Carl did not join with Moven and Chaya because he already met his grandparents during his training and Uncle Chavin too.

His dad arranges him for an internship to his company as one of the staff in any department. He does not want to focus on one department so that he will know everything inside the company.

He wants to learn everything so he should be start from the beginning. No one in the company knows his relationship with Lee Moven because he does not like treat him extra special.

Luckily, the department he was assigns to be kind of very hectic jobs but it is okay with him. Learning from the seniors is the best way to learn something you are proud of someday.

His parents were too busy discussing about their upcoming wedding plans. He is so busy with his work too in Ju Hua Corp.

He went home straight after working hours because he knew his sister Lee Jia were home alone. Yes, after the twin's birthday, they live in his dads. They live now as one complete family. Carl makes sure to spend more time with her little sister Jia.

At the manor, Jia was watching her favorite girl group performing inside her room. She was copying their dance steps when Carl knocks at her door.

She was so busy and the music volume was too loud that she could not hear the knocking. Carl knocked the door again but still Jia did not open. Therefore, he decided to open the door then saw her sister dancing.

Jia continues her doings while Carl was just watching her until she finished. Jia jumped from the shock when she saw her brother.

"Brother, what are you doing here? You scared me to death." Jia startled.

Carl laughed. "I was knocking many times at your door but you did not hear me. Therefore, I went inside myself. Sorry little sissy but I found you very active in dancing. You have skills on that."

"Really, you think so?" Jia shyly asked. "I really like them." She pointed the girl group in the television.

"Yes, you are excellent. It seems you were one of them." He said proudly, to encourage her to explore other things that she is capable of.

"Brother, you think Dad will be okay if I will pursue my dancing. I really love to be a dancer just like them." Jia told him.

Carl thinks twice before saying. "I think Dad and Mom will agree with me. That no matter what you will do, what you love. We will support you in every way you do."

Jia rushed towards Carl then embraces him. "Thank you, brother."

"Well, I am your number one fan. You can do what you like as long as you enjoy doing it. I will always support you all the way,okay." He smiled widely at her.

"Uhm, okay I will try hard to learn something what I want so that when the right time I will make you all proud of me." Jia said it with assurance.

"I am always proud of you, you know that." Carl capped her face with his both hands. "You may fail or succeed, what matter most is that you enjoy."

"Thank you for everything you have done for me, brother. It means a lot." Embarrassing tight makes Jia feel that she is loved.

"How about we go to our home theater? Watch any of your favorite movie just you and me and foods." Carl suggested. "I do not have to go to work early tomorrow."

"Yes, I love too since I do not have classes anyway." Jia clapped her hands.

"Okay, I'll shower first. I smell bad and you too, meet you downstairs. I will Nanny Rong for our foods, okay?" Jia nodded; Carl left the room. She went to the bathroom.

Moven's house have a little home theater. He designed that one for the family especially for Jia. It can occupy less than 25 persons.

Six sets of Leather Home Theater Loveseat were designs especially for them. The other two sets of Home Theater Row Seating with 5 capacities. It was just simple just like in the mall theater but let say it's still comfortable.

Carl was already there ahead of time. Foods on the side for them to choose. Of course, watching a movie inside the theater it should not be complete with popcorn. Pizza with two flavors: Ham and Cheese & Pepperoni. Juices.

Jia came in excitedly. She was wearing her Hello Kitty pajamas with her in her arms 24 inches pink teddy bear given by her mom. The last gift she received from her before she died.

"Are you ready?" Carl asked as Jia sat on one of the loveseats in front of the screen. "What do you like to watch?"

"Mulan!" She told him. Carl nodded.

"What do you want to eat? Nanny Rong say you haven't eaten dinner." Looking at Jia.

"I want pizza ham and cheese and popcorn." She grinned.

Carl smiled as he prepares dinner for Jia. He also put some to his own plate. He walked towards Jia. Putting it on the table in between the loveseat Jia sat on.

He sat down as he picked up the remote control. He turned off the lights and press the movie start.

Carl was not really into animations but he got used to it since he had little siblings. He balances his time to spend with the family especially with his siblings.

Glancing at Jia, she is still a kid that love to watch cartoons. Carl's mind was thinking the foundation, he still helps them. He made some suggestion to his dad. To put a box in every counter inside mall for donations. Every little penny still counts.

Seeing the abandon children makes Carl strive hard to help them. The foundation is getting bigger too. Uncle Jary help them to renovate for free of charge. He makes it more modern with playground too.

Her Mom Chaya was proud of his idea that no matter how little they give but when it counts it won't be little anymore.