Chereads / Rebirth in Against the Gods with The Ultimate System / Chapter 101 - Chapter 101: Cang Yue's Resolve

Chapter 101 - Chapter 101: Cang Yue's Resolve

Real world, outside the Azure Dragon Trial Zone.

Cang Yue woke up some time later after she fainted from Yun Che's so called assault. However, her face still burns red remembering his boldness. Currently, she is sitting in front of the bonfire created by Retsu after scaring Kon into the forest to find some firewood. Once more touching the corner of her lips, her mind drifted to the moment before Yun Che entered that cave.

"Wait..Wait.. Yun Che kissed me right on the corner of my lips right? Doesn't that mean he loves me? Only lovers kissed each other, right? Why am I getting so worked up about?" She suddenly squeals like a high school girl remembering that moment. Then, she calmed down again. Not long after, she squeals again. Going 'Kyaa Kyaa' over something so simple. Her squealing was something really cute though. She even started slapping her face and stomping her feet in a cute manner.

Kon was on the other side helping Retsu gathering some materials for cooking. Seeing her antics, he slowly sighs "Yare Yare, that girl been squealing for three times now. Is she going to be okay?"

"*Giggle, she'll be all right. I was also like her when Yuu-kun said he loves me. I couldn't sleep at all thinking about that moment." At the same time she spoke, she was slowly cook the meat hunted by Kon a moment ago. She said to him that she wanted to try a new recipe given to her by Yun Che. She never expected that she really likes cooking and learning every bit of Yun Che's recipe as easy as reading a book. She did it because Jasmine once said that a way to man's heart is through his stomach. So, her inventory is full of cooking utensils and spices he made for her for their travels.

"What so special about that guy for you girls to be that way?"

"I don't know, Kon. He's different from others. Totally different. He's the type of person who thinks about others rather than himself. Also, from the moment I saw him, he seems to have this attraction aura that pulls people towards him. I am sure you felt it too right?"

"Well, he might be jerk but can't deny myself into seeing him as a friend though."

"Hnnn, despite being weaker than him. He saw all of us as equals and didn't treat us like a burden. He even trained and shows us methods to deal with opponents and trust all of us completely. Even sister Jasmine likes him. Well she's a little mean to him sometimes."

"Mean? I think they rather suited for each other. I mean Nee-san talks to him all the time. Moreover, they still bicker with each other like old married couple."

"*Giggle, It's fun watching them bonding like that. By the way, I think sister Yue finally calmed down." Retsu slowly said while pouring some rice water from the pot and she saw the embarrassed Cang Yue walking towards them.

"Yo, Yue nee-san. Still worked up?" Kon raised his plushy arm towards her.

"No, I am okay. Ahh, let me help you with that. Sister Retsu." She shrugged her embarrassment before helping Retsu preparing their lunch. Cang Yue was always the helpful kind of person.

Handing over the utensils, she giggled "Ara..ara..Sister Yue. You look really cute when you're embarrassed."

"Muu.. Stop teasing me. Sister Retsu." Cang Yue's face started to turned red even as she put the meat mixed with some onions onto the bowl of rice.

"Says the girl who fainted from a kiss." Kon suddenly said while slowly slipping a cooked meat to his mouth. Without warning, Cang Yue suddenly put the utensils down and grabbed Kon by his head.

"Ehh!! Nee-san. What are you doing?" Without any warning, she started to punch his face repeatedly without using any strength. At the same time, her face was extremely red and her punches producing plushy sounds. Seeing her like this, Retsu giggled at her antics and the same time wishing Kon condolences. Well, she didn't need to after seeing his pleasured look while being punch by her.

Retsu sighs at their antics before saying "Hai..hai.. You two. Let's start eating before the meat grows cold. After that, we can start our haki training." As she was preparing their lunch, all three of them suddenly detected a presence. Not just one but a lot of presence. Retsu widen her eyes as well as Cang Yue and Kon. All of them had their haki senses all the time and they detected the presence slowly moving towards them.

