Chereads / Good Gone Bad / Chapter 11 - The End Of The Beginning

Chapter 11 - The End Of The Beginning

A month went by after Tony showed up at my house. When I returned with Charles he was already gone, Emily told me he wanted to get Sabrina home before I came back. He just decided never to return after that and that only made my anger worse. I looked over at a framed picture I had on my desk, it was Tony and I on one of our picnics. "Tsk..." I pushed the frame over so it landed face down on the desk and then I took a seat. "What a big idiot he is, if he wants to be there for her instead of me then so be it." My anger was washing over me again, but the silence of the room made it hard to ignore. Suddenly tears welled in my eyes and I couldn't help pretending anymore. Yes, I was angry, 'WAS' as in past tense the only thing that I was feeling now was hurt and pain. I just had so many tears I had to hold in so I'd rather be a raging bitch than a crying one. 

 It was so much better to put up a front for everyone. I was still paranoid and my nightmares were getting worse, my sleep time went from six hours to three, and now barely any at all. Tony chose Sabrina over me after all, but I needed him... I need him. I sat in my office crying alone for twenty minutes, everyone was out on routes so I was alone. Recently this is how all my days went. Alone, crying and my heart aching. For crying out loud I was a gang leader and couldn't pull myself from a guy. I pulled myself from my chair and made my way into the bathroom. I ran my long red sleeve across the mirror before frowning at the huge bags under my eyes. after forcing my tears to stop I splashed some water on my face and returned to my desk.

I reached into my drawer and pulled out the envelope I had gotten from the mayor. "Maybe this is the only thing that can distract me from everything." I ran my hand across it until I heard the roaring of multiple motorcycles followed by the sound of the guys coming into the warehouse. I flipped up the seal of the envelope when Charles suddenly walked in and I quickly closed it as I looked at him. "Morning Boss." "Morning Charles, routes go okay this morning?" He gave me a nod with a sly smile. "You shouldn't expect anything less from me." "As I do not." We laughed together and I turned my attention to the envelope again. "What you got there boss?" "If I told you you'd take it away from me and try to stop me." "Then that means it's something you aren't supposed to be doing and I don't need to hear more."

Charles reached over and snatched the envelope out of my hands and I quickly rushed to him trying to take it back. "Charles! Wait! I need that envelope!" "Rachael I'm sure whatever it is it's not important. What is it something you have on Sabrina? Maybe something on Tony, hm?" I clenched my fist as I stopped reaching for it and I looked at the ground as I felt my body tighten. "Rachael?" "It's the information on Caliber's killer." Charles had gone silent; it was like everything in life had paused. The guys downstairs were quiet and for some reason, it brought ease to me. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes hoping he'd understand. 


I watched as Charles ripped the envelope up piece by piece until it looked like little pieces of confetti. "C-Charles..." I looked him into his eyes and he pulled me into his arms, embracing me tightly. He didn't say a single word at first, he just held me against his chest with all his might. "I told you before I'd do anything to protect you and that no matter what I'd do whatever it took. Be pissed at me, hit me, kick me do whatever to me for ripping up that envelope but I promise you it was for the best. Your anger has been through the roof since he passed, be mad at me for saying it but ever since that Edgar situation it's like you're suicidal and I refuse to let you put yourself in danger after I just got you back. Caliber wouldn't want this..."

My heart sank and I felt like I was going to pour my entire soul out, but nothing came out. No tears, no yelling, no hitting... just nothing it was like I was just empty. I wrapped my arms tightly around Charles and he embraced me even harder. I was empty; I was just tired. Tired of crying, tired of the pain, tired of it all and I wanted it to stop. I just wanted to be happy again without any worry in the world. Getting my gang back into violence only escalated the pressure that was put on my shoulders. I was the only one to blame, not Tony or Sabrina. Not even Caliber's killers. I had to forgive and try to forget; it was the best I could do for my gang. "Let's go." Charles pulled away and grabbed my wrist before dragging me out of my office and out to his motorcycle. He climbed on before looking at me, I was too tired to fight him so I climbed on and we sped off.

I rested my head against Charles' back as we raced through the town roads. I didn't even want to look where we were going, I was tired of worrying about everything so I let my fate rest in his hands. After a while, we came to a stop and Charles cut the engine before getting off. I looked up noticing I was home and I climbed off. I made my way to the door as Charles followed behind and we both entered. My gaze shifted as I watched Emily stand and across from her was Tony sitting on the sofa. "What's he doing here?" "Rachael we all need to talk okay, please just sit." I looked up a Charles and he nodded before taking a seat on the arm of the sofa as Emily and I took the loveseat.

