Chereads / God Of Lies / Chapter 1 - where the hell am I?(・_・ヾ

God Of Lies

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Chapter 1 - where the hell am I?(・_・ヾ

Hai Jingyi was a man of many thoughts and a wild imagination but in this situation lying face down in the grass wearing a black and blue robe hair falling everywhere he believed he was having a dream.

He pinched his cheeks, there was pain so this was no dream.

Still, the terrain did not look anything like his town,

"Where the hell am I? Did I go drinking again? Why am I wearing cosplay is this a prank?" he looked around getting ready to spot some camera's or at least a few companions but he was alone, he thought back to the previous night he was at home in his room it was raining and wearing his bunny slippers when he heard his cat call for him, so he got up and went to buy food...

everything got blurry from there but he was sure Mr Percy Catson had not been fed yet so he had to get back.

His stomach growled and all previous thought was lost, well food must come first nourish the body nourish the soul and the mind will clear itself.

He got up looking around beautiful green fields, cascading waterfalls in the red light of the setting sun... he definitely wasn't in his town...

*am I in a resort?*

Still, he memorized the terrain it would be perfect for the game he was working on dusting off the grass stains he spotted smoke,

Ah human settlement...or forest fire, either way, better than doing nothing, spotting a path he took it enjoying the view as he trudged on.

*I must be in I'm never drinking again how'd I even get here? Must've been some party...*

he thought as he stepped on flat land freezing at the sight before him,

he must've been at some festival with all the old school clothes he was seeing it was awesome

*Man, they really go all out here...*

he walked over to a sweet cart

the attendant quickly bowed,

"Master, how may I serve you?"

*Man, they're really, really going all out here*

He pointed at some sunflower seeds thinking he'd just nibble on those before he got back home where some cold noodles were waiting for him he moved to get his wallet,

Wait a minute his face was calm but his heart was pounding hard, these are not my clothes my wallet is not here I have no money how am I gonna pay??? ಥ⌣ಥ

The Shop keeper saw Hai Jingyi making a move as if to pay and quickly bowed, "Master need not pay this humble shopkeeper, serving you an immortal is a blessing enough."

Hai Jingyi smiled if he was going to pay a young master from some fancy sect he was gonna do it right years of role-play had prepared him for this moment, smiling eyes a face that radiated peace and all fluffy things in life, he slightly bowed his head in the most graceful of manners and walked of sunflower seeds in hand leaving the shop keeper clutching his chest in a fangasm, he must really like this character...

*Guess I wasn't OOC not bad I didn't even know the character.*

He paused realizing he hadn't asked the man where the bus stop deciding it would be too awkward, he'd just wander around till he found it

maybe it's at the entrance where is that?

Spotting a group of girls stealing glances he smiled he was attractive he knew that and this cosplay made him look like some ancient prince the fangirls would go wild he walked over to them watching them blush and squirm hehehehehe

"Pardon me Little sister," he spoke as a fair prince the girls bush deepened "I'm new here and I seem to be a bit lost could you guide me to the gate." now from what he had said he reasoned he would be led to a parking lot or a stop or the entrance gates so when he found himself before two twin jade gates that sparkled under the first light of the moon he began to fee a tad panicked,

"Ah, we're here Master Hai Jingyi,"

"So we are,"

where is here? I meant the exit don't tell me I'm stuck here for the night that's just crazy!! I wanna go home! My cats all alone, I have responsibilities! come on man this isn't funny whose pulling my leg? I'll curse your whole family..."

To the young girls, his face was resplendent gazing at the moon reflecting his beauty they would never have guessed his mind was like this.

"Who goes there?!" a voice shouted as two young lads ran up to meet them they were clad in light green robes hair tied up in long ponytails, they looked adorable!

and they are in character too, the people here really are dedicated, still playing the lost prince he smiled graciously a blinding smile that rendered the two youths frozen

"Hello, I am Hai Jingyi, I was a bit lost but these wonderful ladies helped me find my way,"

the girls nearly fainted one of them squealed, yes, yes I am a humble prince lost in a new land, will I take one of you to be my bride who knows?

"Which sect are you from Master? I think we would have heard if someone like you was coming?"

"Hóng fènghuáng sect," he answered without hesitation hoping he got the world right...he'd just picked the name of the last sect he'd worked on in a game oh well, if he got it wrong as long as he stayed in character it would all be alright, it was a common sect name in Wuxia anyway chances of him being wrong were next to none,

the two shared a look before ushering him in but he stopped them ordering one of them to escort the girls home as it was late,

"It's not kind to leave such beautiful flowers to wander the streets alone."

he bid them a farewell they would live to remember, the fair prince with eyes so dark the stars shone in them wind tussling long strands of ink black hair a smile that broke the moons heart and a gentle touch of a monarch ha! Watching their faces shine was awesome he really did feel like a prince uhuhuhuhu!

One of the lads Wen Xia went with them feeling as if he had met a true god he wanted to rush back lest he find the mysterious man already gone.

the other, Yan Yang, led him up the stairs and though his face told nothing in his heart he grumbled, no elevator huh? This is too in character keep with the times what is this?

Just as he was about to complain a shadow crossed his line of sight, glancing up he saw him, and seeing him was what shocked Hai Jingyi to the core, he knew this person no not that he was the one who made this person!

