Soon nick had cleared most of the royal palace of the royals he could save with the exception of the throne room. nick decided that the people in the throne room would be able to survive for longer than the people in the other parts of the palace so he focused his attention on the those individuals. unknown to him there was a certain royal observing his every action with their divine sense and that this royal completely agreed with nicks judgement in this assumption. in truth this royal had been observing the entire city since the start of this situation to try and stop it but thanks to the preparations of the secret organization he couldn't lock onto any of the important parts of the technique. unable to directly cancel the technique the royal put a barrier around those in the throne room that kept the technique at bay if only just. needless to say when the royal saw nicks actions throughout the city he was thrilled at the drastic improvement those who share his blood chances of weathering this storm were. the royal was so thrilled with nick that he was planning to reward him with a chance of entering his sect.
Nick finally got around to going to the royal throne room after clearing both of the palaces side rooms and hallways. pushing open the intricate double doors nick is surprised to see that there was a yellow barrier covering the entire room. "am i even needed here?" he couldn't help asking. "hoho quite so little friend." nick heard someone chuckle and say from within the barrier. nick was surprised to hear someone talk to him. "come come we have a few things to discuss." the person said and an opening in the barrier appeared. nick figured it was likely a royal behind the barrier so despite his reservations at how the royal would act he walked through the opening that closed behind him. inside the barrier there were several dozens of royals including a few children who were playing without a care off to the side. most of the royals observed the young man their ancestor said could save them from this situation and were surprised at how ordinary he appeared. to them nick was a handsome and lean built person but besides that he didn't appear extraordinary at all.