Chereads / Blind Gladiator / Chapter 4 - Chapter 4

Chapter 4 - Chapter 4

I entered the room and Sylvia was asleep on an operating bed, a monitor glowed a soft blue and listed her vitals. it summarised to her having a raised heart rate then calming down till it reached a regular beat pattern a few minutes before the end of the bargaining with Derek.

"more like threaten," I mused with contempt.

Her vitals seemed normal, so I tapped her shoulder to wake her up. head twitched then faced me.

"what happened?" she yawned, slowly rising from the bed.

"wish easy there you OK? you did pass out," I was kind of concerned, the gesture was mostly acting.

"oh yeah I feel OK but, I can't remember what happened," she adjusted her clothing and bandage while sitting up on the bed.

"you passed out from shock, I'm so glad you're OK!" I exclaimed, a bit too Enthusiastically.

Sylvia didn't notice, if anything she looked embarrassed "I passed out from shock?"

"it's OK, it's OK, many students have panicked when they've been told off, particularly when their new teacher whips out a knife and tries to stab you," I tried to reassure her.

"no, you don't understand, my mother will not allow me to go to school now, she'll deem it unsafe," she whimpered.

this troubled Philip, even if she seems broke about this, I'm sure she'll be going to school anyway, especially due to my interrogation. however, I still felt off about seeing her being sad about it and wanted to distract her from that. I sat on a chair near the bed.

"hey, don't worry about that, it'll turn out alright," I tried to console her "how about you tell me about yourself, your hobbies and what not?"

she seemed to light up a little bit from that, her posture became more relaxed and she raised her head from looking at the floor.

"between my home school work, I play in my SPACE VR machine. my parents have set it to the realistic mode so that I keep healthy and fit while I play. I never get the opportunity to go out so it's a good way to keep fit," she smiled and patted her bicep she was flexing.

I hadn't noticed until now, she's pretty muscly. it's like she was built like a gymnast and could throw a punch harder than most kids above our age. why didn't she try to defend herself?

"I have the older SPACE VR model, mine isn't physically intensive so I'm like this," I said while grabbing the skin at my right triceps.

I acted like it was none existent by forcing it to flop around, she laughed at this. her laugh is contagious! it's so energetic and exciting and she genuinely grabs her gut during the laugh. it ends up making me join in with her laughing. to be fair I'm not fat just pudgy, I barely get out due to closest green area being a 30-minute walk.

"hahahaha I thought my dad's jokes were funny!" she giggled.

"what games do you play in VR?" I asked while recovering from the laugh.

"I mostly Swords and shields like I mentioned earlier," she wiped a tear from her eye, the joke still affecting her.

"have you joined a guild or done quests with other people before?" I interrogated her.

half of this was me interrogating her, the other half was childish glee to know everything about another person's interaction with a hobby they enjoy, for example swords and shields. I need to know if she killed any bosses, gotten a legendary item or fought in a tribe war. my excitement brewed as the list of questions broadened.

"what are they?" she asked.

like a record stop in my head my questions were gone in a flash "wait you don't know what those are?"

"no is that a bad thing?"

"ye-no," oh how I wished I could rant about it, but my life will be on the line "no it's just that your missing out on so much cool stuff like PVP."

"what's PVP?" Her interests were piqued.

"oh, its player vs player, you can test your skill against other players in a competitive way to see who is better!" I loved PVP.

"that sounds exciting! I want to play PVP with you if you want?"

"yeah sure what race and class do you play?" she smiled, her happiness resonated.

"I play a Gladiator Draconic," she beamed.

"wow that's a tough class to play, and an even tougher race to play as, aren't most of their attacks achieved through using their tail?" either this will be the most impressive player or the unluckiest.

Swords and shields was an MMO in VR, it had a variety of races to play with the rarest to see being the Draconic. it is a dragon who reincarnated into an elf or human. this results in a scaly humanoid which has horns, claws and a tail. however, this tail is the problem due to it requiring the user to have a tail of their own to utilise these abilities. most draconics are low levelled and abandoned however there are a rare few who can use the tail. they might be Muttlings who were born with a prehensile tail.

"I just seem to be a uh natural you know?" Sylvia said.

"can you tell me your name? I want to add you," I asked.

"yes of course this is so exciting!" she hollered with joy "my name is FireSpire27."

"haha nice word play," I responded while writing the name on the top of my hand "you shall be getting a message from me when I get home probably, my name is Mega_Spark11."

"I can't wait," she shook with excitement.

Derek walked into the doorway and powerfully knocked.

"everything should be good now you two Friends should be heading to lesson now. period 2 begins in 5 minutes; good luck with Biology." he grinned particularly at me while Sylvia smiled on.

"Ok Sylvia shall we head off then? if the biology teacher gives you trouble, I'll one two her with these," I exaggerated a flex and she laughed.

Derek watched on and I kept my gaze at him.

"alright Philip lead the way!" she concluded with more laughing.