The Azalea Plaza Hotel has 3 restaurants include Italian, Chinese and Japanese and a bar.

Dr. Lim Ji booked at the hotel for her friend's arrival on that day. But cancelled the plan and stay at their vacation house instead. Because of Tung Kim's birthday today she gave it to her, a dinner and overnight stay at the Azalea Hotel. Yoon Chaya joined with Kim and her boyfriend for the celebration.

They went to Italian restaurant that the doctor reserved. They celebrated good Italian cuisine with fine wine as well. Tung Kim and boyfriend don't want to stay overnight because they already have other plans. She had 3 to 4 wines already because it seems its less alcohol and she can handle it.

The lovers waved goodbye to her and she went to the elevator going to the hotel room. She mistaken presses the button to number 7 then 12. She held the hotel card key on her hand. Just as she was inside, she felt boozed up. She felt hot all over her body.

'What was she drinking at the restaurant? What kind of wine did they serve? Or maybe I was not really use to it.'

She closed her eyes for a moment. She rested her head on the wall. She did not even notice her room card fell on the floor.

The elevator stopped; she lifted her head. Looking at what floor she was. It was 7th floor, then she closed her eyes again.

A man stood beside her. Smelling his expensive perfume, she opened her eyes and couldn't help staring onto his face. Seeing him wearing a business suit makes her heart pounder. This person who helped her at the party and at the convenient store too. They met again.

The man turned his face at her and paused. Her eyes focused on the lips.

'His lips were so … yummy! I want to taste it.'

She is feeling... so hot right now. Due to high alcohol intake, her thoughts were wild as she bites her lips. She felt really so hot, her body is so hot. Until she couldn't resist, she grabs his face and kissed his lips.


Lee Moven sensed that Chaya was staring at him. He can smell the alcohol to Chaya. She is drunk again, just as he thought, all of sudden that shocked him. She kissed him. He couldn't refuse he kiss back.

Ding … That was the sound of the elevator door opened. They reach at the 12th floor. Even in such situation they managed to step outside the elevator. They still were kissing towards the room like they were hungry wolves.

Lee Moven let go of Chaya then grabbed her hurriedly. They reached and opened the hotel room. The lights on the room not switched on. He put the hotel card key on side of the door and left it there. He found the light switch and turned it off near the bed. He leaves the light on at the entrance door of the room.

(Not suitable for young readers please be guided)

She was standing nearby as she watches the man turning off the lights. He looks mesmerizing in Chaya's eyes. She couldn't help getting lost in his handsome face and beautiful posture.

Moven reached out, grabs her waist. He carried her onto the bed. He totally loses his mind; it wasn't like him at all. There's something about her that he couldn't control anymore. Sensing their bodies was so uncontrollable.

He continues to kiss her lips, finding their tongues playing inside. Slowly move down to her neck. He unbuttons her blouse, gently removes her bra and throws away. Lingered greedily suck her breast one to another. She moans for more as he kisses every part of her body. He was indeed like a wild beast.


It was a bright light coming from the window, which woke Chaya. It's already morning. It must be really a weird dream last night. This must be they called wet dreams. Dreaming of having sex with a man, she sighed. She is having a hangover due to the alcohol intake last night that caused splitting headache.

She closes her eyes then realized something. She quickly opens her eyes and turn to her right side. She froze with eyes wild open.

'Oh my…! What the hell happened last night?'

She saw a human figure man on her bed, naked. Scanning herself, she was naked too. She quietly removes herself off the bed. Like a thief, slowly grab her clothes and put them on. After successful done, she turned to look at him slept peacefully. Probably due to exhaustion, last night though she was tired too but knowingly she was worried if the man woke and saw her.

It's so embarrassing! What would she say if that would happen? Her mind went blank so she left right there before it's too late. Without expressions or feeling as she reached the elevator and push the ground floor signs. Took a cab when she was rush out from the hotel. She was struggled for that moment.

Meanwhile, Lee Moven's phone rang several times. He opens his eyes; he was alone in the bed. Chaya was already out of sight. It's already 10 o'clock on his watch. His clothes were messy on the floor as he tossed it last night when making love. Making love?

He frowned for a minute and picks his phone that keeps on ringing. It was from his assistant.

"Mr. Lee, your schedule for a meeting today around 1pm in Da Li Hua District." He reminded.

"Okay, pick me up. I'm in the hotel Room 1201 and bring me a clean suit." He ordered and hung up the phone.

In the meantime, Chaya reached their apartment and walk straight to her room. The house was empty just as she predicted. Carl already goes to school at this hour.

She took out her phone from her bag and charged it. She grabbed her towel and went to the bathroom. She washes her body quickly. Wipes it with towel, knowing her waist aches. It must be about the thing they did last night.

Looking herself at the bathroom mirror, there were some kiss marks in her body. It was evidence that she cannot deny.

She put on the clothes and get dressed. She lies down to her bed and continues resting that day. Having terrible headache, she cursed herself again not to drink alcohol anymore no matter how tempting it would be. Too much alcohol will do her bad things just like last night.

She couldn't imagine herself sleeping with a stranger though he met him twice but doesn't even know his name.

"Stupid, really stupid me…"

Even with Carl's father, only once they did it when she too was drunk back then. That's why she got pregnant with Carl. It was her second time doing sexual intercourse.

For 16 years, she's been like a virgin woman. Most of her time was focus and taking care of Carl. She gave up everything even men. Her life was too complicated to have another man. She closed the door for love. Last night was different.

She fell asleep thinking about that man but no longer able to stay awake due to exhaustion.


Lee Moven seated quietly at the back. Exhausted, he laid his head at the back seat of the car. Shutting his eyes close as they drove to Da Li Hua District.

His mind still cannot overcome about what had happen last night with Chaya. Things were too sudden and unplanned but it was the best thing it happens. He didn't notice he smiled.

Her smell, her face, her lips, her everything was totally package. He never felt like this before. Everything about her made him caress more. But then, his thoughts bend.

'How will he approach her? What will he say when they cross each other's path?'

He doesn't know what he should do. They don't know each other. She doesn't know his name, only he knows her. He thinks this is the hardest part than his company's problems. He sighed deeply.

Assistant Tan Joe glanced over the front mirror. His boss was smilingly while resting at the backseat. It seems that something happens last night when he left him.

'What could that be? He even slept at the hotel. Could it be a woman? Did they meet last night?'

He shut his curious mind and concentrates on driving.