"Look like we will have some company." Retsu immediately threw everything into her inventory. She spends a lot of time preparing their lunch and she wasn't preparing to lose it if things go south. Judging from the number of presence as well as their movement, it seems that these presences in fact belong to humans.

Kon was preparing as well but when he shifts his head towards Cang Yue, he can see her expression was darkening. "Nee-san, you okay? You don't look to good." Kon's statement earn a gaze from Retsu as well. Judging from her expression, it seems that she kind of knew the approaching company.

It wasn't long until she heard voices coming from the forest. The voices were unknown to both Retsu and Kon but Cang Yue knew these voices clearly.

"Ah, someone was already here. My, such exquisite beauties." All three of them turned around and saw a company of people slowly emerging from the forest. Retsu scanned the presence with her haki and it seems she detected these companies have several Sky Profound Realm practitioners and Earth Profound Realm as well as dozens of Spirit Profound Realm warriors but none of them actually stronger than her. Well, her current cultivation is currently at Seventh Level of Sky Profound Realm.

"Royal highness, it seems we have some people already arrived at this place." One of the attendants suddenly said to the man in the back. As he heard it, he slowly shifts to the front along with his companion.

The three of them observed the two approaching men, one of them seems to have a fuchsia hair type similar to Cang Yue. This man was walking with a full suit of armor and from the looks of it, it seems the armor was quite expensive. This means his identity is not simple. But the features of this man is almost similar to Cang Yue.

Suddenly the person spoke. "That person, is it you, Royal sister?"

Kon was hanging on Retsu's shoulder suddenly sounded. "Royal sister? Oh, so she knew these men?"

"I don't know. Kon. Let's watch everything unfold first." Retsu quietly said before instructing him to hide behind her hair. She needed him to caught them off guard just in case things go south.

Cang Yue's face slowly sweating as she saw the face of the man. She knew this man so well but as soon as she laid her eyes on the second man beside him. Her expression darkens. The person beside him looked to be slightly younger and only looked twenty-two or three. However, while standing abreast this imperial prince, he had an inherently grandiose and lofty bearing, so he did not lose to Cang Shuo in the least. Rather, he even surpassed him.

"Hooo, is that you Princess Cang Yue? What a coincidence meeting you here." Cang Yue laid her eyes onto the man beside her brother. She knew this man clearly. He was the reason she escaped from Empire's palace to New Moon City.

This voice made Cang Yue's brows furrow slightly, and in a flash, the expression on her face changed from frigid to calm. She turned over and looked toward the person speaking, as well as those standing beside him. Her expression was steady, and her voice was calmer, "Third imperial brother, Young Master Fen, long time no see. What are you doing in this wasteland?"

"Haha, it is royal sister. I never actually expect meeting you here. Well, we heard rumors that the guardians of this cave went missing after sometime. People had been trying to approach this cave but all of them seems to be scared of its guardian."

Then, he continued "But, it seems the guardians went missing for some time and it's our chance to approach this cave. Moreover, this place is perfect to hide some kind of secret. I didn't expect our Royal sister would be here and she has a friend too."

When the said man saw Retsu, he was shocked to the core just like the rest of them when they saw such exquisite and perfect beauty was standing in front of them. Her beautiful and unique clothing outshines any female they ever gaze on. Her beauty far surpassed Cang Yue but they can see that she was also wearing the same unique clothing as this fairy. Fen Juecheng felt his manhood was throbbing the moment he saw the Cang Yue's new look but as soon as he gaze upon Retsu. He was almost unable to control himself. Retsu was already a fairy in her previous world but here she was reverted back to her younger form. This one far surpassed her beauty in the previous world.

Slowly approaching Retsu, Cang Shuo bowed slightly in front of her. "My, beautiful fairy. This Prince is called Cang Shuo. The third imperial prince of the Blue Wind Empire as well as the royal brother of Princess Cang Yue and this man here is the young master of the burning heaven clan. Fen JueCheng"

Despite exquisite armor and handsome faces, Retsu wasn't amazed. When she looked at them, she was disgusted. They maybe looked nice but she can sense their intention clear as they. Looks like they wanted to use their status to gain her favor. Hoping that she would be interested and sell herself to them. The kind of men Yun Che and her despised the most.

