Chaya and Moven went out for a walk. They always have dated every now and then, as if they were girlfriend/boyfriend thing. They never experience doing what they should do before; Dating thing.

They went to the park for some fresh air. They were holding hands while walking. Moven took a day off to spend some time with her. Well, not just him but Chaya too. Day off not in work but their duties as parents.

They need time alone sometimes. Their children were in good hands if they spend their time alone.

Her tummy now is so big and heavy already. It is nearly her due time. They were in the middle of the park when Chaya saw an ice cream vendor. She seems to crave for it.

"Darling, will you buy that one for me." She asked Moven to buy it for her pointing the ice cream vendor.

"Okay, what flavor do you want?" Moven did not hesitate to ask for his wife wants.

"Strawberry" she excitedly says.

"Okay then you sit here and wait for me to come back in a few minutes." He said leaving her after. It was not far to think of it but being Moven is hard to resist. He does not want anything happen to Chaya or any of his children.

Chaya sat on the bench. Moven walked fast towards the ice cream vendor. She watched her husband Moven. After a while, he bought her favorite flavor.

He sits beside her, bringing the ice cream. He bought two actually, one is Strawberry and the other one is Mango. She immediately eats it because it started melting.

Moven watched Chaya eating the ice cream; she looks cute like a little child. He could not imagine his life without her.

Chaya finished them all in just few more minutes. She leans her head to Moven shoulder. She is very thankful for the things that happened to her. She put her left hand in her tummy. This baby inside her, is a blessing too. This time, this baby is lucky enough that Moven is there.

From the time they knew about this pregnancy. He cried, all his children except Jia, he never been there with her.

All her children are her greatest blessings and treasures. She raised her head and glance at Moven. "Hubby, I want to thank you for loving me. Thank you for everything. I love you forever." She gave him a peck on the lips. But Moven kissed her deeply.

Moven squeezed her hand. "I love you still the same. You are the greatest gift that I received in my entire life. I will always stay with you until the end."

Moven raised Chaya's chin then he slowly kissed her again.

Chaya and Kim decided at least once or twice a month gathering in Lee's Residence. It was one of the same things they did. Grilling, chatting and the children having fun.

But today was just the continuation of their baby showers. Both sides came up with a plan. They joined the celebrations together since both of them were just few days interval. It was fun and everybody came to witness the revelation of the babies gendes.

Chaya and Kim had their alone time talking while their husbands were drinking. Their parents from C City flew away just to attend the events. Moven invited both families; Chaya and Kim to stay in their residence.

Their house was big enough to occupy all of them. Jary and Kim never left since the party. They stayed overnight too just to extend the bonding. Their parents were at the other side talking too. It seems everything were perfectly enjoying each other's company.

"Bes, I could not believe that we will going to be due anytime." Kim's face obviously excited.

"Me too, Moven is so thrill to me this little angel." Both of them were rubbing their tummy.

Suddenly, Kim froze as she holds Chaya's hand tightly.

"What's wrong?" Chaya asked.

Kim stared at her. "M-my water broke."

"Oh my gosh!" Chaya shocked. "Jary!" She shouted that everyone turned their heads to them. Moven and Jary rushed to them.

"Why are you shouting?" Jary asked Chaya.

"Babe, I think we need to go to the hospital. It's time." Kim bites her lips after saying it.

Jary helped Kim careful as they headed to the car. Chaya and Moven decided to follow them. Their parents stayed at home to take care of the children.

"Okay, we will call to update about it." Moven said as they walked away.

They found Jary outside the Delivery Room. It's not yet the time for him to go inside. He was a nervous wreck waiting.

"Hey, you seem nervous." Moven chuckled.

"Of course, I am very nervous. I do not want happen to Kim in there when they told me to stay outside. " He mumbled.

Chaya shook her head while watching them. She froze.

"Honey, I think...." Chaya called Moven when she felt something flowing down in her thighs. "My water broke too."

Jary stopped walking as he heard Chaya calmly say. Moven rushed towards her and called the nurse he sees.

The nurse quickly assists her when Chaya feels the pain. They helped her inside the Delivery Room while the husbands were left behind.

It seems like Moven felt the same Jary feel a while ago. They both walking back and forth waiting for their wives.

It took hours before the two doctors came out at the same time.

"Congratulation newly Dad Jary."

"Congratulation again Dad Moven."

Dr. Lim Ji said to both of them. The Delivery Room opened as they saw Kim's bed was pushed. She will be transfer to the private room. Jary followed them.

The door opened again as they pushed Chaya's bed. Moven saw her sleeping. He was thankful that she was okay. He cannot wait to see his baby too.

Kim woke up as she felt thirsty. Jary was holding her hands when she opened her eyes. She smiled looking at him. Jary felt someone's staring at him.

Seeing Kim smiling at him made his eyes totally awake.

"Hey baby, how's your feeling?" Caressing her face.

"I'm thirsty!" She replied.

"Wait!" Jary got up, grabbing some bottled water putting a plastic straw for Kim. She drinks slowly. Jary was very attentive in her needs.

"How's our baby?" Kim asked.

"Our little angel is fine. You don't need to worry." He smiled. "Thankful babe for making me happy. For the greatest gift you've given me." He added pecking her lips.

"No, thankful because we found love with each other. I love you." She replied.

"I love you and our son the most."