As the man approached Hai Jingyi couldn't help but wonder if this is what a new father felt like upon getting the news from his wife congratulations a precious bun is in our this was just shock there was no joy…

"Tai Qiang?" Hai Jingyi called out the man paused a harsh glare fixed on him ah yes this was definitely Tai Qiang, the ever-angry tsundere he spent two weeks drawing and another three sculpting five painstaking weeks had birthed this awe-inspiring being before him, all who had seen him went, "Hai Jingyi, you truly out did yourself look at that face, look at that poise, good job, good product!"

many thanks, many thanks!

but as he realized that he came to understand why he didn't recognize the other characters sure if it was his game, the ever-popular Phoenix rising fantasy, that claimed the hearts of many an avid gamer he only participated in character creation when it was the main characters mob characters were given to freelancers and interns.

he glanced at Yan Yang no wonder he didn't know the poor boy he didn't make him,

"Master Hai Jingyi, you know master Tai Qiang?"

of course he did he probably knew him better than he knew himself heck the hours he spent sculpting those abs…

"Who doesn't," he instead responded cool and collected ignoring the cold fire that was spreading through his veins at a grim thought that bubbled from the moment those glaring eyes seized him up,

if that really was Tai Qiang then he quickly glanced around the unfamiliar terrain suddenly becoming very very familiar, he was in his own game…

" Yan Yang, who is this?" Tai Qiang asked his face was ever in an angry expression

oh if only I coded you a little more cheerful what a waste of a pretty face

"Master Hai Jingyi of the Hóng fènghuáng sect," Yan Yang answered bowing this was getting too much he needed a room to think before he up and went insane

" Hóng fènghuáng sect..." Tai Qiang stared at him Hai Jingyi met his cool gaze with a warm one how can one not smile at their own creation

"So he's an impostor?"

( ?´_ゝ`) huh?

" Hóng fènghuáng sect has been dead for years,"

Ah, so they are playing the quest story mode, then Hóng fènghuáng sect really was dead.

Burned to ash by their own disciple, who turned to the dark path for power breaking his oaths and incinerating the entire mountain. When he thought about it now it was a bit far fetched a single man taking out a group of high-level cultivators it was too much but a cliched plot sells well so…


"I am the only survivor," he made his voice devoid of emotion, the wounded prince reliving the final moments of his people not bad clear eyes tinged red by silenced tears cast down by a suddenly cold face it was beautiful Yan Yang was smitten almost vowing his life to Hai Jingyi on the spot, I'll give you the world please don't cry

ヽ( T-T)ノ,

"Unlikely." Tai Qiang stated, well you can't blame him he has a point but Hai Jingyi needed shelter and this place fit his fancy tastes so...


"You doubt my strength?" he stated coldly, the sad prince was gone this one was filled with anger that bit into ones soul-sucking away its warmth, "No, rather you doubt the sacrifice of my master."

he looked Tai Qiang dead in the eye and growled, "I will not stand for that."

Tai Qiang's eyes flashed, a challenge well at least the impostor had guts.

"Your lies are an affront to those whose lives were lost, not my words,"

Hai Jingyi felt this was oddly going into duel territory, he didn't want to fight Tai Qiang that would be suicide!! the man had no remorse only killer precision that was why he was such a popular character!

Hai Jingyi crossed his arms the look of anger in his eyes almost palpable this was all for show but he wondered what he would do if they actually fought. (-_-*)

Apparently he didn't have to wonder long as a silver glare swooped across his face leaving a burning scratch on his cheek, it was shallow like a shaving cut but still, hurt like a bitch!

you idiot I am your creator!!! that's like, your god !!!where is the respect!??

"You dare?" Hai Jingyi stated voice filled with malicious intent Tai Qiang held the sword under his chin, he looked like he would kill him if he dared make a move!

Well, if he was going to die in a game he still had like two more lives he'd wake up at the restore point on the mountain probably or find himself back in reality or he'd die for real...that was a possibility he really didn't want to think about that he lifted a hand to touch the blade biting into his neck it was a pretty blade he'd worked so hard to make it and now it was about to slay him so cool!

His fingers lightly grazed its surface and mind already accepting death when it occurred to him the more he focused on something the more he saw the code built into it

The code he wrote for the sword he could see it everything that gave it strength its stats even the zeros and ones, it was beautiful but more than that it was malleable.

A painted smile darkened his face

"Are you sure you want to do this Tai Qiang?" his voice was low almost sultry the blade cut a thin trickle off blood like a red ribbon wrapping ivory, Tai Qiang didn't answer

"Very well"

Hai Jingyi figured if he could see the code then he could probably alter it, maybe shift it into water or scatter it into a million pieces-

no sooner had he thought that than the sword shattered it was so sudden both parties were surprised

Yan Yang screamed.

Shit, I broke Tai Qiang's sword! he's gonna kill me play it cool play it cool it was just so fast, what OP character am I isn't this too much?

Tai Qiang was shocked, what was that? he'd never seen anything like that...

"In my defence, you cut me first." Hai Jingyi glanced up at him before kneeling by the millions of pieces of metal he watched as he breathed a sigh waving a hand over the confetti that used to be his sword pure shock on his usually stoic face as the pieces reconnected one by one to become whole again, Hai Jingyi was happy to fix the sword it would have been a shame if he couldn't he spent three nights on it the modelling alone took so much time for such a simple object.

He smiled handing the sword back to Tai Qiang, noticing the scratches on his hand, Hai Jingyi waved a hand fixing it up quickly getting the hang of this hand is the pen and world the paper type of power

Tai Qiang stared at his hand then at Hai Jingyi

"Tai Qiang, If that's all may I speak to elder brother Tai Shu Qiu."

Yan Yang watched all this with a slack jaw,

This Master is really strong.