The two men slowly approach Retsu but Cang Yue moved immediately and stood next to her.

They didn't notice Kon was hiding behind Retsu. At times likes this, he was serious for once and not taking advantage of the girls. Besides, he rather kept his perverted antics under control with Retsu's here with them.

"Royal brother, this is my sister. Retsu. This is my friend and companion." Cang Yue wasn't protecting these two men. She was much more concerned on what Retsu would do if they unleashed her wrath. If these men had the intention of touching her, she guaranteed none of these men would escape with their lives.

"Sworn sister? It seems our royal sister has found a valuable friend. Not only that, she is also a swan. You really knew how to create relationship. Isn't that right, Royal Sister?" Smiled Cang Shuo but Retsu and Cang Yue seemed to detect a hint of mockery within those sentences. Retsu knew Cang Yue had troubles of making friends and she is the first valuable friend that she has. Seeing her being mocked like this really testing her patience.

Feng JueCheng took a step forward and bowed slightly. Adoration burned like a blaze within his eyes that looked towards Cang Yue and Retsu. It was not concealed in the least, "Once again, Fen Juecheng of the Burning Heaven Clan pays his respects to the beautiful and elegant Princess Cang Yue and Fairy Retsu. I'd heard that Your Highness hadn't returned to the palace a month ago and I heard you were training in the New Moon City, but during this period of time, Juecheng has been continually training within the Fierce Sunfire Region. However, JueCheng heard of a spectacular training place in this region and the guardians of this place seems to have disappeared. So, this young master travelled here in hope to obtain a fortuitous encounter. Never expected your Highness is right here on this place. The heavens really don't want us to be separated. Am I right?"

"Hahahaha," Cang Shuo laughed, "The moment Young Master Fen heard of this place, he eagerly travels day and night just to rush here. I wanted to accompanied him to this place as well. I never expected Royal Sister is here as well. Young Master Fen was right just now. The heavens really match you two together. This great relationship is really touching and makes one envious."

If Yun Che were here, he would've smacked these two to oblivion for making a move against Cang Yue. Kon was quite impressed these asshats knew cheezy lines to make a move against her. However, due to Cang Yue's love for Yun Che. He doubts she will have any reaction against them.

Cang Yue smiled lightly, and said: "I thank Young Master Fen for your kindness. All is well with Cang Yue, Young Master Fen need not worry. Cang Yue is here for the same reason as Young Master Fen."

"Ah, In that case, Imperial sister. Young Master Fen is here for the same thing, why don't you accompany Young Master Fen during this training session. Probably both of you will obtain something from here after all."

"It's a great proporsal your highness. I am looking forward to it as well."

"Please forgive Cang Yue's refusal." Right after Cang Shuo had just finished speaking, Cang Yue immediately declined. "It is not because Cang Yue is not willing, she is currently waiting for a friend."

Fen JueCheng's expression twitch slightly as he heard Cang Yue's was waiting for someone." A friend? Is it a woman? She is training in there?"

"No… no.. It's a man." Cang Yue said while smiling.

The atmosphere between went quiet before Cang Shuo started saying "Imperial sister? Don't joke around, is your friend training in there is a man?"

"Third brother, if you don't believe me. You can ask my sister here."

"Imperial Sister!!! You dare bring a man on your journey? Do you know what happens if this were known around the empire?" Cang Shuo was furious. He had been spreading stories that his sister and Fen JueCheng were seeing each other and make up a lot of rumors making sure they were together in the end. If both of them are married, then the Burning Heaven Clan would have a foothold and his sister will 'automatically' supported him. This is the his grand plan of having to assume the throne and he is not going to let some 'male' disrupting his grand plan.

