As the first ray of the sun, shone through the clouds, the slaves got up in unison and got ready for another gruelling day.
As Garen stood up, a grueling pain shot through out his body and he let out a painful groan. He placed his shivering hands and the rough wall to steady himself.
After taking in two deep breath, he walked rather shakily out of his am cave. He watched as other slaves walk by him. They all look spiritless and lack of hope all evident on their face.
[Ding! A New Year. Host stats is being displayed.....]
[Strength=4 (3.5), physique=5 (3.5), agility=5 (4), intelligence=6, Spirit=5. Quest point= 2241. Martial skills=Nill.]
(Author: the attributes in the bracket is the MC's current attribute, while the one's outside is the MC's true/original attributes. Is Str, phy and agi are lower as a result of his injury.)
Garen disregarded the words like he always do. He walked faster towards his destination, a rather large woodenhouse situated close to entrance of one of the plentiful mine shaft.
He felt a hand on his shoulder and quickly turned around while putting a distance between him and whoever it is.
A familiar face came into view, a guy around his own age stood less than 5 step away from him. it was Gustav one of his rather small amount of friends. Gustav looked apologetic at him.
"Garen! You look like you've be through hell has that bastard gotten you!? Wow that's fast I wanted to warn you ah.... "
"wait slow down. Has who gotten me? I don't really get what you are saying." Garen looked perplexed at Gustav, he thought what has gotten into him again.
"well, you know nasla, bamesh brother, well someone told him he saw you disposing his brother's body and well now he his after your head."
"f**k" he spat on the ground. "that bastard keeps haunting me." he waved his hands angrily. "can't the bastard just die in peace!? It's not like he his the first to die here and definitely not the last."
"well thanks for the heads-up Gustav, but am not afraid of that bastard, and he won't even be able to get me." Garen patted his friends shoulder as he reassured him he his save.
"well good that you are confident. See you later Garen. " Gustav turned around and walked away
Though he said he said he wasn't scared, that was just pure bluffing. Nasla is like is stupid brother. Be his smarter, stronger and to top it all he has several goons following him.
He shook his head and stopped worrying. It's not like he can run away from this place, nor hide in his cave. There's no use worrying, he just have to be more vigilant.
Time went by and he quickly go about his work and soon forgot about his worries as he got ready for another rough day.
As he walked into one of the mine shaft, he walked about for some minutes trying to look for an empty spot. Minutes after be began working, suddenly Gbam!!. A strong force hit Garen on his cheek, he staggered, taking 3step backwards. As mucus gush out from his nose and tears poured out from his eyes.
He raised his now blurry eyes, and took a shaky glance at direction the fist came from.
"Garen, oh Garen, you little bastard. "Garen, oh Garen, you little bastard. What did you do to my brother." a short but buff man with two others at his back stood beside Garen. He look condescending at Garen as he moved closer to the poor boy.
Grabbing an handful of his hair, he stroke him directly on his face.
"motherf**cker, bastard, even though I hate that weak bastard bamesh, he his still my kin. You poor bloke dare kill my brother. Am going to f**k you up real bad"
"hoi, you two, hold the little f**ker. Am going to kill him today. Make sure you keep my brother company."
One of the slaves, hooked Garen at the back, while the other held his hands. Punch after punch, and Garen faces became bloody. He nose broke and the bone gutted out, his mouth swollen to the extent people would assume he stuffed buns in his cheek.
[Ding: Host life signal is falling rapidly.]
[Ding: Host should leave the threatening area. ]
[Ding: Host attributes are reducing ]
The words flashing through his eyes turned bright red, while flickering rapidly.
The short man, picked out the little pieces of bones stuck in his fist and wiped of his hands. He moved closer to the boy and raised up his chin. "hehehehe, little f**ker didn't think you're going to die here huh!? Well to bad. Say hello to my brother."
He turned towards the his two goons "beat him to death, then dispose his body. "
"yes boss!" they said in unison and one even flashed his dirty teeth that is missing quite some numbers of teeth.
Garen felt increasingly weaker and his strength leaving him. The 13some of his live flash through his mind. He tried to fight back, tried to seize a single lifeline for him to live, unfortunately his strength left him and he couldn't even raise a finger.
He got increasingly fearful as he felt himself get closer to death. Though he had sometimes thought of ending his worthless life but now, he want nothing more than to live. The thought of dying, scared the living hell out of him.
Then his mind began to wander about, and he felt his surroundings became very quiet. He thought of the outside world, how it felt to be free. Of the fat warehouse keeper, of other slaves like him, and of where he will go after he die.
Slowly he felt his body temperature falling, he shivered or thought he shivered, and wandered how good it would have been if he had a blanket.
His thought became sluggish and the world seems to become very small to him. His eye lid became heavy and the last thing he saw. [Ding: life saving mechanism activated. Host will be in a death like state for 3days, 8hours, 12minutes and 5seconds.]
It all felt funny to him. He was accompanied by words he couldn't understand in is last seconds. And the darkness consumed him.