-Finally!- I think, returning to the armory where I suddenly find a round open pedestal with six pillars surrounding it. Dead center in the middle I find two shoe size footholds.
Stepping into those robotic arms come from above, holding my arms in place. The next moment from inside the pillars robotic arms extend, each carrying some kind of machinery. The first thing put on is some kind of heavy metal collar. After having that securely in place the metal arms swiftly assemble a crude exo-skeleton around me. With every piece of metal, I can feel myself sink into the floor, before finally, the exo-skeleton surrounds my legs, taking the heavy load from me.
I can hear metal clicks and moving parts of the armor slowly lock into place and a whistling noise of the cooling system turning on. Now the exo-skeleton assembled the metal arms swiftly begin equipping all kinds of blue armor parts onto it. My hands are now totally covered up inside the armored forearm parts and new metal hands taking their place. At long last, a half dome shaped helmet is lowered on top of me.
Only now I hear and smell the sounds and smells of metal being welded together.
Before an I really fathom it the suit is already constructed around me, sealing me inside of it.
Slowly I make tentative first steps before getting the hang of it. Now being 2,35 meters tall and most likely weighing more than 500kg, it is an awkward feeling of movement.
When I am finally exiting the armory this kind of feeling has vanished. Reaching the 'Singularly Gate' I instruct the system. -Open a Gate to 51°23′23.47″N 30°5′38.57″E and save it as Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.-
All of a sudden the inner and outer sections of the Singularly Gate ring move in opposite directions and some kind of blurry event horizon forms itself in the center of the Gate Ring. One moment rotating, the next stopping abruptly the veil of blurring is whipped away, showing one simple concrete wall with Cyrillic letters on it.
- Here goes nothing.- I think to move through the open gate. Without any discomfort, I arrive inside the power plant. -System map, show me the containers I need to take and close the gate.-
Looking behind me I can see the space rift created by the Singularity Gate, slowly knitting itself together.
Reading the note a heads-up display activates on the inside of my dome helmet, just seconds after the visor closes. -Nice. I am pretty close to the first containers. Moving in the direction of my first targets, everything is smooth sailing. Arriving at what seems to be the central storage for unused fuel elements, I open a gate and through the metal cages containing the uranium through it. Supposed by the armor I can easily lift and throw the uranium so that after half an hour I have successfully emptied the storage room.
Moving on, everything seems to be too easy, until a huge metal blast door stands in my way and alarm bells suddenly go off and announcements in Russian sound through the speakers.
''Well shit. It was just to dam easy.'' I curse, taking the blast door and pry it open. Throwing the door aside, I think looking at the destroyed door. -This armor is just to dam handy.-
Stepping into the reactor vault, I am happy to note, that the PPS. I not only protect me from radiation but also from heat. Looking at the gigantic pressure vessel containing the reacting uranium in it, I get first doubts about stealing them. -How am I supposed to store the radioactive material in my headquarters?-
''That sounds reassuring!'' I tell the insides of my armor when removing the sealing. Even more, alarms ring out. Jumping into the reactor, I land on a half-sunken bridge between the fuel elements. The water is boiling around me.
-Let's just hope this suit is a good as it should be.- I think to remove the first still active element. -Open a gate in the center of the reactor.-
Having taken the first element I throw it through the gate hoping for the best.
Removing all elements from this first reactor I see the meltdown countdown still running.
-Shit wrong reactor. Could it be the same one as before the change?- I ask myself and find a half melted monitor showing me the other five reactor statuses and just as I guessed and just as the last time, I am reactor No.4 that is in a critical condition.
Checking my mini-map I take the shortest way and rush to it.
Reaching the blast door, I meet the first Russian scientist. The poor guy desperately trying to close some kind of pressure relief valve.
The guy is at first totally stunned and frightened by my sudden appearance, but seems relieved after I signal him that I am here to help. -Help and rob this place.-
Thanks to the PPS. I can easily close the valve. Having that closed I signal the man to go to safety. Seeing him vanish behind another blast door., I pry the door of reactor 4 open. I am instantly enveloped by steam. My display instantly switching into thermal vision, enables me to find the pressure vessel containing the reacting uranium. Again prying it open, I jump into the reactor. Just like before I remove all fuel elements. I do that just in time to get the notification:
Moving swiftly on I am able to empty reactor No.2 and 3 before the first Russian security tries to stop me.
Ignoring the screaming in Russian I just move on. This way I am able to empty reactor No.5 before I am stopped by heavy artillery. A bazooka hits me dead center on my chest, the pressure slamming me back a few steps.
''Fuck you! Didn't I just help you guys avoid a meltdown?'' I shout at them, most likely with activated speakers, hearing my voice booming on the out site.
''Swush!'' Another bazooka shoots by me. -Fuck. These guys hate americans.- I curse my luck for having spoken out loud.
Still, under fire, I sprint to the containment of reactor No.6. Not bothering with the concrete wall, I run straight through it. With adrenaline pumping, it only takes me two hits onto the pressure vessel to pry it open.
Avoiding incoming fire and taking most of it, I am able to empty the last reactor before finally getting the notification:
-$1.500.000 -Headquarters AI Ciri> Ignoring it I command the system to open a gate. Still, under fire from the Russians, I can finally return home.