The liquid began to boil and hiss as yin yun sank into it letting off a huge amount of steam that was a suspicious gray color. nick quickly deduced that this steam was in fact a type of impurity that was found in weapons. soon all of the steam stopped rising meaning that either there were no more impurities or that the remaining ones couldn't be affected by this "potion" yin yun had soaked herself in. at this point the silver liquid stopped boiling and instead began to condense down becoming thicker and thicker until all that was left in the basin was a silver crystal that encased yin yun. this silver crystal hummed at a certain frequency with a sharp energy that was creating changes in yin yuns details. nick was unaware of this particular detail because the silver hue of the crystal simply blocked his sight. this humming grew quieter and quieter for the nice hour before it became silent. at this point the crystal around yin yun began to grow darker and darker until it was a reflective black similar to obsidian. a resounding crack rang out as a thin line appeared on the crystal followed by a second then a third.
Soon the crystal was covered in thin cracks and with a pulse of energy from inside the crystal yin yun blasted the crystal away from her. it was at this moment that nick got a good look at yin yuns changes. the blade had been shortened slightly as well as became narrower with an additional groove through the middle of it. the guard had changed into a coiling dragon followed by the handle that was a clean scale design that ended with a feathered pommel. all in all yin yuns new form appeared far more elegant than it did previously and that isn't even taking into account the ascended aura coming from her. it was fairly obvious at this point that yin yun had succeed in advancing making her once again useful to nick for reasons other than booze. nick would never openly admit it but the alcohol made by yin yun was the only alcohol that he was willing to drink because every other kind tasted terrible by comparison. with a puff of smoke yin yun turned into her human form which had grown extremely beautiful after her refining with pale smooth skin and perfect bodily portions.
"Looks like you have ascended so congratulations are in order i suppose." nick said with a small smile. "i know right , i look like a supermodel at this point." she said while fondling her now larger breast happily.