Deep within Domoor lies a nameless rural village. The small village and its community live in harmony. It is surrounded by tall mountains, vast grassland and an endless river. Vegetation of wheat and various vegetables and herbs grew tremendously. The seemingly picture perfect lifestyle of an autarky-like village prospered with little knowledge of the on goings in their vast country. Little did they know that their lives would shift drastically without notice. In particular, the life of a young girl who has yet to begin her unparalleled journey.
"Hana! Come inside now, it's getting dark."
A petite girl comes rushing into the wooden house. Her eyes are a golden hazel fueled with innocence. Accompanied with dark brown, shoulder length hair, and beauty which is rapidly growing as she ages. She looks up towards her mother and reaches with both her hands, gesturing to be picked up. Her mother naturally lifts her onto her lap. Hana speaks, "Mama, Mama! I found this arrow on the ground. I think big brother Shou had dropped it!"
Her mother sighs, takes the arrow cautiously and speaks to herself. 'I swear I told that boy to clean up after he practices.' She looks down towards her precious daughter who is sitting on her lap. "Hunny, I've told you to stay away from these things. Women are not meant to participate in combat activities. You need to begin to learn the basic skills such as cleaning and cooking. You are turning 6 in a month, and this is when you'll begin to help me with harder chores. Additionally, you will be able to expand your medicinal studies."
Hana looks up at her mother bitterly. She has always idolized her brother and wished to be skilled in both swordsmanship and archery in order to join the army, where her brother is soon to depart to. However, her mother believes otherwise and wishes for her to pursue medicine. Despite this, she calmly conforms to her mothers wishes with a doubtful reply, "Yes mama, I will do my best to help you and learn medicine".
Her mother smiles and sees through her daughters conformity. She only wishes for her daughter to be safe. Besides, no one has heard of a female joining the army before.
A voice enters the room abruptly, "Mother! I'm home". Shou smiles at his mother and then turn to his sister who leaps towards him. "You're finally home!"
He looks towards his sister and places a gentle kiss on her forehead. This is followed by a gentle hug and reply next to her ear, "I miss you too Hana."