"Your Highness, I've been pursuing you ever since I laid eyes upon you. Visit you for countless of times in the past. Are those meetings mean anything to you?"

Unable to take it anymore, Cang Yue immediately countered "Third Brother, all of this was your decision. Not mine. You wanted to gain my support for the throne but I refused as I wanted to cure father rather than supporting you. You have the fourth, fifth and sixth brothers' support. What more could you want?"

She continued "And young master Fen, my apologies to you as well. Our meetings were merely on formal meeting between two factions for political purposes. Not a match meeting between a man and a woman.

Hearing this statement, Fen JueCheng was stumped. Princess Cang Yue didn't even register him as a suitor. She didn't even react like she really liked him despite all the things he did and said during their previous encounter. Now, he was furious.

"Cure your father? Sister Yue, what is going on?" Retsu was confused. It seems that her matters were not simple after all. She sighs before asking Cang Yue using the Tenteikura and she replied without hesitant. "Ever since my father the emperor was diagnosed with an incurable disease, the third brother and the first brother assuming he was incapable of ruling and began fighting for the throne of the Empire. It was common among royalty where siblings would fight for the throne but things weren't going so well. The first brother had second brother supporting him as well as gain help from the Xiao Clan and the third brother gain help from the rest of the three princes. As the youngest and also the only princess, I remained neutral as I wanted to do everything to cure father so he can rule again."

Then she continued "But, third brother gain outside help from the Burning Heaven Clan and young master Fen here was interested in me the moment he saw me during the last Blue Wind Ranking. So my third brother pushed me into marrying Fen JueCheng but I escaped to New Moon City. That's where I met you Retsu, Sister YueChan and also Yun Che. You three are the only ones who treated me different rather than coaxing me like Fen JueCheng. Even Kon is a lot better than him. He wanted to marry me just because of my beauty and status. Not because of love. Also, if my brother required his support, I must dead set on marrying him." As she spoke, Retsu can sense her voice was full hatred but when it comes to them, her voice softens. When she and Kon heard about them, both of them started seeing those two with hatred as well. Besides, the two clans supporting them are the two clans Yun Che hated the most.

Unable to accept this, Fen JueCheng ask her "Your highness, who is this friend of yours? What is your relationship with him? Which family is he from?" Fen JueCheng shot a barrage of questions onto her. This friend of hers, whoever he was. He was already offending him and he will not let this matter rest easily.

Hearing these nonsence from both of them, Cang Yue made a resolve. She was not going to lay low and nodding like a puppet anymore. Besides, she is not selling Yun Che out. She wanted to let these scums knew who she really belongs to. "That friend is not just a friend. He is the one who stole my heart and the man I wanted to spend my whole life with. By the way, that man is also the man my sister here is engaged with."

Fen JueCheng was even more furious but before he could throw a tantrum, Cang Shuo gritted his teeth before shouting "Royal sister!!!" But, suddenly he stopped before slowly smiled and said "Of course, that man is brainwashing you right. Making you think like this. Men!! Go into that cave and drag this 'friend' of hers. We will force him to spit out the cure." Cang Shuo suddenly shouted towards his men to go into the cave and drag Yun Che out.

Fen JueCheng was so furious. This friend of hers not only stole his Cang Yue but also have the heart of this peerless beauty. He was planning on coaxing this beauty as well making her his concubine. He was willing to do anything to pull this beauty under his arms.

Hearing Cang Yue declared her love for Yun Che, Retsu was smiling. Looks like her feelings were finally settled. Hearing that her sister Cang Yue was defying her controlling brother as well as her stuck up suitor for Yun Che, it is settled. She is going to be her sister alongside Little Fairy and Xiao Lingxi. With that, she was willing to protect her from harm.

Suddenly, Retsu teleported in front of the cave along with Cang Yue stopping the marching men from entering the cave. Cang Shuo then said "Fairy, this matter is not concerning you. You can change your mind and join us. We are much better than this friend of hers. We can provide you with comfort and allowed you to live in luxury. You don't have to live in this forest no more." Cang Shuo said tried to coaxing her.