"Alright here's the deal, we are all adults we can all sit down and talk. Rachael and Tony, you guys need to work this out and figure out where our gangs go from here. Emily, I know you don't want to talk to me but please I need to talk to you. Even if you just listen, I'm begging you." I scoffed and folded my arms, Charles and Tony sat across from us and I looked around. "Where's your girlfriend?" "Rachael…" I looked at Charles and sighed as I unfolded my arms. I knew he was trying to make things work between all of us but it was hard. Heartache was too hefty to just put aside. He stood and held his hand out toward Emily as he looked at her. She hesitated before taking his hand and they left the room leaving Tony and me alone.

"Sabrina and I aren't dating, she's with the guys… I never should have brought her here I apologize she just… she doesn't want to be alone after what happened." I looked up into his eyes and guilt washed over me, slowly erasing my anger. After everything I had been through, I was being selfish, Sabrina had gone through the same thing only for months. I needed him but so did she, she was abducted and came back to find out the guy she was in love with was moving on. I was such a bitch; I had never let my anger take over like that but Tony.... He brought a different side out of me, I felt protective over him I felt jealous even thinking about him with anyone else. I would be lying to myself if I said my anger completely got rid of my feelings for him, if anything I wanted to be in his arms more than ever. At that moment sitting in front of him without letting my anger take over, I felt relaxed and secure.

"I'm sorry… I shouldn't have snapped-" "Stop. Don't say another word, Rachael." I watched as Tony stood and sat next to me, he hesitated before placing his hand on my knee and looking into my eyes. "I deserved everything that happened between us since you've been home, if not way more. I put you in danger and I should have at least let you know the full risk you were taking when you agreed to help me." Tony drooped his head as he gave my knee a gentle squeeze. "Edgar was my brother and growing up my father abused him. To avoid the same treatment, I turned my back on him, every time he called out for help I'd just walk away." Tears started to swell in his eyes and I softly placed my hand on his cheek.

"Every day my father would beat and torture Edgar until he was unconscious, what happened was he wanted revenge. I thought I could keep you safe, I thought if I trained you better than I did Sabrina he wouldn't stand a chance." "So, I was just a backup compared to her? A way to take him down?" "Honestly at first, yes, but I developed feelings for you Rachael I swear." I shook my head and pulled my hand away as tears started to stream down my face. "Hey, hey, hey, please don't cry Rachael. I love you; I know that I love you and I want you more than anything in this world." "What about Sabrina?" "She's just in my gang I talked to her after what happened the last time we saw you. She knows where we stand and what I want." "What is it you want? What do you truly want?"

Tony got off the sofa and got on both his knees in front of me as he grabbed my hands. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you taking in every single obstacle that stands in our way. I want us and our families to come together as one, we could lead side by side. If after what happened you want to leave the gang life that's fine, I'll be right by your side one thousand percent I promise." He wiped my tears and I pulled him in and I hugged him tightly. His strong arms embraced me and I missed it so much. For weeks I've only wanted to feel the security of his arms around me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, his cologne, gosh I missed the smell of his cologne. "I was so scared…" "I know, I know. I swear I will never let anyone hurt you again mon doux ange." I buried my face deeper into his chest and we just held each other.

Finally, I could feel his touch again, his strong arms holding me captive. I was right where I wanted to be... right where I belonged and I never wanted to leave him again. He slowly laid back with me resting right in his lap and against his chest. After a while, Emily and Charles came out of the room hand in hand and I gave them both a small smile. Emily walked over as I slowly sat up and hugged both Tony and me then Charles joined. Finally, I was home with my family, things weren't one hundred percent yet but we were happy. "Well, Thanksgiving is right around the corner! Why don't we take time away from the gang business and plan this epic dinner?" Charles smiled as he held his hand out towards Tony and I watched as Tony slapped his hand right into Charles'.

