The two arrived at Jian's place by 3 in the afternoon and as they walked inside Johnny asked, "So how far did you get on the suit?" Jian took off her shoes answering, "I got the darts out the plants and also undid the seam on the sides to let them out around the thighs. Then I have to pad stich on the horsehair and canvas to the front of the suit, which is going to be a journey, but before that I have to base the different materials together so that they don't move and-" she paused taking a deep breath while walking to her room before continuing, "Sorry, I tend to go on a tangent when I talk, anyways there's a lot to do but let me see what you can help me with."
He walked behind her after taking off his shoes and saying, "Jian, it's alright to talk when you are excited about something, and I am not your mother to scold you for doing so." She nodded quietly as she got the coat off the hanger placing it on the bed while moving the stuff on her desk aside. "Jian we can work in the living room if you want," John suggested as he helped her move the boxes to a conner.
"That seems like a wonderful idea, can you take these, I will be right over," she said with a little accent as she pointed towards the suit on the bed. He nodded walking outside while she went to the restroom. She walked out a few minutes later and grabbed her hand sewing kit.
She walked out with her hand sewing kit and laptop as Johnny took his hoodie off. "Do you want me to low the temperature?" Jian asked noticing it and he shook his head saying, "No, it's cool, I just don't like having long sleeves on when I work." She nodded placing the stuff down as she shorted through the things asking, "Can you pick a nice movie that doesn't require a lot of attention, I am going to figure out a few things?" He nodded opening up her laptop as Jian shorted out the different parts of the suit.
The back of the blazer just needed to be sewed while the front still required for the padding to be done. She had already finished the selves and they just needed to be attached so she placed them away, while focusing on an easy task that Johnny could help with. After a few minutes deliberation she chose to let him pad stich the canvas, horsehair, and padding together for the front since it didn't require a lot of experience and when it came to attach it for the suit, she would do it herself. Then she looked at the vest she had to make the least corrections to and as she was picking it up Johnny asked, "Jian what can I do?"
She smiled placing it down before turning towards the kit on the table. "Firstly, pick a thin but strong need for the delicate work, then place this thread through it," she said, and he sat down next to her doing as she instructed, the two of them let the movie play in the background as Johnny slowly picked up the method and got more comfortable after working on a few scraps' material.