In sentinel service truck near a orphanage in atlanta.
Team Leader: Okay boys and girls when go in there when go in quick and strong, the mutant in there is know to have some kind of telekinesis so we use flashbangs and concussions to stun him then we shoot him with the tranqs and slap on the collar. Got it!?
Team: Yes sir!
Team Leader: Alright! Stack up on the doors!
Getting in to position at the door of the orphanage, the sentinel team gets ready to enter.
Sentinel Leader: Alright. 1,2,3 now!
Before they got to do anything the door gets blow off it's henge's.
Teen:[leave me alone and I'll leave.]
Team Leader: Shit! He's a telepath! Switch to~ ahh!!
Before he could finish the agent and the rest of his team was was attacked with a headache bringing them to their knees.
Teen: Haaaah! Why couldn't you just leave me alone? I told them I would leave... People are idiots and maybe the kree and the skrull too. Yeah they're idiots.
Said a dark blue haired and orange coloured eyed teen.
Teen: Now where am I going to go?
As the teen said that to himself, a tall native american man with shoulder length black hair who could probably choke out a grown man with his pinkie finger show's up.
Man: Hey, you do this?
Teen: Yeah, they're leader was planning on trying to shoot me dead.
Man: Oh, well umm do you have anywhere to go? Cause I you don't you can come with me until you decide what you want to do.
Teen:.... You do realize I am at an orphanage meaning I'm an~.
Man: Right, I'm sorry... So do you?
Teen: it's cool and yeah that's cool.
Man: Alright let's go!
Following the man into a alleyway teen soon sees a van with two other people inside.
Teen: Really a pedo van?
Man: Ha, funny come on.
Teen: I know I am.
Hopping into the van teen gets a closer look at the other two inside and one is a hispanic man with short black hair and a beard and the other is a pale caucasian woman with long green hair.
Woman: Alright you two buckled in?
Teen: there's buckle's back here?
Man #2: Nope, so just hold on.
Teen: I'll be fine one of my mutant powers is magnetism.
Woman: Really? Me too! Look.
Taking some change from the cup holder into one hand, she makes her hand glow green making the coins levitate above her palm.
Teen: Cool. But have you ever make a car float?
Woman: Only on multiple occasions.
Teen: Yeah? Like whose?
Woman: Mostly pricks who get on my nerves.
Teen: Hahaha. I got I remember one time this guy nearly ran me over and then had the audacity to get mad me so. I popped off the tires and made all his windows shatter.
Woman: Oh~ that's a good one but next time you should-.
Man: as much as I love to hear about you to destroying stuff how about we introduce ourselves?
Teen: Alright I'll go first. My name is Lance and my mutant powers are magnetism, telepathy, and I can make the area around my body vibrate and shoot vibration's and... I can do other things, but I can't tell you that until I trust you.
John: Well that's fine, everyone is entitled to their secrets and my name is john, our driver name is Marcos and in the passenger seat is lorna.
Lance: Nice to meet ya. So where we going now?
Lorna: We're going back to our secret hideout for mutants.
Lance: Seriously? So what, you guys the new X-men or something?
Marcos: Yes and no, we're apart of the X-men but we're not the X-men. Something like a sub division.
Lance: I see. That's something.
John: What, don't like the X-men?
Lance: No more like they're goal of getting people to peacefully accept mutants was wishful thinking. But don't get me wrong, they helped a lot when it came down to helping taking down dangerous criminal mutants and guiding and sheltering mutants who were abandoned or had no control over they're powers. But for charles to think that people would just except us for what we are just like that, because we just want to live our lives is dumb. I mean how long did it take for slavery to be abolished and segregation to be nonexistent? And he wants people to just accept people who could kill them in a instant? No it doesn't work that way.
John: You make an solid argument, but you forget for most people back then the abolishment of slavery was wishful thinking. But now look at what we have now, sure it took more than a hundred years but it still happend in the end.
Lance: Yeah but how many had too die in the process?! Too fucking much! Fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, kids, dead! And that was because a difference in skin color, what do think they'll do about us?
After saying what he said the rest of the car ride was silent until they go to the hideout in the woods.
Lorna: Hey I'll show you to your room.
Lance: Alright lead the was sis.
Lorna: Sis?
Lance: Yeah well hour the only other person I know with powers like mine and I never had family so... I just wanted to pretend it's fine if you don't want me to. Sorry.
Lorna: I didn't say I was mad or anything, I just wanted to know why ya called me sis and plus I never had a little brother so I guess we're both gonna be pretending.
Hearing what she said Lance's eye started to slightly water.
Lance:... Thank you.
Lance: Ok so this is lance and right now I here to tell all of you readers a bit about myself and how ii came to the marvel Universe. 1: I died, I know shocking right? As for how I died..... That's gonna be a secret for now. 2: I met the one above all and he sent me here with the powers I have now and before you get any ideas I can't tell you my other powers because this fucking author will go MIA again.
Author: I won't I'll just rewrite you in twilight as Bella.
Lance: Please forgive me!!!
Author: Humph!
Lance: Haaaah! Where was I? Oh yeah so ii have other powers and I-
Author: Don't say it!
Lance: What? Why!!
Author: They need to read and find out dumbass!!!
Lance:... Haaaah! Well sorry guys I told as much as I could hour just gonna have to find out so until then..... Bye!!!