Fen JueCheng also took this chance to lay his charms. "Yes, you don't have to live like this anymore. My clan will treat you like a goddess. Besides, Fairy. You become even more beautiful and elegant that the legendary goddesses turned mortal cannot even compare. In Juecheng's point of view, your beauty far surpasses the princess's beauty as Blue Wind Empire's heaven blessed treasure."

"Luxury? Wealth? Riches? Men better than him? Don't make me laugh." Retsu spoke with her usual icy tone. The tone commonly used among enemies during her previous lifetime in Soul Society. The tone she will never use on Yun Che and her sisters.

She turned her head towards Cang Shuo. "What kind of brother are you? Forcing such burdens on his younger sister. Compared to our fiancée, you two lack everything. No luxury and wealth can uphold even his finger. Besides, stop with your coaxing and bootlicking words. It makes us sick." Retsu replied to them harshly. She was rather calm and her words were venomous enough for them to know she meant hostility. Cang Yue blushed when Retsu said the word 'our fiancée'. It means she gain her approval. Then, she shook her head focusing the matter in hand. It seems this matter will not end peacefully after all.

"Royal sister and fair Fairy, are you sure you wanted to go against us? If you do this, you will be declaring war on the Blue Wind Empire as well as the Burning Heaven Clan? Are you really prepared?"

Retsu smiled before holding Cang Yue's hand. "For my sister, I am. Besides, our fiancee will do the exact same thing."

Cang Yue then slowly continued "By the way, we are declaring war on you. Third brother. Not the empire. Besides, Royal Father will listen to me rather than you."

"Royal sister, no.. Cang Yue, this time. This will be the last time you defy me. Looks like I have to cripple you before bringing you back to the Empire. I am sure young master Fen wouldn't object?" Cang Yue was shocked and surprised at the same time. She never knew her own broher would show his true colors and tried to harm her. He even discard her royal status just because of her disobidience. At least, he was keeping her alive but having her crippled at the same time. Probably wanted her to accomplished his wish of marrying Fen JueCheng and secured his uprising to the throne. She knew this would happen eventually. Right now, she needed to fight to protect herself.

"Hmph, then. Let's cripple the two of them. I wanted that female beside her as a slave to satisfy me. While as for Cang Yue, she can please me in bed tonight. Also cripple her voice as well. If she is mute, no one will know what happen here." Fen JueCheng suggested looking at their alluring body.

Cang Yue and Retsu grew disgusted at these men's delusion. Retsu didn't draw her sword but she slowly conjured an energy sword made up using her reaitsu. These men isn't worthy for her to draw her Zanpakuto but she's not gong to use a knife just like the banquet. She wanted to ty something new.

Slowly releasing some kind of red energy from her hand. She waved it before it started to shape itself into a form of a katana. She conjured a sword with a shape just like a Katana made entirely from her reaitsu. Her imagination was tip top and the katana was perfect. Since her reaitsu's color was red and her sword was the same color as well. It was logical sense her main affinity was blood in the first place.

Cang Yue draw her sword as well but she didn't use any weapons made from her energy. Yun Che said that her energy control and cultivation was still lacking. If she use it in battle, her conjured weapons will be easily shattered if the opponent used some sort of battle skill or hit even harder. Right now, only Retsu and Little Fairy have the power to control the conjured weapons.

Both Cang Shuo and Fen JueCheng widen their eyes after seeing the fair lady creating her sword using her energy. Seeing her capabilities, it means her identity is not that simple. Looks like Cang Yue found quite a backer. If she was harmed, they could offend a power even higher than them. To be safe, they must be prepared to mobilize those higher cultivation warriors to suppress her.

"Men, attack them. Cripple their cultivation and bring them to me." Fen JueCheng ordered his men. He made a resolve to hunt Yun Che after he crippled these women. He no longer needed them as wives, he'll make them his slaves.

