Chereads / Immortal's Life / Chapter 10 - Levels

Chapter 10 - Levels

It was 4am when Eon wake up from his sleep.

He feel something on his right hand as he look down.

Rebecca was lying in his arm clinging onto him totally naked. She had a peaceful expression on ber face.

It's time for Eon to wake up early in the morning and do his daily workout.

The workout generally included of lifting hevay weight, improving his body flexibility, core strengthening, improving his control over all his ability and increasing his explosive strength and defence.

His training takes upto 4-5 hours daily. He especially train in a heavy-use gravity chamber about 100m radius circular building build especially for him, because normal gravity or any other gravity chamber cannot fullfill his needs and cannot stimulate his potential.

Eon slowly tries to remove his hand, so as not awake Rebecca from her sleep.

"Hmmm.....where are you going soooo early in the morning?".

Rebecca asked Eon as she once again cling on to his arm and now it was with her all strength, she was not willing to let him go.

Eon helplessly lay on his bed as he look at her and stroke her face with his left arm.

"I was about to go for training but postpone it when I heard a kitty purring within my arms".

"You... totally know how to flatter a lady".

"I cannot tell about other ladies but I know how to flatter you".

As Eon said this he started to kiss Rebecca on her neck and from there on they continue there morning exercise.

&@₹**** Few minutes later ****@&&@

Eon stands up from the bed and make his way to the washroom to get fresh for his morning training.

When he comes out he see Rebecca sitting on the bed. As she saw him coming she stands up and with few early morning stretching she comes and stand in front of him.

"Give me some clothes to change, I am also coming for training".

"You want to join me... it's too early for you. You can have a good sleep especially when you work so hard at night".

"Hey don't be so direct to a lady... as for tiredness are you really forgetting who I am".

Rebecca pouts as she glare angrily at Eon who was really amused by her.

"I cannot give you some lady clothes for now so how about use mine for now".

Eon moves toward his wardrobe and remove a set of training clothes which was a neutral gender cloth. Neutral gender are the type of cloth which can be worn by both man and woman and it adjust itself according to the person who is wearing it.

Looking at this Rebecca was thinking something as she ask Eon what's on her mind.

"Do you really wear that for training, if you really did then you fashion sense really sucks".

"Hey my fashion sense is awesome and this here it's for some extra people you know that".

"Yeah I know that some extra girl you think to bring into your house".

Rebecca said nothing and grab the clothes and started changing on the spot.

"You really are full of confidence".

Eon said as he look leechrouly at Rebecca but back down by her firm stare.

Within a minute Rebecca finish changing and started to adjust the cloth.

The black neutral training suit really enhances the curvy body of Rebecca to it's peak.

Eon come and stand behind her back and look at the mirror while hugging Rebecca from behind.

"Are we ready?"

"Yes we are".

As soon as Eon get's a confirmation, he grab Rebecca tightly and with his full speed he dashes toward the training hall. It was like instant teleportation in the novel to anyone who witness this seen. Even Rebecca was not exception she really think that they were teleported to the training hall.

"What's the highest speed you ran ever in life cause the speed you show is something really awesome teach me this"

"Speed was Mach 3 and highest is ever ran is 100 mach sometime and can do much better given time to train. As for teaching you this, who are you kidding with, you saw whole process without blinking an eye, so tell me your top speed".

"Mach 10 and it's the plateau for me i guess, cause my agility is limited with my strength and defence type supernatural body"

"Alliance speed of god in younger generation who is same age as us, have a speed that of 10 mach plus 1 or 2, and due to his has a purely speed type supernatural body and with your types it's mach 5 at best".

"So are you telling me I am a freak or what?"

"No I am telling you that the highest a member of younger generation can do is 10 mach.and it's the body limit for all even for me before we become immortal"

"So you are saying tha... say only immortal can suppass that limit... don't, don't tell me that you have become IMMORTAL!!!".

Looking at Rebecca Eon was little helpless as he nodded. Aside for her only his parents and Jacob knows about him becoming a immortal.

He never tries to hide this fact but never want other to disclose this fact. That's why only a handful of people know about this.

"Well you can also become one as well, supernatural being at age of 20 to 25 is at their peak time and they can become immortal, as a snap of the finger if he know what to do".

"Well that's great teach me how and I will master it".

Not giving a direct answer he said said with a serious tone.

"An ordinary people who wants to become a immortal he has to go through 9 level, which they classified them,

Level 1 Awakening level, here the person awakes his potential.

Level 2 Foundation level, in this they build a foundation.

Level 3 Class level, here starts there actual journey which decide what's the type of Immortals they want to become like mage, warrior, assassins, gunslinger etc.

Level 4, it's again a foundation level for class they have choose.

Level 5, here they come in touch with intermediate level of knowledge about their class.

Level 6, they become powerhouse of some Clans, Sects, Guild or organisation, by learning advance knowledge of their class.

Level 7, in-depth knowledge of class has to get to reach this level and in this level they stabilizes themselves to move on to next level.

Level 8, second awaking take place where they can choose their second class which they want.

It's like a mage can select a subsequent job as warrior if they want to strengthen their body or some other class. They stabilizes here and achieve a epiphany to advance to next class.

Level 9, this stage is the mostly like dream stage of one's life, after a epiphany there body starts to change down to cellular level and who know how long it's takes it's different for different people. But keep this in mind if it takes more time, than you do not have a proper base.

If your base is not enough do not attain any epiphany or you have an incomplete transformation and you have to again do an epiphany till you succeed".

"So you are telling me that to follow ordinary human process along with our supernatural one? what a joke we cannot practice it".

Rebecca listen carefully and said something which was return with a pitiful look.

"You can try that, but it will take you a century to atleast reach level 8"

Rebecca did not take the word Eon was speaking seriously and asked with a amused expression.

"So what is moral of story is?"

"It's simple if you wanna a cheat way of progressing your level than, you have to sacrifice something".

Rebecca look at Eon with a pitiful look with full of sympathy.

"Your story doesn't even had a phrase something like that, this is why you can never court her".

Eon was having a deadpan expression on his face as he ignored her comments and said.

"As your teacher I am against any cheat method, so you have to do lot of hard work".

"Hey it's not fair that you can use the cheat but not me you are just like a cranky old man".

Rebecca now really don't know what to do about this behaviour of Eon who doesn't even know what to talk about and sprout any nonsense.

Suddenly all the suave moment from before vanishes and a serious deadpan expression appears on his face.

"I will tell you don't use any shortcuts or you will regret it and if someone suggested it tell me I will handle him for you".

Now Rebecca realise the extent of seriousness of shortcut, by the expression of Eon and aura he is emitting.

"You can stop now, I will do what you told me to do".

Suddenly all the uncomfortable aura surrounding Eon and Rebecca vanishes.

"Well I will tell you something that make you amaze".

Rebecca was having what can amaze me expression on her face.

"Once a supernatural being become immortal he can cultivate ordinary people cultivation with 5 times sufficiency as that of mortals".