Xiulan pulled away a little from him to create some space and she unbelievably gawked at Hongqi for a few seconds before she regained her senses back.
"How about my love? Don't you want my love?" That annoying statement rang through her ears, like a huge golden gong, the sound it created vibrated inside her head and might cause an incoming headache.
Yes, absolutely she doesn't want any of his love! His possessive attention was already tiresome, what more when romance is involved? Oh the horror!
With a calm demeanor and a stiff smile, she answered sarcastically. "This is a first that I encountered someone offered his love like it was charity."
Her teeth was gritting. He sound so arrogant! She can't explain but she's really pissed and mad right now.
"Conceited son of a bitch!" She can't help but secretly curse him. He's so haughty!