Cang Yue expression suddenly went stiff. Not only these men wanted to harm her, they are also stronger and attack in numbers. Moreover, she grew up with these men. She knew them well because they were also her protectors. She couldn't believe that they were sent to harm her. Also, this is her first time fighting cultivators. She might ruthless when killing hollows but she never took a life before.

Suddenly, several Spirit Profound Realm warriors suddenly engage themselves towards Retsu and Cang Yue. She and Retsu raised their aura before started to engage the warriors. Retsu decided to let Cang Yue settle her own differences and focus on defending her. If things escalated quickly, she might resort to use some of her tricks. Besides, its about time to expose Cang Yue to the harshness of the world. She must learn that when it comes to life and death, she must make her decision. As for Cang Yue, she tried her best not to harm these men, they maybe attacking her but she grew up with them. She didn't have the heart to take their lives.

Both Fen JueCheng were shocked to the core once they observed the combat capabilities of these two. The fair maiden Retsu was fighting on defensive the entire time and she didn't suffer any disadvantage but Cang Yue was the surprising part of it.

"Impossible, her aura supposed to be at the second level of True Profound Realm when she left but right now. Her aura is at the Peak of Spirit Profound Realm."

"That fair maiden also stood her ground as well. I can't read her cultivation. It seems that this fight is not going our way. Send the rest of the stronger ones to them. Let see how they hold."

Then, some of the Earth Profound Realm warrior started to get into the fight as well. Seeing this situation, Retsu immediately shouted "Kon, take one of their bodies and support us." She knew about his other skill from Yun Che and asked Kon to utilized it this time in battle.

"All right," Kon immediately transform into a streak of light from her back before entering one of the Earth Profound Realm warriors. Retsu started to move towards the Earth Profound Realm warriors disengaging the previous ones she fought.

In Kon's mind, notification suddenly pops up.

[Ding.... Host's soul power is stronger than the vessel's soul power. Initiating take-over.]

As the Earth Profound Realm warriors engaging Retsu, one of them seems to have stopped and the others shouted at him. "Oi, Xiong Kuan. What are you standing gawking over there?"

"Xiaong Kuan? Who is that? I am Kon-sama!!!!" As soon as he takes over a body, Kon started jumping towards Retsu's previous group before engaging them in a fight. As he takes over, he was able to assumed the cultivation of the vessel and fighting as an Earth Profound Realm Warrior. Instead of using a weapon, Kon use the lower half of the body to fight. Mainly his legs.

DUSH!!!! DUSH!!! DUSH!!!!

"TAKE THAT!!! TAKE THIS!!!" Kon shouted all over his fighting zone.

The sound of kicking was heard all over his zone as he simply dodged and kick the warriors to oblivion. One by one, the Spirit Profound Realm warriors were sent flying using his legs. Even after born in this world, his legs were as strong as ever. Not powerful as the Black Leg Fighting Style but it was enough to scare the rest of the warriors into engaging him. Showing them the true meaning of 'Kon'

Cang Shuo was shocked as one of his men suddenly went rogue and started attacking his own men. Seeing this development, he immediately shouted "That traitor!!! Men!! Kill the traitor of the Empire!!!" He didn't want to Fen JueCheng see him as a backstabber.

With Retsu fighting the Earth Profound Realm warriors and Kon engaging the other Spirit Profound Realm warriors. Cang Yue can fight to her heart's content. Since she was stronger, she easily beat the rest of the warriors engaging her and put them at a sword point. She spoke "Please stop this, I don't want to fight you at all. You're my father's men. How could you do this to him?"

The rest of them were silent but Cang Yue slowly continued "Please go back to the Empire and apologized to him. If you do that, I won't say anything about this to him." She lowers her sword before proceeding towards Retsu and wanted to help her. However, one of the men suddenly spring back up and point his sword towards her.

Cang Yue detected the intent but she was too close. Retsu and Kon saw what happen immediately shouted "Sister Yue!!!" "Nee-san!!!"

As she couldn't dodged it....
