I wait up on the bridge in the the same spot that i'm always at. I texted Lola and asked if she could meet me here, she replied and said that she would. That was 20 minutes ago, i'm not sure if I should keep waiting or not. I try to think about what I can say to her to convince her that i'm not the jerk that I might come across as. Drowning in my thoughts, I notice after a while that shes here. My heart race speeds up and my words seem to fade away. Why in the world do I get like this way when i'm around her. We stare at each other for a few minutes refusing to say a word to each other.
''I like you too'' I blurt out. ''I didn't know how to tell you... i just wanted you to know before any of this is too late'' I say.
'' What do you mean any of this'' she says crossing her arms in front of her chest. '' Am I a game to you?'' she says with a sarcastic grin on her face.
''I was the one who found you up here. I was the one who stopped you. I was the one who was trying to be there for you, yet i feel like all of that is nothing to you at all. Maybe I-'' I cut her off.
letting my heart speak for me... I kiss her.