The ash-green, short curly hair was now all drenched. His forehead was also soaked with sweat, his cheeks pale.
This was the scene Angel saw when he found Sanders.
Noticing Angel's arrival, Sanders finally used a Cleansing Spell to wipe the sweat from his brow.
"You're here?" Sanders summoned a chair and signaled for Angel to sit down, "Are you ready to leave yet?"
"I might need to stay here a bit longer," Angel said, his eyes glancing toward the desk where there was a glass bottle.
The bottle was empty but emitted a familiar scent.
"Twisted Paramedic Worm?" Angel looked up at Sanders. Even though Sanders's expression didn't show anything wrong, his face was still very pale, "Mentor, did you go to the Nightmare Realm?"
Sanders's eyebrows were lowered, and he nodded slightly, "Yes, I did go there for some matters."
"Is it related to Greya?"