Zhen would open her mouth and say sorry to this weird but smart guy, she felt a strange wind and an invisible feeling. It was like the pressure when you suddenly go upwards or downsides. Just like when your eas blocked when the gravity changes.

There was a strange vibration in the place she was sitting. And Yun was beamed to Kelewan in front of a mortal young girl.

Just as Eren summoned him because of a problem, Mei Zhen froze in her place with an open mouth.

Ha.. Yun?


"Did Yun just vanish?"


".?." Mei Zhen




Yun's mystery level in this girl's head had now risen to super-high levels.

She was almost laughing and crying at the same time. Yes, she was terrified. But this fear came in to her hearth with thrill and excitement!
