Nelson continued to hear the sounds, but they still seemed to be far away, so before going to them, Nelson went to his house and picked up his sound box so that when he found any of the 5 sounds, put them in the box to play music and thus complete your goal.
Leaving his home, Nelson sees what the Kingdom has become, quiet people buying things, silence that is broken by birds singing and cars, the police calm, because no more going out to close funks dances because of much noise. Nelson thought:
- "Wow, I need to find the sounds fast! Before people give up the funks!"
When he was walking, his old friends came up to him and asked what happened when the sounds were no longer coming out of the speakers, he explained the whole story, and they went into despair, because they did not know which course to take, as they made little money playing the 5 sounds in the funks dances. At that moment, Nelson left the city and began his search, now even more serious to find the sounds.