Chereads / I'm in love with my step brother. / Chapter 73 - Chapter 73

Chapter 73 - Chapter 73

Honey's (P.O.V)

I got in Adam's car as he drove me back to the hotel. "How are you feeling?" He asked. "I'm ok I finally got the closure I needed." I murmured lowly. "I'm glad to have finally met your father as well and have his blessings." He babbled. I looked at him sideways. "He may have blessed you but I sure as hell haven't." I barked "Our wedding will be huge junior will be the ring barrier and your father will walk you down the aisle." He smiled like a goof. "Keep dreaming it's not going to happen." I retorted but that idea sounded so cute imagining little junior with a suit and my father walking me down the aisle, I got checked up just thinking of it. "Its going to happen whether you like it or not." He beamed with excitement.

We arrived at my hotel as I stepped out. "Thank you for today." I thanked. "You're not going to invite me in?" He asked with a controlled smirk "Why would I do that?" I frowned. "We still have time don't worry we will share a bed again." He smiled exposing those perfected pearl white teeth. I turned on my feet and walk away I turned around and saw him drive away. I couldn't help smiling I know he was just trying to lift my mood with his teasing and jokes, but it worked, being with him made me feel so much better. Suddenly my rang I rolled my eyes seeing his name. "What is it now?" I answered with a smile plastered on my face. "Can we have lunch later I need to clear some things up with you." He asked. "What do you want to clear up?" I inquired amused. "You will see, can I you pick you up?" He insisted. "No, I can meet you there." I said. "Ok, meet me at town hall around late after noon." He exclaimed. Town hall was the most public place in town it was a huge plaza and always busy. They had great restaurants it wasn't fancy but very popular. I used to visit there a lot when I was young with my father. I hung up with Adam and laid on the bed resting my head. I haven't slept, and I was nor tied. I closed my eyes hoping to get a little shut eye before I met up with Adam

Suddenly Sofia called me in tears. "Honey I'm over I'm done for they took my shares of the company and took Justin away from me." She cried. "Wait slow down what happened?" I questioned. "I went to work this morning and Harry was there they called me into a meeting and tossed me out of the company they said they took all my shares of the company and their lawyer said Steve has full custody of Justin what am I going to do?" She bawled out loud. I couldn't imagine losing my son I know Adam said he would take him, but I know Adam would never do that to me. "Calm down we will figure this out." I consoled. "No, you don't understand they can take anything from me, but they can't take my child away from me I can't live without out him." She cried. "Where are you now?" I asked worried she would harm her self she was crying like she would do something terrible to herself. "I'm home." She answered. "I'm on my way don't do anything until I get there." I drove to her house and walked in. it was completely mess and chaotic all the glass was shattered her beautiful crystal portrait on the wall was smashed to pieces on the floor I looked around searching for her I went to her room and found her sitting in her beauty room floor with a bottle of wine crying as her mascara melted down her cheeks she looked horrible. The woman I envied that was so well kept was not the woman before me. I rushed to her side. "What happened please tell me?" I asked. "My life is over." She mumbled. She was drunk and couldn't even keep a conversation going. "Sofia please get a hold of yourself tell me what happened." I shook her. "It just like I said ok, I went to work and they suddenly said all shares are revoked from me then Harry said I was an unfit mother Justin was a Daniels and deserved to be raised as one." she explained and my heart jumped when she said that Justin was a Daniels meaning he was my first cousin or was he my nephew I was so confused but he was related to me for sure. "Listen to me Sofia I'm doing my own mission at revenge this mission is different from your revenge missions. this one is much bigger and more dangerous." I explained, and she just stared at me. "What kind of mission is it?" She asked. "I'm taking down the Daniel's family." I answered, and her eyes grew wide. "What?! Are you nuts do you know how powerful they are?" She shouted. "I know they are, and I'm prepared for it."

"But why? what have they done to you? It should just be Stephanie not the whole family." She commented. "I just found out something interesting and I know this will sound crazy but I'm also a Daniels." I looked at her waiting for her reaction, but she started at me with a black expression. "I know." She simply said. "You do?... How?" I asked shocked. "Your name is also Daniels duh I mean Daniels is a very common name there are a lot of people with the same surname." She stated, and I just slapped my forehead and shook my head she didn't get what I was implying. "No Sofia I mean I'm related to them Harry is my uncle and Devon, Steve even Stephanie are my cousins." She looked shocked as if a light bulb lit in her head. "No way are you sure?" She asked. "Yes, I just found out last night." I said and ended up telling her the whole story from start to finish. "Oh my God Honey this is crazy is this true Harry would do that to his own family." Said with a panicky voice. "Its all true my father has confirmed it as well." I continued, and she sat there lost in thought. "Will you join me in taking back Mystro and your Justin from those people?" I asked her she glared at me terrified of what to say. "Sofia you can't just sit around sobbing and let them take your son, you need to fight back." I urged. she pinched her lips together and nodded slowly. I was slowly pulling her in I just needed the final tug. "Steve will probably end up marrying some bimbo like Rose how do you think she will treat little Justin knowing he is yours." I recalled. And I could see the anger rise with in her. "There's no way I'm letting a bitch near my son I'm in I'm taking my baby back." She stood up with determination.

