Chereads / The Legend of Ice / Chapter 13 - The Prophecy

Chapter 13 - The Prophecy

After the trance passed, I was still filled with shock. It happened way too quickly for me to process it.

Everyone quickly rose to their feet. Richard's eyes were full of disbelief. His eyes drifted to my new tattoos and said, "This was the least of my expectations."

"What was that?" asked Fárbauti. The big guy's face was more serious than ever.

"Yggdrasil just claimed Orion as the Lord of Wind, Water, and Ice!" Richard replied. "Before Orion, you were the latest Lord, Farbauti, so I am not surprised that you don't know what happens in this case. Not everyone notices the bowing and the respect that comes from all living beings."

"A lord?" I asked before he could change the subject. Richard looked back at me and replied, "The Lords of Yggdrasil are... special beings. Basically, it gives the said Lord an advantage over their elements. Naturally, for each element, only one Lord can exist."

"And I am the Lord of three elements?"

"It is unusual, though it could happen," he nodded his head and replied calmly.

I was speechless. Why would the world tree that holds our universe claim me in particular? There were dozens of cultivators more powerful than me.

"Do not think too much about it for now. Yggdrasil has its reasons for doing such things. What bothers me is that you stayed awake while seeing that vision of all beings bowing to you. Those who have seen that normally lose consciousness and only regain it when the claiming ceremony is done."

"Is that bad?"

"Only Seers have the ability to do that," Merlin replied decisively. Seers were people who could see visions of things that happened, are happening, and will happen. All prophecies came from seers. "Are you implying that I am a seer?" I asked them all. 

First I became a dragon, then a Lord, and now they are telling me that I am a seer. Things are changing at a really fast pace... They all stayed silent until Richard said, "These things are somewhat tricky, so we cannot be sure until you issue a prophecy."

Richard may not know it, but he is a big jinx. As if I was waiting for him to say that, my back suddenly straightened, my eyes became completely black, and the smoke from the fire got sucked into my lungs. And then, with a creepy voice, I spoke:

"East shall go the Lord of the three,

The blades of the creator he should plea,

Ice shall face the Prisoner's wrath,

But the blade of Pangu would lighten his path."

As I regained control of myself, I weakly turned my head to Richard and murmured, "Does that confirm it for you?"

Richard smiled wryly and sighed, "A new prophecy has been issued."

He looked at Farbauti and ordered, "Prepare all the tools he will need. Orion has a long journey ahead of him. Go home, for now, Orion. You need rest."

With a wave from his hand, I was back home. 

The next morning, I woke up refreshed. I wanted to stay with my family for these days. From what I understood from the prophecy, I will be gone for a long time.

I ended up telling my parents that I would be off for a long time for cultivation, But I couldn't tell them that I could be killed on my trip. The next morning, I teleported to the Mansion of Night.

Farbauti was standing before me, grim as always, and said without any greetings, "Give me your wand and sword."

I raised an eyebrow but did as he told me. The two items floated in the air in front of him as he raised a small hammer and hit nothing in particular in between them.

Just as I was about to ask, a small light engulfed the two. After it faded, only the wand remained.

Fárbauti handed it to me and said, "Will it to become a sword." 

I did that. The wand immediately transformed into my sword. As I was thanking him, he gave me the hammer.

"When you find the other pieces of the blade, put them on the sword and tap them with the hammer," he said. I thanked him again and went to Richard's study. Like always, he was sitting on his armchair, reading a book under the enchanted ceiling. We sat and talked for a while then I asked him, "Where should I start searching? And where in the east? And who is this Prisoner?"

"One question at a time, Orion," he said. He took a piece of parchment from the desk and wrote something then sealed it. "East is generally known as ancient China. You will go to the Immortal Sun Sect where one of my disciples, Emperor Sun Wu, lives. Hand him this message, and he will give you the second and third pieces."

The door of the study opened suddenly and Tulip rose from it. She wore traveling clothes, her wand at her waist, and a bag on her back.

"I am ready," she said.

"Ready for what?" Richard and I asked at the same time.

"Why, I am going with Orion, obviously."

"Absolutely not. It is too dangerous," Richard replied firmly.

"I don't think the prophecy mentioned someone was going with me," I noted.

"Oh come on you two! I have always dreamed about exploring the world. And I don't care if it is dangerous. I've survived the maze," she pleaded. "Please Richard, let me go. I want to test my abilities and increase my cultivation."

Richard sighed and said, "Fine. You can go." She jumped in delight.

"Come, your horses are waiting."

"Horses?" I asked.

"Yes, horses. You have to go by land in order to acquire the blades."

"Oh great."

I went to my room and wore a black robe-armor, combat boots, my wand at my sleeve, and a small enchanted bag at my waist. Then I strolled towards my horse. And my journey began.

End of Book I: The Beginning. 


Updated on 10/6/2024.