Friday morning, I felt like we were in a movie as we walked the halls. Everyone had something to say, either congratulating us on the win, wishing us luck for the next one, or complaining to me about getting walked. I nodded vigorously anytime I heard the third comment. I was just as annoyed.ย
Noah did his part to help Kaylee talk about the softball team and how tonight was their last regular season game. we also heard a lot of apologies. Which was understandable. We wouldn't be able to go either. But Noah still pushed about their playoff game Tuesday. To the point where I was wondering if he was going to have money riding on the game.ย
"Would we even be able to go Tuesday?" I asked. "Wouldn't Coach want us to practice for the finals."
Noah grinned. "I'm liking your confidence. But I'm positive I can convince him to give us at least one day. He would understand. We're all from one school; we've got to support one another."