I smiled at her resoluteness. I wanted to help her get Justin back I couldn't ever watch her suffer without her child. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. We both looked at each other in surprise. "Were you expecting anyone." I asked. Sofia shook her head. We went down as Sofia opened the door and there were a few people wearing suits stood before us. "Miss Sofia Marshall please vacate the premises this house is now the property of the bank and for closure." The woman said began and Sofia trembled in shock. "No this is my house I own it." She snapped. "I'm sorry but you have not made a payment in years." The woman exposed. "What are you talking about this house is paid in full the day I moved in this is ridiculous." Sofia shouted. "Please calm down I'm just doing my job I have record and it clearly states you have not paid please pack your belongings, but you are not to touch any furniture as it is also the property of the back." The woman explained as the men walked in and started removing all the furniture in the house. "You can't do this this is my stuff put It down before I sue you all!" Sofia shouted menacingly chasing after the men that tried to lift the sofa. "Ma'am you can be arrested if you fail to cooperate with us." The woman threatened. "Call the cops bitch this is my house!" She screamed. "The woman pulled out her phone as she was about to make a call. "Wait please don't call the police we will leave." I declared grabbing Sofia and pulling her away from the men. "Honey let go of me this is my house I paid for it they can't take it away." She fumed and fell to the floor crying. I felt terrible and helpless I couldn't help her even if I tried. "Let's get your things." I said as I pulled her towards her room and closed the door. "This is there doing I know they are trying to destroy me...I've paid for this house Honey believe me." She sobbed. "I she snarled with rage. "I know, I believe you.. they definitely had something to do with this so remember our plan and don't make a scene how will you get Justin back if you are locked behind bars." I reminded her. she looked at me wiping her tears "Your right I need to get a hold of my self." She said with conviction. "let's take them down." She stated. We packed up her clothes and left the house we went back to my hotel as Sofia tried to check in. "I'm sorry but your credit card was declined." the front seat attended said. "How is that possible?" She asked and tried a few more cards but they were all declined. "How is this happening all of them should be full how are they declined?" She scoffed. She called the credit card company only to find out all money she had in her accounts have been moved. "But that's my money!" She screamed over the phone. "Sofia don't worry I will pay for the hotel." I assured her. "No Honey how can they take my money I worked for it." She cried. I knew they were trying to break her by taking everything she owned. "Don't worry let's get you settled then figure this out." I suggested. She agreed as I paid for her room and made sure it was next to mine. I got her got in her room and then Adam called me. "Are you on your way?" He asked. "Yes, I will be there shortly." I replied as I hung up. I took Sofia with me I couldn't leave her alone she wasn't in a right state of mind to be alone. We got outside and noticed a tow truck hooking up her car to his truck. We quickly ran over to see what was going on. "Wait that's my car what are too doing?" Sofia shouted. "This car is being repossessed please step back." The man said to her. "Why is that? I paid for this car." She shouted as her face turned red and veins popped out on her neck. "No, you haven't now move." He pushed her aside and stepped into his truck" you can't do this!" She screamed. But he ignored her and started the truck engine "Next time make your payments." He called out before driving off. This was her breaking point they took everything from her. She dropped on her knees and cried. "Sofia don't cry this isn't the end." I consoled. "What more can they take from me?" She cried.

"Everything they did to us they will get back ten-fold." I said to her as I helped her up. I escorted her to my car and we drove off. "I need to call Devon." She quickly dialed in her phone and placed it against her ear. I could hear his voice as her phone volume was so loud. "what is it?" he answered. "Devon they took my house my car and all my credit cards are declined why is this happening?" she asked. "maybe you should have thought of it before leaking important information to our rival companies." He accused. "what are you talking about I haven't leaked anything who said I did?" stressed. "I'm disappointed in you Sofia you have crossed the line." He said, and Sofia kept screaming in the phone. "Devon I've known you for years how you could believe I'm capable of such acts." She pleaded. "goodbye we are now strangers do not call me anymore." He ended, and the call was dropped. She sat back dumfounded with mixed emotions of anger and sadness. "Don't worry just be a little patient." I said noticing her absent mind. She nodded and kept quiet. I felt bad for her she was a ticking bomb ready to go off any minute. How cruel could Steve be to do this to the mother of his child. Or maybe this was all Harry's doing? Steve was too stupid to pull anything off. "Where are we going?" She asked. "I'm meeting Adam he needs to speak with me." I explained. "Who's Adam?" She asked. "My ex juniors' father." I explained. "You mean Dark Scorpion? His name Adam?" She asked. And I nodded. "Adam...cute name it suites him I guess" She mumbled to herself. "Why are you meeting are you getting back with him?" She asked. "No, he said he wanted to clear something up." I explained.

We arrived at Town Hall plaza and made our way to the restaurant Adam directed. we entered the doors and we were escorted to a private room as we walked in I noticed Adam Scarlett and Robyn sitting in the room. Robyn sat at the end of the large table and Scarlett was sitting next to Adam hugging his arm. As soon as they laid eyes on us Scarlett and Robyn both frowned. Adam stood up pulling away from Scarlett's grip. "Honey please have a seat." He said as Sofia and I sat down at the far end of the table away from them. "What is the meaning of this meeting Adam?" Robyn raised an eye brow at me with attitude. "I've called you all here to clear the air and to make sure everyone here is on the same page." He announced we all looked at him with anticipation w