Major Powers

The Arkite Autarchy

This is the largest Major Power in the entire continent, this Autarchy consists of all the races but controls the most land. When fighting, it is considered a power-sweeping nation due to its devastating military power.

The ruler of the Arkite Autarchy is a man named Arthur the second Arkite, known as the son of the Wizard King. His father Arthur Arkite was known as the Wizard King. He was a legendary hero who had uncovered many secrets of magic until the day he died. He had spread his knowledge across the continent which has caused him to gain many followers. He was the man that was known to be as the closest to becoming a god as they call him 'The Best Magician in the World'.

Apart from the Wizard King, the Arkite Autarchy has many departments. Each department has an academy that teaches magic and swordsmanship or others like medicine, crafting, and cooking. This department holds a huge number of swordsman and magicians. The Department Heads are all extremely mighty as they can compare as the general of armies. They are the true spear and shield of the Arkite Autarchy.

(I couldn't think of any description for this sh** so I based it off of AuthorWiz's description. TY wiz love you! Don't sue me I will cry and stop saying nya if you do!)


The Vampire Familia

Home to almost all of the vampires. This family or should I say race are high mana users in the world. However due to many vampire families in the group they are usually independent. They only join forces when their lives are threatened. Due to their small population because of them almost having the same lifespan as elves, they control the least amount of territory between the major powers. Despite all of that, they are still one of the strongest powers there is out there that can eliminate most threats to them.

This Familia does not have a ruler as they are all separated into their own families. Their mana usually determines their rank in the family otherwise one can challenge another in a duel for higher ranking. Each of the top of the family are usually called "Vampire King" which has absolute rule over the other vampires in the family and are extraordinarily strong when compared to other races.


The Underground Alliance

This alliance is one that involves all dirty works or crime works. People in this alliance are usually ones that have a job of assassin, thief, spy and etc...

In this alliance there is a ruler that is known as 'The King of Shadows' due to him not being seen by anyone other than the higher prestige people in the alliance known as the 'Six Shadow Generals'. These shadow generals are strong enough to destroy an entire small army by themselves. The king along with these shadow generals are the major powerhouses in the alliance. This alliance also has a high amount of members due to many usually being unable to get jobs or getting abused like slaves.


The Draconic Tribes

This tribe includes the Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Lightning, and Shadow dragons. These six different tribes of dragons usually act independently with their treaty. However, when they are threatened the other tribes will help. The dragons are races that are usually feared and admired for their strengths and their high mana.

There is no ruler for The Draconic Tribe as each of their own individual dragon tribe has their sole king. The strongest tribe as many will know is the Fire Dragon Tribe as it has the most firepower. However, when it comes to defense the Water Tribe can be as equal to the Fire Dragon Tribe. Each individual tribe has their own policies and laws.


Guilds Alliance

This major power has the highest amount of members due to each and every race having the ability to join. The Guilds Alliance consists of members from the Adventurer's Guild, the Merchant Guild, the Blacksmith/Craft Guild, and the Cooking Guild.

Due to these large amount of members they are able to clear a threat almost immediately. Their major power houses would be their rank S members which would be considered on par with braves or less when it comes to power.


The Beastmen Alliance

This alliance consists of many different kind of beastmen like catkin, dogkin, werewolves and etc. It is home to all beasts in the world.

There is a ruler for this alliance who is called the 'Beast King'. The Beast King is usually determined by a royal bloodline and their combat ability. The current Beast King is from the dogkin race as his power is fire. He utilizes the explosive power of fire which has allowed him to prevail in battles against others claiming his rightful Beast King race. His bloodline show's when he awakens which gives him a full fire coating while normal dogkin awakenings will result in certain body parts with fire coating.

The beastmen's are usually known for their combat skills as they rely on speed and power to end battles. Whenever they use magic it makes it easier for them to battle unlike where other races solely focus on magic or swordsmanship. These beasts can utilize both at the same time.


Pseudo-Major Power are what you call powers that are a step below reaching the Major Power status but haven't.