"Alright, then it's settled! No more gang business until after Thanksgiving. This is our time to cherish our brothers and sisters and be thankful." "I'd drink to that." A huge smile spread across my face as we all laughed and Tony pulled me into his chest. Charles was right we all had a lot to be thankful for, I was ready to move on and forgive Tony. I could have died in the hands of Edgar, in our line of work we take an extremely high risk that every day could be our last. I decided I was done being mad and angry I just wanted to cherish my family. The three of them sat down as they started to plan it and I walked outside taking a deep breath. The air was crisp and heavy, I watched as the leaves fell from the trees and were blown across the lawn. I was abducted and violated but I made it out alive, 'I'm strong enough to get through anything.'

I leaned against the post and I thought to myself trying to ease my mind. My bright red hair blew along with the wind and I gently moved it out of my face. The front door shifted and I looked over as Tony came outside smiling at me. "Chilly out here, why aren't you inside?" "I just needed some fresh air." He nodded and came up hugging me from behind as we stared out at the lawn. He placed a kiss on my head and I couldn't help but smile as he whispered in my ear. "Emily wants Charles and I to go out and grab somethings for a movie night to celebrate everyone being back home. We thought a party would be too much so it's just the four of us some baking, popcorn, and movies."

"You're leaving…" I turned to look up into his eyes as I pouted a bit. "I won't be long I promise okay just a quick run to the store." "You ready Tony?" I looked over at Charles as Tony nodded and kissed my forehead. "One hour…" I nodded and gave him a peck on the lips before watching them climb into Emily's car and drive away. I knew things were going to be better from here on out, at least we'd all try. Our little family was strong enough to get through anything and I was determined we would. I made my way inside to Emily and she smiled at me. "Hey, why don't we pull out the fall decorations?" I couldn't help but smile and nod, for the next few hours, we went through all our decorations and decorated the entire house. It was finally starting to feel like the holidays, I glanced over at the clock and forced a smile. Emily and I were in the kitchen setting up the utensils we needed to bake when Charles and Tony walked in with groceries.

They walked into the kitchen and sat everything on the counter. "One hour?" "I know I'm sorry Charles wanted to stop and look at-" Charles gave Tony a hard elbow to the ribs and smiled innocently."Christmas trees for next month." "Ye-yeah… the biggest ones get sold out around this time." Emily and I looked at each other before cracking up as we continued prepping the kitchen. "Okay fine…" Once Emily and I were done setting up, the four of us spent all night baking and bonding. Well Tony and Charles made a mess of the kitchen.

"Man, I'm kicking your ass in this baking competition!" "Absolutely not! My Nana taught me how to make the best Butter Pecan cookies. Watch when these bad boys come out you'll be begging for one of mine." "Yeah yeah yeah we will see." Emily and I giggled as we watched them argue over who could cook better. "Well, I hope you guys clean up as good as you make a mess." I smiled at Emily and Charles walked over wrapping his arms around her neck. "Well, that's what we have you for." I shook my head fast trying to tell him, no but I was too late. Emily laughed before gripping Charles' crotch tightly and he winced in pain. "You wanna rethink that answer?" "Uh... y-yeah we will clean it up r-right Tony?" "Yeah! Of course…" Tony looked my way and forced a smile and Emily cracked up as she let Charles go.

In the end, Charles had the best recipe, and Tony was left to be a sore loser. After we all had finished eating dinner we cleaned up the kitchen, before we settled on the couch with popcorn. We all laughed and talked our way through the comedy, enjoying every second. Towards the end of the movie, everyone had fallen asleep except me. I slowly got up and shook Tony. "Hey, are you coming to bed?" I watched as he stretched before nodding. I took his hand and helped him off the couch before leading him up the stairs. I pulled his clothes off down to his boxers before undressing myself. We both settled in my bed and quickly fell asleep in each other's arms, it felt great to be back home. Things were finally back to normal and I couldn't have been happier the only thing I wished was that the worst was finally over.


Blood was everywhere I sighed softly before pulling a handkerchief out of my pocket and I started to wipe my hands off. My short tight white dress was now stained in blood and I watched as one of the men from Hell's Union bled out at my feet. "Now since you won't tell me any information how about you do me a favor and get a message to your leader? You tell the blood king that I'm back in town, and you tell him that Amelia says she will be in touch soon. Can you do that?" I watched as he franticly shook his head and I smiled widely as I eyed the place I had previously stabbed him. "Great, now go." He scrammed to his feet before running out and I let out another sigh. I made my way to the window and I watched him hop on his bike and drive off. "I will avenge my son in due time..."

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