Some extravagant black car was waiting outside. Xu Xinya brought out her belongings. She greeted her Aunt Bao and Brother Jiang Ge with a smile and exchanged kind words. Only once she was outside, her smile dropped and her real expressions surfaced.
She wanted to talk to Xu Ying. But neither she had the time nor a heart. After listening to her words, Xu Xinya couldn't help but blame herself for bringing this to her family.
The driver seemed to be very gloomy and serious. He didn't whisper a word from the beginning to the end. Maybe he was not allowed to. Were all the people who worked in the Lu family's manor were so?
The whole way, pressing silence dominated the car. Xu Xinya silently leaned back against the car and contemplated what rested ahead.
As they approached their destination, Xu Xinya slightly opened her eyes and peeked outside through the glass window.