Chereads / The Parallel World / Chapter 6 - Making Headway

Chapter 6 - Making Headway

Days went by of Teiran asking around and her staying at his place. He kept going to work and, as long as he kept the fridge and pantry stocked, Sahanah cooked and cleaned. To her it was payment for staying at his place even though he told her she didn't have to.

One day he came home with dinner made per usual. The only difference was he had bad news. Her place was broken in to. The only way he could tell her was up front. He just hoped she did not have anything good to say or he would never get to say it. They had grown quite close over the last few days whether they liked it or not. Like all those dumb shows. They get close then one of the couples has bad news and the other has good news and nothing gets solved. Then he realized, what am I thinking? We aren't even a couple! He shook his head to rid himself of the thought.

As soon as he walked in, the first sense that was assaulted was his smell. She had made another full course meal again. If she kept feeding him this way, he would get fat. But there was no way he could stop once he started. When he walked into the kitchen he noticed she was in a session with Kajite. It was normal since she had no one else to talk to during the day so she conversed with the sword about anything and everything trying to find answers.

She looked up and noticed something was off. "What's wrong? You go first with the bad news and I'll share what news I have. That ought to make things easier. I'm not as thrilled about what I have either." She knew things weren't always sunshine and rainbows in this world but she vowed she would not go back to her original life. Though with the information she has, she really isn't sure if going back to how things were is even possible or if she wants to go back to how it was anyways.

He was surprised by her comment. First, it was what he was thinking no more than a few moments ago. Second, no woman he knew ever wanted to hear bad news first. Though it's not like he ever had good news either. "Fair enough. I stopped by your place just to take a peek at how it was holding up." He paused trying to get the courage to say it. She finished it for him, only slightly shaken. "My home was broken into wasn't it? By everything I have been told, I am not surprised. It was bound to happen. Did you see if anything was taken?"

He lost focus on her as if he was searching something beyond both of their vision. She guessed it was the scene of her home. He finally spoke. "From the looks of things, it seemed whoever was searching didn't find what they were looking for but also was looking very softly. Nothing was overturned or broken except for locks. Papers and clothing were seemingly untouched but I wouldn't really be able to tell either. I saw your place only once when we grabbed your belongings."

She was impressed he could even say as much. She took the most valuable items that her family and Maghenta gave her. None of which, she remembered, he really saw. It must have been some of those items the trespasser was looking for. "Well at least there's some good in that. Nothing important was taken. Still I also have some new information. It's mostly about the past. The one who created Kajite was also the one who was the first to kill an Abruti. She was also from my great-grandparent's time period. That means my lineage is probably a bloody one. Still, I also found out that my parents and grandparents were very powerful. Enough that if they wanted, they could have brought on a new era creating a new caste system or in my parent's case, restored their position as the royal family."

Teiran sat down with a contemplating look pointed at no-where in particular. "That would make sense though. Our people live twice as long as theirs. So two generations for us is like four for the Abruti. If your family had kept marrying and reproducing with other high-class, it would only make sense that you would have turned out just as powerful as them."

She agreed and disagreed with him. It made sense as to why she had the potential to be powerful but the part she didn't agree with was that she was actually powerful.It didn't matter that she was successful on every hunt, no matter how difficult the mission and on her own almost all the time. This was the kind of power that she felt but had no free access to, and talking to Kajite only frustrated her because that seemed to be the extent of her current powers.

"I want to talk to someone from the Hidden about right-of-passage." She stated suddenly. "I think... I don't know, maybe that would answer some of the questions going on in my head. Kajite said there is one for every Hidden at the age of 13 or something but he won't tell me how it happens, what's supposed to happen, or anything."

Teiran thought about who he could get to talk to her. "I have someone in mind, but even I'm not sure if he would be willing to talk to me after all this time. I'll give him a call but there are no guarantees." Sahanah nodded in understanding, stood up and grabbed the food. He got up and helped her and they had dinner. Pork tenderloin, herb seasoned vegetable medley, Cesar salad, and for desert, strawberry shortcake. When they had finished eating and stored the food away for tomorrow's lunch, she made herbal tea while he made the phone call.

"Hey! Yeah, long time no talk. Its been a while, and I'm sorry about that." There was a pause, then Teiran laughs, "Nothing gets past you does it. Yeah, I need a little help. No I'm not in trouble, a friend is. Yes, i have friends. Yes, it is a girl, and no its not because there is a boyfriend involved." there is a slight pause in between his sentences as his friend asks questions and Teiran answers. "Look I just need for us to talk, and I also need you to not freak out when you find out who it is I'm bringing, okay? Thanks, so tonight? Yeah, sounds good. The usual spot then. See ya' soon!" He hangs up the phone, takes a sip of the tea and sighs.

"That went easier than I thought it would. He promised he wouldn't freak out but I get the feeling he will anyways, just because its you." She throws a playful glare at him and he barks a laugh.

"So where do we meet this friend of yours? I don't suppose its the same place where you told me to meet you is it?" She gives him an inquiring look.

"Actually no, it isn't. But its not far from there, and safer for you. Shall we head out? It'll take him a few min to get there, but he's walking. We aren't." She nods in agreement, grabs Kajite and a sweater. He gets ready to swipe Kajite from her but remembers the last time he didn't get permission, "Hey, I think I should carry Kajite when we arrive. We don't want my friend freaking out more than he has to, or coming up with some lame excuse to turn us in like I brought you to kill him."

Sahanah conferred with Kajite. When they came to an agreement, she handed him over to Teiran. They walked out to the car and drove to the meet-up point.